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Posts posted by Ramble

  1. i'm going devils advocate on this one.


    Charlied...how do you know you're not just filling your tank up to a higher level by going slowly? Sometime maybe you should try filling it up from a 1/4 tank slow and see how many liters you put in it, then the next time fill it up fast and see how many liters you put in it.


    As far as poring it slowly goes.....wont a volume of fluid being poured out a small hole have more surface area then a large hole? As well wont the gas in the tank have a larger surface area longer? Both would increase the amount evaporated if surface area is increased.


    How much temperature fluxuation do you think occurs in those tanks?? Even in the winter the frost line is only a few feet, the ground is an excellent insulator...Who remembers root cellars??? Not to mention the length of time it would take to change the temperature of a liquid of these volumes



    You want to save money on gas buy a hybrid. I'm pretty sure there is a bit a of a tax break on them...



  2. I'm a member, and some of the stuff i read makes me wanna pull my hair out from time to time. With all groups it's very important to remember what their bottom line is. For the OFAH everything revolves around angling and hunting opportunities. They often put an environmental spin on things....or should i say they EMPHASIZE the environmental side of what they do. But the environmental benefit is only a by-product of improving habitat for fishing and hunting. If you pay attention to what they are arguing for you'll understand what i mean.


    Most of the stuff i read that makes me grumble to myself occur in the Members Section which comes in each issue. I could spare myself the stress and simply not be a member, but they do quite a bit of positive work which i do agree with and i like keep an eye on them lol.


    Richyb it definatly sounds like that you were talking to a telemarketer they hired.



    BramptonJerry community groups are all linked together in some way. Most fishing/hunting clubs are directly benifited by the OFAH, but the OFAH itself is linked to many other organisations....something like a cob-web effect. If it makes you feel better the OFAH isn't in the middle of the cob-web, they are a spot or 2 away from it. Funds are shifted throughout the web and trickle down into these clubs. Im just learning about this community group relation stuff this year....you'd be amazed at who is affilated with who.



  3. i bought a gore-tex jacket, unlined about 2-3 years ago from BPS. It was on sale $50. Best $50 i've ever spent. On cold days it fits over my cold weather coat and 2 sweaters lol. Definatly go with bib pants in my opinion. Im really hard on pants so i by the ruberised viking pants. BUT they have got to be bibs. There isn't a single guide at our lodge who wears the non-bib kind.



  4. Hmmmm good question. most of the lures i buy are versions of old stand-bys that already work well. One of the biggest improvements ive seen in the last few years is in the buzz bait dept. Some of them have a piece of wire from the hook to the weighted body.....i have fewer fish throw these the ther regular ones. Twin prop baits have been a around the block, but they still run straighter then the new single props.


    That's the 1st one that comes to mind. If any of you work for a lure company TELL them to market more buzz baits with flexable hooks....i have a hell of a time finding them.



  5. Bass rods generally need a little more backbone for hauling them outa the thick stuff. Bass also tend to slam whatever it is they are after. A more senstive rod is key for walleye so you can see/feel any light pick-ups or taps. It also is critical when driftin to "feel" bottom. Some walleye rods i've used allowed you to feel every stone on the bottom. Also with walleye most of the time they are in more open water, so you can let them run around a little more. A time or 2 ive used heavy rods for walleye and you definatly get a lot less "information" from the rod.


    Anyway that's my 2 cents.



  6. Lew, I totally feel your pain when it comes to the music in some of those shows... Last time i hooked into a fish i dont remember a guitar solo climaxing when the fish got to the boat! Someone should tell them to save their money and take the music out.



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