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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Anything that gets left outside either on the ground or on the patio table is fair game for my mut. Anything from hats to metal barbeque utensils to meat thermometers, paper, socks... pretty much anything. But I could leave a sandwich on the coffee table inside all day and she wouldn't touch it though!


    Good to know the dog is OK now. You'd almost think they were built to do stupid stuff like that!

  2. Anyone know anything about this place? I was driving out to some job sites yesterday and decided to take the backroads back to the office and came across this place out of the blue. It's just outside of Horning's Mills, north of Shelburne. I'd never heard of it before and it doesn't look like much. A couple swampy ponds and what looks like a mill pond according to some aerial photography, along with some small creeks in and around them. Fish on-line doesn't list any species or stocking, but it wouldn't be the only pond I know of that the MNR stocks that isn't listed on the website. If it actually is on the Pine River I'd assume salmon and steelhead get in there somehow?


    Any information is appreciated.





    Unfortunately, at 65 I've seen the " fringe " become the norm 10/20 years down the road too many times in my lifetime to even take a single step down that road anymore. We must be vigilante and united as fishermen , hunters, trappers and shooting sports enthusiasts and stop being divided and our own worst enemy , throwing one another under the bus. If we do not stand together we will fall individually.


    Sure, but you didn't answer my original question(s). What is this changing? Just because they support it doesn't mean we have to oppose it. I think it's a good thing. I'm all for animal welfare and ethical treatment of animals. Just because they're on a farm or going to be eaten doesn't mean we get to torture them or abuse them. Opposing this bill is essentially saying that you're OK with animal abuse. I don't think that is what hunters and anglers want to be associated with, lest we want the general public against us too.


    The other key component to this is the words "brutally or viciously". I'm not sure how the law defines those two words, but I can't imagine stunning the fish with a blow to the head or putting it on ice would be considered either of those two things. Filleting it as soon as it comes out of the water while it's still alive, probably.

  4. Wait... hold on. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is this implying that animal cruelty legislation that's already on the books has no law against killing animals? You say hooking a worm is part of the offence, but if I swat a fly and don't kill it immediately I could be looking at a fine and jail time? Spraying crops with pesticide, or government forces fumigating against emerald ash borer or mosquitoes? Gassing is a war crime. What is this mass genocide perpetrated by our government going to be viewed as?


    I find it more than a little amusing how terrified some of you are at fringe "animal rights" groups.

  5. Only thing I can say is the best time to spend is while in a recession. If past history repeats the economy WILL rebound. If someone suggested running up a deficit while the economy was booming they'd be in for an awful surprise, which is what I think happened here in Ontario. As quickly as things can look up they'll end up going the other way. Even an entry level economist can make numbers dance to whatever drum they feel. If TD wants to tell us we're heading for collapse they'll have one of their economists tell us we're headed for collapse. If a bank wants it's people to spend money they'll put out a report that everything is peachy and everyone should spend like drunken sailors. I think TD is tired of low interest rates and people hording money.

  6. o'Leary is our Donald Trump, not in the political way, that up for another debate. But both are a lot smarter about money and business than any one of us, its why they are in the positions they are in.

    I would like to take this opportunity to vehemently disagree with that. There's no way a man (Trump) who inherited hundred of millions of dollars and has declared bankruptcy multiple times knows any more than your average house cat about money. I've heard said by some people who actually are smart about money that if he had simply sat on his inheritance that he'd be better off today than he actually is.


    And Kevin O'Leary is a blowhard who likes to talk a big game. I think a lot of people over-estimate how much he's actually worth. He was probably the least wealthy of all the dragons on Dragon's Den.


    I'm not saying he's wrong about what he wrote in that open letter, but I think if anyone one of us on this forum sat down for a little while we could have formulated that letter. He's not saying anything revolutionary or anything we don't already know.

  7. Good letter Kevin but you are still an idiot.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.


    What a clown.


    O'Leary saw that orange-coloured blowhard south of the border getting attention and figured he deserved some himself. I think the voters here are a little smarter than to fall for that though. Either way hes not racist enough.

  8. I don't think any drug, illegal or legal, of any kind can be good for developing minds and bodies. Hell, most drugs are bad for you no matter how old you are. And yes, most of that is just a gut feel on the situation and mostly my opinion. That said, legal drinking age should be old enough for this. Let's not complicate things.


    And as for the black market... It'd have to be substantially cheaper on the black market for people to avoid the legal stuff. I'm not sure how many of you frequent your local pot dealer, but most I've come across I'd want to avoid like the plague. There's a good chance some of them have the plague lol.

  9. We learned a long time ago it does not benefit the board to chop it up into little compartments. We have separated it to an extent for the specialty things but past that we have asked people to just put NF Not Fishing at the header.On a brighter note we will be past winternet early this year and the fishing stories will flow again.



    Do you promise? I'm going through withdrawl. I just keep going to outdoor stores and buying stuff I don't need and scouring YouTube for fishing shows I haven't watched yet.


    You probably know better than me, but a fishing section and an "off-topic" section couldn't hurt. All you need is two.

  10. And wait till 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and more sure fire tackle to come that will make 16 stuff obsolete. Keep buying you dopes. Once my hooks from my 1973 F10 Black and Silver Rapps rust off and the lips are broken and won't take anymore Guerilla Glue I'll buy new used ones at the swap meet in Hamilton. Or I will put the gleep on a few of my fishing buddies because they never use them an they have a JY Yamamatsu 4D 719 Jerk Hammer Dive Slash Power Scented Nuclear Bait that they paid 17 bucks for and they saw Izumi hammer them on TV Saturday morning.


    Believe it or not I don't have a Whacky Rig, yet. If the fish hit I'll stay with the 3 green garbage bags of plastic I have never used. Give me a Silver and Black F5 in Spring and a F10 Rappala in Summer and Fall and I'll show you a fish.

    F10. What's that supposed to be, old man? lol


    I'll agree though, the original in a long line of anything is usually the best or near the best for a reason. Too many bells and whistles usually do nothing but raise the price. But they need to come out with something new every year to please the shareholders (note: I have no idea if Rapala is a publicly traded company)

  11. The only reason the conservatives haven't been elected in ontario is because they keep shooting themselves in the foot. I have no idea why John Tory wasn't elected last time he ran though. Now the next guy the conservatives want to run against the Ontario Liberals is as backwards as the latest crop of Republicans south of the border. It's like they don't want to win.

  12. e) he's clearly the leader and heartbeat of this team, can always rally the troops be it with his words or actions, how can you justify tulo getting 16 mill and tell bautista "sorry buckaroo"

    Because if Tulo is on he could be in the conversation for MVP next year. I'm not sure Bautista has it in him to be that good. And if he's asking for $150 over 5, quick math says he's looking for almost twice the salary Tulo is making.


    If Bautista thinks the Jays will pay him anything north of $20 million per to close out his career he is sadly mistaken. Good luck elsewhere.

  13. Gotta love the ever pessimistic Toronto sports fan... The sky is falling, these guys in the front office are new and I don't like them, our star is (rumoured to be) asking for way too much for a contract extension...


    Let's try some positives here:


    Offence: Do I really need to go through the list? 1 through 9 there are very few holes. The most you would get are 2 on days when Dickey is pitching and Thole would have to catch and bat 9th. And that's only until Travis comes back in May and Goins is playing 2nd. No leadoff hitter? What do you want out of a leadoff hitter, someone with speed? Why? when the 2-3-4 hitters combine for 120+ homeruns being able to steal a base is kind of a moot point. Just put Pillar there and be done with it.


    Defence: On a day to day basis, Price did not win all those games in August and September. The defence did. Remember up until the trade deadline when we had Colabello playing left field and we had Reyes playing shortstop and pulling up on playable balls or letting slow rollers go between his legs? I seem to remember two legitimate position players coming in to fill those holes late in the year... hmm. Now, of course, one of them is gone, but when healthy, Saunders is more than serviceable in left. He'll get to just as many balls as Revere did by taking good routes and not relying on his speed to make up for not knowing where the ball is hit. The most under-rated, under-appreciated aspect of this team is the stellar defence. Martin, Smoak, Goins, Donaldson, Tulowitzki, Pillar, Saunders, Bautista. Which one of those guys isn't an above average to elite defender. Bautista is the only one who might be the hole, and he's hidden out in right field. Defence makes your pitching staff better.


    Pitching: Yes, if Stroman and Estrada lay eggs the team is done. But if they're average or a little above average, this team will outscore a lot of teams on a regular basis. I'd be happy with one more arm too, but there were glimpses last year that Stroman was the true ace on this staff. Better than Price. In big games who was on the hill? Who clinched the playoff birth against the Yankees? Who started game 5 of the ALDS? Who laid an egg when there was a real game on the line, and not just another game in mid August? And there's another guy, Hutchison, who is due to break out.


    Bullpen: If you want to be totally negative about it there is reason to believe theres a good chance Osuna might have a sophomore regression. But remember, this kid's been playing pro ball since he was 16. And don't under-rate the addition of Storen. He was a legitimate closer in Washington until Papelbon came around. If Sanchez gets put back in the pen, we then have Sanchez, Cecil, Storen and Osuna for late inning situations. All the starters need to do is get out of the 6th or 7th and we can shut it down much the same way KC did last year.


    There is no need to think there's going to be a fire sale at the end of July. This team is going to be contending or be up 3-4 games in the east by the all star break. Give me a reason to think any of the other teams in the east are better overall teams.


    As for Bautista and Encarnacion, this is going to be their victory lap in TO. There is reason to believe the National League is going to institute the DH rule next year. If that's the case, these two are likely going to fetch a pretty penny from probably about 12 NL teams who are desperate for a guy to DH. But the Jays cannot afford to have their team turn into the Phillies where we pay way too much for over the hill has beens. I hope they both have great years and go out on top and get paid billions of dollars next year. Their tenure is coming to an end. Like I said earlier, it's time to pass the baton.


    My prediction: The Jays win the East by 5 games this year. To all you pessimists, see you in August when you want to jump on the bandwagon again.


    edit: I don't know why I'm convinced I need to write novels every time this topic comes up. I guess I'm just passionate lol.

  14. I appreciate your point of view and willingness to share it, but Hitler's rise is not analogous to the rise of ISIS (in my opinion).


    The Third Reich was a state actor, with a state army and the support of millions of Germans. Their fervor was nationalistic, and they had significant manufacturing and logistics capabilities, which are needed to support an army.


    ISIS is a cult, not a state actor. Their "army" is not a threat to any real state armies in the area. They do not have the funds or the economic and industrial bases to support a sustained war effort. They are geographically contained to a small area, with little to no capability to expand their territory, despite the fact that real might and determination has not even been brought to bear on them yet.


    I just don't see these two situations as comparable.

    I mostly agree, but the Nazis came from something too. They didn't just spring up out of the ground overnight. And if you want to be real technical about it, it can easily be argued the Nazi party was born out of oppression and a thirst for revenge against Germany after WWI. ISIS wants to become the Nazi party. They call themselves the Islamic STATE for a reason. It's not really that far fetched, IMO. But the key difference is the Nazis didn't start with behedings before they had significant support. And even then, without Googling statistics I'm pretty sure the Nazis never had more than a third of support among voters in Germany at their height. Still millions of people, but not a majority by any stretch.

  15. Hockey is loosing fans from the people I talk too.

    A friend of mine used to work at Sportsnet and can confirm this. I say used to because he was recently laid off. Seems the $5 billion they spent on the hockey rights have gotten them very little in return. I bet they're thanking every god there is that the Jays are still relevant.

  16. If there was one guy on the Blue Jays who could make fans sympathetic to the new management it would be Bautista. I love him and want him on my team, but he has to be the biggest, most arrogant dude in Toronto. If the rumours about what he's demanding are true, he's delusional. I hope he has another career year, but if his age starts catching up to him and he regresses, it would be nothing but sweet, sweet irony in my mind. No one will give a 36 year old late bloomer $30 mil per for 5 years! The Jays took a huge gamble on him when they signed him before, so neither side owes anyone anything. If he thinks it has something to do with Rogers valuations he is smoking crack. The paydays players get has nothing to do with how well the owner is doing, it's what the market will bear. If he wants a massive raise and no one is stupid enough to pay him, well it's his loss only.


    Truthfully though, I think the number that's been floated around is ludicrous and he's smarter than that. He wants to play and get paid as much as anyone else. If anything he's given a firm number and it will help in deciding who to sign between Bautista and Encarnacion since EE's camp has given the end of spring training ultimatum. That's what I hope has happened, but of course the media and fans will try to spin it so there's a good guy and a bad guy somewhere. I'm no fan of Rogers either, but the ball team is a plaything to them the same as any other owner. The players will get paid exactly as much as they're worth. They didn't over pay for Price and they won't over pay for Bautista, either.


    Best case situation is he is allowed to walk at the end of the year, they give him a qualifying offer and he comes crawling back like Davis did with the Orioles after a long off-season. 2nd best is they get draft pick compensation.


    The torch is getting set to be passed on to the the next generation of players here. This is quickly becoming Martin's, Donaldson's and Tulowitzki's team, with a lot of nice young talent waiting in the wings. It's been fun EE and JB, but the party's almost over.

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