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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Really???? have you watched some of the games from the 70's when teams weren't coached? The level of play today is much more exciting. The problem occurs when players refuse to buy into the system.

    I guess it is trending upward again, but there is no scoring anymore. How many 50 goal scorers do you see? The whole game now is get it to the point, have the guy blast it at 100 mph and hope for a tip or a screen in front. You get the odd burst of speed and skill, but coached hockey like this can get boring really fast. Worse than football. lol


    The one thing I will say though, is I'm glad with the new style of hockey there isn't room for goons anymore. But at the same time I wish there was more room for the real skill guys to skate and make plays. The 3 on 3 overtime is a blast to watch, just for that (until coaches find a way to ruin it).

  2. You know, the pharma system is funny(well sad actually, depending on how you look at it)


    I sprained my knee 3 weeks back. I went in just a precaution. Xrays are fine no real damage, just ice and heat and time to heal.


    Dr offers oxycodone. Ummm no thanks, its hurts but im not dying(ive had hundreds of these injuries from skatebaording and snowboarding)


    Well then here is some tylenol #3's.


    Um no thanks, im just hear to make sure there is no structural damage.


    Well you need to take something? Ummm no i dont, maybe an ibuprophen here and there.


    Well here is a script for ibuprophen.


    No thanks, i have some at home.

    And which type of drug comes up most often as extremely dangerous and abused by teenagers? Which drugs have the highest incidence of habit forming? And doctors love giving these out like candy on Halloween.


    I know it looks like I'm doing a complete 180 here, but I still think there's a bit of a double standard if marijuana is a medicine and a recreational drug.

  3. I recently started running again. My goal is to be in shape to do at least a half marathon by spring. A few friends of mine want to do a tough mudder (which google analytics seems to have picked up on because every banner ad on this site is for tough mudder) which if done right involves a 12 mile run. I used to do cross country and forgot about the runners high you get once you finish a tough run. It's definitely something I look forward to next spring. Good on you for completing this.

  4. I certainly wouldn't want to work with anyone who is either drunk or stoned.. it's just too dangerous! The whole drug and alcohol thing came out of the US headquarters along with a ban on toasters,hot plates, etc.. Being treated like children was their way of preventing lawsuits but they never understood that our culture is different than theirs not to mention we really don't sue our employers like they do in the states... I'm not too big on the idea of full legalization at the moment... will people be able to smoke it while in public places?? What age will limit will apply?? Not that it isn't already widely available for them....

    I think it'll be limited to at home only, or in special "cafes" at the most. You're right though, being drunk or high at work no matter what your profession is a bad idea, but making it legally available isn't going to change that. You have reasonable concerns but I think they all have pretty simple solutions/answers.


    The only thing they need is a proper way to test people for intoxication like a Breathalyzer. The 28 day thing is from a drug test since the chemicals from marijuana stay in your fat cells and it takes longer for your system to flush them. (that's the popular rumour I've been told - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

  5. http://www.grindtv.com/fishing/baseball-star-retires-go-fishing/


    A.J. Burnett has just finished a professional baseball career that spanned 17 seasons in which the towering right-handed pitcher won a World Series title, pitched a no-hitter, and managed to make his first All-Star Team in his final season with the Pittsburgh Pirates. As for his post-baseball plans? They include a lot of fishing.


    “I joke around and tell a lot of people that I’m really a good fisherman,” Burnett told Pitssburgh Post-Gazette Monday, “and baseball’s just a hobby.”


    While Burnett’s response about being a fisherman with a simple baseball hobby might seem tongue-in-cheek, the reality is he has long been vocal about his passion for fishing.


  6. I'm not going to watch the video, but something tells me this wasn't the right way to handle this. I don't know what would be the right way, but running it over and then backing up and then shooting it seems... inhumane.


    Another point though, it was storming outside hard enough to blow over a fence. In a suburban neighbourhood like this why did this woman leave her 21-year-old deaf dog outside in the first place?


    Anyway, here's a news article about it:



  7. sorry , busy working. now back to income splitting...bear with me, I'm still on a high from the jays staying alive ;)


    let's say two parents with young kids not in school. if they're making $100k between the two (let's say they're both making $50K each). more than likely their kids will need to be in day care and in Ontario, that's going to run around $1200 per month. less elsewhere but then salaries may be lower as well so it's a wash ?


    Now let's say richer family is single income and wife stays home with kids. that's keeping daycare costs in their pockets.


    two people making less per year shouldn't, imo, have to pay as much as a single earner making what the couple is making.


    won't even get into single parent households which obviously won't benefit from the split.


    if we all agreed on everything this would be a boring board but this is my take.


    I still say let's see how things shake out, unfortunately or fortunately depending on your political bent, nothing can be done till the four years runs out. so fingers crossed. tightly lol

    That is an excellent way to look at it and I'll fully endorse that reasoning considering my wife and I make almost exactly the same amount of money per year.

  8. I think you guys missed the main point of my post: There are better options, and once it's legalized for recreational use it's no longer medicine. It's just weed. Not saying it's good or bad, I believe it's relatively harmless. But if you truly believe in it as a medicine there's no way you can say with a straight, not-wanting-to-get-high face that it should be legalized for recreational use.

  9. Well said..I couldn't agree more..

    I heard today on the radio that the the Cons are courting Ben Mulroney for the next party leader.. Interesting move.

    Also as far as JT being to young and under experienced, isint he just one year younger then when Harper was elected?

    You aren't serious, are you? That has to be a satirical remark. An entertainment "news" presenter as the next PM? I will grant that a lot of people vote for the cool guy because they think it's a popularity contest, but absolutely no one will take Ben Mulroney and his fake orange tan seriously.


    As for the fresh weed debate... If there are medicinal uses for it, which I'm honestly on the fence about too (a friend of mine who is a pharmacist and has smoked as much weed as anyone I know says there are far better synthetic options to treat the symptoms that marijuana reportedly treats), then fully legalizing more recreational use removes its status as medicine, doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, if it were legalized in Canada I'd be more than willing to buy some. The biggest issue with marijuana is the fact that it is illegal. The most unsafe thing most people do with marijuana is buy and distribute it illegally. Otherwise it's relatively harmless. Definitely no more or less harmful than many shelf bought or over the counter recreational and medicinal drugs currently available at your local drug store, liquor store or corner store.

  10. The Royals are a very good hitting team. No one seemed to pick up on the fact that, while they are free swingers, they don't swing from the from the :asshat:-hole up like almost everyone on the Jays. That matches them up well against knuckleballers. Ask any guy who throws knucklers he'll tell you his biggest fear is the guys who'll single you to death.


    The Jays are up against it again. Not feeling nearly as confident in this comeback as I did in the ALDS, but it can be done. It was 1985 and the roles were exactly reversed. The Royals at home won game 3, lost game 4 at home, then won game 5 at home and rattled off two more in T.O. to take it in 7. Maybe we can return the favour? Let's hope Estrada brings his A-game tonight.


    what you may not have realised cuz you were inside, was that extra Toronto police were called down to the Dome. they were prepared for a possible shitestorm. which fortunately didn't happen.

    No, it was pretty obvious there were additional police called inside too. Yellow jackets and bike helmets of all things. I actually spoke to a pair of officers outside my section after the game and they were VERY happy the Jays won. For many reasons. lol


    Oddly enough though, as you mention police outside, after the game walking to our car I only saw one police officer. I actually ran into as many x-NHLers (Jeff O'Neil) than I did officers outside. I was expecting to see the mounted police and at least a smattering of riot gear, but nothing.


    I'm glad I recorded the replay of the game once I got home because there was a lot going on that I didn't know about. TV didn't really do it justice, because the emotion in there was INTENSE. Down, then up, then WAY down then THROUGH THE ROOF. I don't want to say the antics were called for, but I almost want to say it was justifiable. The only thing that could have done the bat flip justice with all that built up emotion was if it exploded mid air. I actually forgot about those random bench clearings. As soon as I sat down to catch my breath everything got going again. I've been to rock concerts where I was crowd surfing and moshing, and I was just as exhausted after watching that game.

  12. Ya back a decade ago before Harper's conservative government. Remember he has been in power all this time. Thus, all the wage cuts, jobs sent to Mexico, etc, etc....haha

    Conservative government benefits the top 1% like the druggy Ford family and the rest of rich who like partying while rest of us lose.

    Wish i wasn't disabled or i would still be fishing, its not that expensive.

    x10. But all anyone thinks is we need Dear Leader for fear that things could be worse? Just because he tells you everything else is scary? News flash: Things could be better.

  13. I agree and disagree with the kids. Firstly, when they're small enough that they wouldn't need to buy a seat, maybe it's best to leave them at home. They'll gain nothing from the experience and won't remember it at all. But you're right, people shouldn't get a free pass because they've had a couple already.


    I'll definitely remember that night for a long time. Just remembering the Bautista hit makes me laugh out loud. The atmosphere, at least in my section, was great. With how electric it was from the bottom of the 7th on, I can't imagine what it will be like there if the Jays (knock on wood) win the World Series.


    I feel like I should get a 50% refund for my seat ticket because I don't think I used it for half the game.


    The series with KC is going to be something else though. Definitely not going to be any love lost between those two teams.

  14. Reading this thread (aside from the hockey crap that got stuck in here somehow) helped me relive this a little bit. Yes, I was there last night and that was the most insane thing I've ever been part of. Hands down.


    And trust me, I don't know how it looked on TV, but the beer throwing was just pure stupidity. I'm glad I was sitting under a balcony so there was no risk of being hit. One dumb girl in our section (200 level right field) decided she was done with her beer about 5 minutes after everyone threw theirs and was immediately pointed out and escorted by security/the police. I'm not sure if the kid in the front row was hit by the beer or just sprayed, but it was way too close. I watched the whole thing and was immediately terrified/disgusted. Why anyone would even try to throw something from 150 ft back in the upper deck behind home plate is beyond me. I was pretty sure there was going to be a riot if the game ended 3-2 and I was a little uncertain how I was going to escape TO. That all being said, out of a crowd of 50,000, even 0.1% of the population (50 people) doing that looks really bad. I was also a little nervous that if it got too out of hand they would even call the game. And I'm not uncertain it would have gone down similarly in any other stadium.


    But in fairness, no one had any idea what was going on. Everyone thought the umpire made the right call sending him back to third. But to send him home AGAIN? The fix was in, and we could only watch.


    And then afterwards everyone booed take me out to the ball game. That's when the baseball gods took notice.


    My father said we should just score 10 in the bottom half and shove it up their :asshat: es.


    Russell Martin, the unfortunate recipient of that undeserved error should have been thrown out twice, and his pinch runner a third time. After that, there was no way we could fail. Donaldson tied the game with a blooper that would probably be caught 75% of the time. The crowd is insane. Such highs and lows.


    And then it happens. The bat flip to end all bat flips. Unfortunately I didn't see it in real time because I was too busy watching the ball fly out of the park and screaming at it, high five-ing anyone within reach. All I could say was, "Never in my life." Even this morning my hearing isn't right and my throat hurts.


    Instant classic doesn't even start to describe it.

  15. Let's take an op ed at face value and assume everything written there is not opinion but fact.


    ka ching. Really low browing your voter base, right Stephen? This is our Prime Minister, using sound effects to try and sway votes. Leave it to the hack morning radio hosts.


    FYI - the last Ontario election I voted Green. Couldn't bring myself to vote for any of the top 3. Would have rather voted libertarian or communist but the option wasn't there.

  16. The Jays have a much better chance against a lefty and Stroman was likely the better option over Price regardless for game 5. The Jays have found their stroke again and have realized that the don't need to aim for the 500 level with every swing. The Rangers pitching is terrified of them and keep throwing down and away. They look terrified and over-matched.


    I was just over on the Sportsnet website and going through the comments I can't believe how much second guessing of the move to bring in Price there was. Listen to Gibby after the game. He explained it perfectly. Slam the door while they're a quarter mile down the road. When the Jays went up 7-0 I said to myself that they should just make a complete joke of this game. Bringing in Price before they could even think about getting something going was the perfect move. And as I said, I have more confidence in Stroman right now anyway.


    By the way, I have tickets to tomorrow's game. I feel like a kid on Christmas eve lol.



    every other game is a 4pm or earlier start now

    I don't know exactly what you mean, but the Cowboys game is a 4:25 start. I assume there's something in it so the two games aren't on at the same time. Dallas is an hour behind us so I'm guessing noon would have been too early to start that game.

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