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Posts posted by netminder

  1. As my profile suggests, I live in the same general area as this, and in fact Nestle has come up with plans to take more water from the area as well. One thing that absolutely enrages me is seeing people in Fergus on garbage day with blue boxes full of water bottles. I grew up on well water from a 200' drilled well and the water in Fergus is just as good. I truly think some people don't see the irony in what they're doing when they're buying bottled water when it's coming from essentially the same aquifer as the water that comes basically free from their tap.

  2. Knowing the amount of corruption and general Bull surrounding these games I couldn't be less interested. It's funny because I was driving around a bit this morning to different job sites and I don't think the Olympics was mentioned once on the FAN590 except for programming alerts. CBC radio on the other hand was trumpeting it pretty hard. Still strange though considering the opening ceremonies are tonight and Sportsnet is one of the programming partners, but the radio hosts didn't really even care to talk about it.


    Heard it said " If you voted in 2008 to prove you are not a racist, you need to vote for some one else in 2012 to prove you are not an idiot " looks like the same idiots are going to vote again in 2016 to prove they are not sexist.

    Maybe... But if I had a say I'd vote for the creature from the black lagoon before I'd vote for Trump.


    edit to add: Actually, it has nothing to do with the gender of the candidate to prove you're not sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. You just have to not vote for the candidate that is sexist, racist, homophobic...

  4. Nothing really on regular television right now that I usually watch... but I have been watching and thoroughly enjoying Stranger Things. Love the music and it is very well acted.


    When they're on I've been watching...


    The Walking Dead - although the finale of last season left A LOT to be desired... not sure if I want to carry on with that show. I usually just watch it to complain about how stupid the characters are.


    Game of Thrones - Maybe recency bias, but this is right up there with my favourite show of all time, if not the best ever. So big, grand, complicated, dark and violent.


    Better Call Saul - Is a weekly staple. I think I might like it just as much as Breaking Bad.


    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - My favourite comedy series going right now. Although I have to search for it usually to find it since I don't get it on cable and Canadian Netflix doesn't carry it.


    Longmire - And I'm not sure why because it's not really like anything else I watch. Maybe I just love the Wyoming scenery or the fact that I wish I could be more like Longmire in real life lol.


    The wife and I are usually movie junkies, but we haven't really found any lately and haven't been to the theatre in a while. The best movies I've seen lately are independent types movies, two that come to mind (just because I watched them recently and I'll tell everyone to watch them until they do) are:


    What We Do in the Shadows



    And Bone Tomahawk


    Polar opposites in movie genre, I know, but both excellent in their own rights.

  5. This is all I think when I think of vaping:



    But I'm fairly sure you're not one of the ones who try to make as much "smoke" as possible when vaping.


    As a stop smoking aid, I'm sure it's right up there. I'd say vaping is better than cigarettes regardless, but there's not much that isn't!

  6. assuming the earth is perfectly spherical, the average radius of the earth is 6.371 million metres.


    Therefore, the distance you can see out into the water is calculated as D = √(12,742,000x -x²) where x is your optical height above the surface of the water.


    If you're eye level is 6' (1.8m) you can see 4,789 m out into the water. Old IronMaker is probably right, but I'm more accurate ;)

  7. Good depth move. Will keep Smoak and his many, many strikeouts out of the lineup and available for late innings defensive help. Will allow the Jays to DH Bautista and Saunders. Upton apparently has experience at 3rd too, but I can't see him having more upside than the existing infield depth already on the bench. This move definitely lengthens the lineup and adds a lot more depth. I just hope they can do something about that dumpster fire bullpen of theirs.


    While we're here, I just wanted to add that there is no reason in my mind to put Sanchez in the bullpen. Last night he gave up two infield singles and one hard hit double in the 7th. He was still free and easy and in the high 90's with his fastball well beyond the 90 pitch mark as well. The kid has shown no signs of slowing down, and is probably in the conversation for the Cy Young. I think they seriously need to examine whether or not moving him is in any way going to help this team in the long OR short term. Also, why don't these restrictions apply to Stroman?

  8. Working is no excuse not to fish. I swear if anyone walked into my hovel of an office and said they wanted the weekend off to go fishing I would have said yes. But they didn't, including saying they were kidnapped on May 24 weekend (walleye opening at his cottage) and couldn't escape until Tuesday. That was fun.

    Man I wish I worked for you. Although, some of the field guys here (surveyors) take their rods with them so if they're at a remote location or somewhere near a pond or river they will go fishing on their lunch breaks. I love it when they come in to my office at the end of the day and show me pictures of all the rainbows and browns they found on some of these properties (mildly sarcastic/mostly jealous).


    Honestly though, I haven't had much time this summer to go fishing. I think I've been out once since I went to our annual fishing camp trip. The baby bass we caught that day weren't really worthy of a report! lol.

  9. I know I'm not likely to change anyone's mind who's already supporting Trump, since they always find a way to dispute facts or say someone has a bias. But if you look into who's actually telling the "truth" the facts may surprise you:






    Just because it's not the popular narrative, or not "politically correct" (pardon the pun), doesn't mean it's obviously the truth. Don't get me wrong, I think Clinton is probably one of the more corrupt politicians there are, but she'll also have the most experience in politics since FDR ran for a third term. Trump has never held a public or government position, has no experience in politics, and has repeatedly shown us that he knows nothing about the constitution or politics in general. Why you think an "outsider" would be better to have one of the most if not the most powerful position in the world is beyond me. But maybe you get your plumber to do your heart surgery. Hell, it's all pumps and pipes and hoses, right?

  10. Does anyone else think it's pure genius on the part of Trump having Pence as his running mate? Basically if he gets elected and makes a huge mess of the whole thing and gets booted, executed or impeached, Pence is the next guy in line. An actual super far right conservative (not just someone who plays one on TV) who has supported, among other things:


    • defunding Planned Parenthood
    • revoking birthright citizenship
    • is against increasing minimum wage
    • is against unions
    • is against environmental research and renewable energy
    • is for the war in Iraq
    • is for keeping Guantanamo Bay
    • Thinks Israel is the US's "most cherished ally"
    • has been opposed to any healthcare reforms
    • supported the Patriot Act
    • Thinks global warming is a myth
    • When asked if he believes in evolution, Pence answered "I believe with all my heart that God created the heavens and the earth, the seas and all that’s in them. How he did that I’ll ask him about some day."
    • is against the FDA regulating tobacco products (as recently as 2001 has asserted that smoking doesn't kill)
    • Is against same sex marriage and civil unions
    • is against the employment non-discrimination act
    • has attempted to ban Syrian refugees from settling in Indiana, although he says "calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional"
    • Supports canned hunts.

    And those are just the things I've found that would drive the average liberal insane.

  11. I haven't been to too many concerts but the first one I went to was probably the most memorable too. Went to see the Foo Fighters on their One by One tour when I was 16 or so at Arrow Hall by the airport. No seating just a huge hall and a stage. Completely unknown to anyone there (other than the band and the crew) they decided to film their Everywhere But Home DVD. My most vivid memory is the start of the show when the first few muted guitar licks from "All My Life" started playing and just getting swept up in a wave of humanity and getting pushed towards the stage. Oh, and crowd surfing is a lot of fun!


    The next concert/festival I'm looking forward to is Riverfest. There's a bus stop around the corner from my house that takes you to the gate, and there is a pile of awesome bands playing there this year (Sheepdogs FTW)

  12. It may be unpopular to some, but carp are pigs and will eat just about anything. On some of the bays I fished off of Lake Erie it was easy to tell where a school of carp were feeding, you would go from fairly clear water to water that was all muddied up. Bedding fish like bass may be able to chase panfish away from their beds, but they don't stand much of a chance of chasing 20-40 pound carp away.


    I used to enjoy seeing a commercial carp netter with a boat load of sows!

    I'm getting the sense that carp are becoming quite a nuisance in a lot of southern Ontario lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Almost all of the Grand River watershed where I fish is loaded with them.

  13. And the guy in the car had allegedly committed an armed robbery with the gun he was carrying. Video evidence confirmed it.


    As for the woman videotaping everything on Facebook, well the day before she posted a video of her smoking pot in the car with the poor 4 year old that was in the car during the shooting. She's no angel either.


    You have to take what the media gives you with a grain of salt because they are selling stories to make money not tell the truth

    I know what you're trying to say, but I don't see any of those offences deserving a death sentence.

  14. I am sorry and I will likely take a lot of flack for this but: Miss Black America contest, The National African Canadian Association, Black In

    Canada, Black Theatre Workshop.... BLM, the list is endless! You can't have it both ways! BTW (all lives matter)!


    It isn't hard to find countless organizations that exclude white or non black people but at the same time try to form an organization that excludes people of color and you would have your butt handed to you and you would be tagged as racist.


    I grew up beside and lived with people of almost every race and nationality, I have many friends that are "non white" but we don't see colors, we see hearts and charactor, we see each other as people, as friends.


    Blacks need to be treated as equals, whites need to be treated as equals, until everyone starts treating the person standing next to him as equal there will always be these conflicts!


    I fear however that these conflicts are only going to worsen, it isn't the average black/white/ whatever race or nationality that organize these things, I truly think that a lot of these conflicts are the work of people with other agendas. Divide and conquer!


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