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Posts posted by Ramble

  1. I really do prefer barbless hooks, or at least less hooks. Three sets of trebles on a lure ...."annoys me" shall we say. At the lodge its a single barbless policy, sure we loose fish due to the barbless, BUT technique is everything, you have to keep the pressure on at ALL costs. Bass fishing i went to barbless, then back to barbed hooks. With all the jumping they tossed so man baits it was unreal.


    I like using inline spinners for certain species and all of those i have are single some barbless. I fish lakers twice a year, those i intend to keep, so i use barbs their as well.


    My williams spoons are mostly single hooks. They take a 3 inch grub so much better and the action is incredible.


    Any lure with 3 sets of trebles quickly becomes 2 sets, and i still glare at the 2 remaining clusters of trouble.


    Barbless lures have their place, but so do barbed lures. A better question might me SINGLE or TREBLES?


    As for handling i pride myself with knowing my trouphies still swim. I handle them with respect and they are out of the water as little as possible. Even most of my bass get a 2 hand hold. As my Limno teacher at fleming once said "A bass was NOT ment to support its entire body weight on its lower jaw." He has a point. Big fish dont respond well to verticle holds well. SO i dont do it. How you handle a fish is more inportant then that hooks you are using in my books.



  2. I've been tryin to respond to your PM for the last couple days. It says you arn't a member? So i'm horribly confused here, cause your info comes up when i click your name. Email me if your inbox is FUBAR.


    dreddick AT kos DOT net


    The rest of you lurkers please don't sign me up for any clown on monkey gang bangs or Conservative party news letters. I view both with equal contempt. :whistling:


  3. Education!

    You can be a fishing guide in the summer, and still get in a spring bear season in Sask or another province if your after the hunting aspect. All the while doing the schooling thing. You can always guide next year, lodges will still be looking for guides.



  4. It is the same fish as my avatar... there is some good photo's of that fish that Lonnie hasn't released yet. If i see them in the mag anytime ill let you know. It was a 44" fish. A few times i have seen pike articles with Kesagami fish in them.


    Anyway here is a link if you want to see more pictures of my pretty face, and another big Kesgami Northern Gord Pyzer caught.





  5. i have a scanned copy if you want it lol.


    I should also be on fishin' canada sometime, and in a couple other mag's as well. I'm also online in a few places lol. It's all Kesagami related. Except for my exploits here lol


    Oh and Scuro....flattery will get you EVERYWHERE lololol.



  6. Well my friend, you have set the bar a notch higher yet again. I hope i can pull off something half as awesome with the K-Sawg Report which is brewing in my mind. I'm not sure really sure what else i can say. It was a well rounded report. More writting needs to have depth to it like your reports. Good story telling is a dying art in todays world, but by God it's not dead yet!


    The quote "If you take a guy to a place where the environment wraps around him, the inner ego lets go and he can become a part of the land" hit a personal chord with me. Usually it takes me about a month to get "back to reality" after i get out of the north and i could never put into words why.....that is why.



    Keep up the good work Duuuude.



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