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Posts posted by netminder

  1. I apologize for making what was probably a fairly personal attack. I don't know you personally, but I get really tired of hearing "what's wrong with kids these days?" it's pretty tough to blame someone for living as they've been taught or as they figure is acceptable in a world they've inherited. It wasnt kids who invented, popularized or even bought (most likely) the phones you can't stand seeing them on all the time. You can hardly blame most people for not wanting to take a menial job when they've been told they should expect a $60,000 job right out of school, and doing a job search these days for a decent career type job is a full time job of its own.


    Again, I probably should stop talk this personally. But we were not the ones who determined what our expectations should be, told us we're all special, or gave us participation trophies. We didn't demand to be coddled or have everything handed to us on a platter. But let's be honest, we do have it easier than you did in a lot of respects, just like you had it easier than your parents. Society changes and evolves.


    Maybe you should hire a Mexican :)

  2. There are many places in the Durham area that stock speckled trout. It may be a bit of a zoo between the lower and middle dam but if you can bunt your way in there I'd recommend floating a worm or a small spinner with a bit of worm meat on it. The Holstein Mill dam is stocked too, below the dam I believe. Also the Allan Park Pond. If you're looking for "resident" browns try the stretch behind the ball diamonds in Durham.

  3. What is it with parents these days, is what I'd like to ask.


    Truthfully, there isn't much incentive to take a job seriously that you're only going to be able to do for a few hours a week at $15/hour, especially when a lot of young people are still living at home because they can't afford the cost of living these days. And how do you know the time they spend on their phones isn't trying to line up the next $15 job so they can afford more than a sub and bag of chips from subway today?


    As for the guy staining your deck, of course the other guys would have undercut him after the fact, but I think that's on you for not shopping around.


    As for your son... See my first line above.


    I wonder what 70 year olds were saying about "kids these days" when you were in your 20's.


    Don't worry, I already know I'll be like you when I'm your age. I already am for the most part.


    they are well known for the patience at the plate!

    Except there have been times when they were just simply missing it. The guys not named Donaldson, Bautista and Encarnacion need to get more aggressive against fastballs. I know it sounds a lot easier said than done, but the games real simple when you lay off the breaking ball and swing at the fastball. Everyone on that team needs to become good fastball hitters, like yesterday.



    Well that was a crappy way to lose the game.

    Yes, yes it was. While I'm not excluding Thole for blowing that game, the guys at teh plate need to do a lot better. I think they were 2 for 9 or something like that with runners in scoring position? They need to be better in those situations.

  5. I think the fact that they're a game above .500 while the bats are still sleeping is an excellent sign. The problem they ran into around this time last year was they'd lose 4-3 or win 12-2. They need to keep things in sync this year.


    It's been said that you can't win the division in April but you can certainly lose it. So far they aren't losing.

  6. I'm also likely to be headed to a friend's cottage at some point this summer too to do some fishing. Probably be targeting bass by then but if there are walleye or splake available I'd like to check those out too. Never fished there before personally, but they do tell me the bass fishing is pretty fun.

  7. Jays with a 11am start today in Boston... The way the red sox play I should be able to watch the last couple of innings after work.

    You say that and everyone knows how bad Ortiz is, but have you watched Collabelo up there? After every pitch he pretty much walks back to the dugout. And I thought you weren't supposed to leave the batter's box anymore unless you hit a foul ball.


    Good performance again yesterday. Only saw the highlights as it's not an ideal time for me to be watching TV. Good to see Happ shutting up a few of the doubters so far (although I'm sure they're hiding in the bushes waiting to pounce on his first bad outing).


    And before anyone brings up Storen, I'd just like to point out that so far in 5 appearances Storen has 3 holds, a save (yesterday) and a loss. In the three holds he's pitched an inning each, and faced one over the minimum. The only batter over the minimum in those holds was a solo home run that didn't factor into the outcome. Right now I'd rather see him than Cecil.

  8. I'd rather not think about front office stuff and just hope the team on the field performs. Every mistake and misstep Shapiro takes this year is going to be hugely magnified because he came in when the team was on a HIGH. Not often that happens. You'd usually think something bad just happened and the team is re-structuring. Not the case this time.


    I'd like to see more Canadians involved in Canada's baseball team too. But when it's one Cleveland guy after the other coming in you start to wonder if there truly is a bias somewhere.

  9. Pitcher has to choose which way he is pitching before the batter.

    Yup. And it's actually called the Venditte rule after this guy.


    I don't know if it was him, but I remember a few years ago seeing a blooper reel of a switch pitcher and switch hitter constantly switching back and forth. Took them about 10 tries before one of them gave in and just played out the at bat.


    edit: after googling switch pitcher it turns out it actually was Venditte playing for a Yankees single A affiliate when the above happened. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switch_pitcher

  10. While watching the fish porn in the last episode was kinda fun, it was a little underwhelming overall. I'm not sure about the next few episodes either. Watching guys night fish in poorly lit conditions isn't all that exciting when they're only targeting one species. They better set a record or something in the near future lol

  11. Now can I complain about Cecil?

    yes. yes you can. But... I think with time he'll get the breaking ball working again. He needs to figure out how to throw it for strikes or there's going to be a lot more outings like the ones he's been having lately


    I need to stop watching every game this early in the season. Too frustrating this early on to pay this close attention. Martin, Tulo, Colabello all ice cold. Still trying to sort out the bullpen... No one can hit past like the 3rd inning when you should be mashing against opposing bullpens. They're currently 27th in the majors as a team in batting average. I know it's a marathon not a sprint, but it's nice to bank some of these games early on, especially when your pitching is over-performing and your bats haven't started running on all cylinders yet.


    They'll turn it on eventually. I think they need to get out of the division for a few series just to alleviate the pressure and let them get on a roll. Unfortunately all but two series this month is against the east.


    Maybe I should just watch the Stanley Cup playoffs for a couple months and then start watching baseball again. Hopefully by then they've figured it out.

  12. anyone else out here crappieing this weekend? looking like calm weather, perfectly sunny and +10


    ive yet to catch a crap in the pointe au baril area but we are going to try solve the puzzle this weekend! im just jacked up to be in the boat again!

    If everything goes as planned I hope to hit the water for a couple hours, just to prove a point that I can get out before trout opener!

  13. Breaking: MLB has now instituted and new rule: The infield double play rule is invoked any time there is a runner on first base and there are less than 2 outs. Any ground ball hit to a middle any infielder shall be ruled an automatic double play. Any other runners are also ruled out if they adjust themselves during the play.



    Also under consideration is the let them hit rule. Any batter who swings and misses at a ball twice in a single at bat will be allowed to self pitch the ball to put it into play. If the batter is unable to put a ball into play after 5 attempts then he can throw the ball and attempt to run to first base. If on 3 consecutive at bats the batter is unable to safely reach first base he will be awarded first base. More to come.

    Yeah I saw that too. What a joke.


    But JB had a nice slide that actually broke up a double play yesterday I believe it was. Perfect slide just before the bag, directly over top, reached back to hold on and still managed to put his feet into the second baseman. Of course it was reviewed but what do you expect with the way the rule is written. That will be displayed as the standard for the only way to break up a double play from now on.


    Glad to see Estrada still in fine form. It's amazing how an 89 mph fastball can look about 99 when your changeup is so effective. Makes me wish I understood the changeup as a kid learning to pitch. All I wanted to do was throw hard and make it bend.

  14. Still think they should have finished the job and made the warning tracks dirt too.


    But that looks a lot more like a ball diamond! Lets just hope there are no garbage hops on that transition like we were seeing in Tampa, although I think they only have like 2-3" of dirt there, while this is built with like 12" of clay underneath.

  15. I have the deep cycle marine battery from Walmart in my inflatable. It weighs a little more than a tonne but I'll guarantee you it'll last pretty much a full day pushing a kayak around with a full charge. I go for 4-5 hours at a time and hook it up to the charger when I get home and it's barely under half charge, and that's running it pretty much constantly when I'm on the water. Priced right too.

  16. Starting pitching is fine on this team. The bullpen will occasionally give up runs. I can't imagine this team expects to win too many games while scoring 2 or 3 runs, especially when they're all scored by one 3 run homerun in the 34rd or 4th inning.


    By the way - "Good pitching beats good hitting and vice versa" - unknown (probably Casey Stengel or Yogi Berra).

  17. That was an absolute disaster. 2 runs called back that cost the Jays the game. Its really unfortunate, Sanchez was absolutely brilliant.


    Of course all of this could have been avoided if Cecil didn't decide to take the night off.

    first earned runs allowed since fathers day 2015? Cut the guy some slack! It wasn't Cecil or even Bautista that cost them the game. They had way too many opportunities score and couldn't cash in. THAT'S what cost them the game.

  18. I don't understand what happened yet. Someone from MLB needs to come and say exactly what he did wrong. Make a Brendan Shanahan style video. Not even joking - this could be a great learning experience for the entire league. That is, if they continue calling this play the same way 3 months from now...

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