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Posts posted by netminder

  1. Can I just say that I hate topics like this? It's the type of thing that everyone has an opinion on but no one really knows the hard facts, and yet there is so much information/misinformation floating around the internet to allow anyone to confirm their bias it's not even worth arguing the topic. We might as well be arguing religion or politics.

  2. Spikes down and on the bag? Jose should have hit him with his shoulder I guess. Dirty is sliding 4 feet to the side of the bag. Odor also tried to throw low as Jose came in. I'd put the first pitch in his first at bat right between his shoulders and then drop him as he came to the mound but that would be tough since Odor runs backwards while "fighting".

    I noticed that later on as well. He made no attempt to throw the ball to first. His first priority was to hit Bautista in the face with the throw.


    I'll bet there are quite a few suspensions forthcoming from that little fracas. The more I think about it I doubt Bautista gets more than a game - he really didn't do that much wrong. I hope Odour gets 15-20, which I think is deserved considering he was probably going to try to fight Bautista even if he was rounding 2nd while Smoak was on a homerun trot. Pillar is likely to get something as well. Maybe Donaldson too. He came in and tackled like 3 players all at once and spent quite a bit of time on the bottom of that pileup.


    perfectly legal slide for the last 100 years. nothing wrong with it. take a closer look at the replay, odor actually tried to throw the ball at Jose. want to see how dirty odor is? watch the video here http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2015/10/3/9446765/rangers-angels-odor-slide-disgusting


    that was just last year. all jose did was slide hard between odors legs. he could of just run right through him if he wanted to

    And that is 100% a dirty slide. I think Stinky suffers from small dog syndrome.

  4. The slide was illegal, not dirty. If he wanted a dirty slide he should have had his spikes up at knee level or into his pills. The punch Bautista got from Stinky had nothing to do with the slide, and everything to do with how butthurt the Rangers are from last October. Good on them for holding a grudge for 6 months and then getting your shots in while they're on their way out the door.

  5. I'd be cautious about drawing conclusions from perceived correlations. Just because your gut (pun intended) tells you something is true doesn't mean it is.


    My favourite chart when talking about this type of stuff:




    And as for "engineered" foods, have you ever seen the ancient strain of grass that was bred into becoming corn today? genetic modification is just an advanced form of selective breeding.




    And most of this was done by Native Americans prior to European colonization.


    I don't want to sound condescending here, but a lot of this is simply fear of science. There is nothing inherently wrong with GMOs.


    As for glyphosate, again I'm not going to support Monsanto. And it's true that it is a 'probable carcinogen." But do you know what else are probable carcinogens?


    Frying, emissions from high-temperature.


    Hairdresser or barber (workplace exposure as).


    Red meat (consumption of).


    Shiftwork that involves circadian disruption.

  6. FYI - Organic isn't necessarily better. Organic farmers still use fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide. Just different "organic" varieties. And those organic chemicals can often be even more toxic and harmful to the environment than anything Monsanto, BASF or Dow puts out.


    Also, the people who put out these cutesy YouTube videos or "documentaries" aren't 100% honest with people either. They have an agenda to push and they want to show something compelling. For example, I'm sure some people have seen the documentary Gasnation where there was a scene with an individual's faucet lights on fire. Turns out that the cause of the methane in his water had nothing to do with fracking, but it looked scary and people ate it up.


    GMO's are saving lives and feeding millions of people around the world. I do have a problem with some of the unethical things Monsanto does, but you can't discount all GMOs because of one company.

  7. So Smoak hits two homeruns Tuesday. One in the 9th to tie and then a walkoff in the 10th. Side note: I love how since the walkoff homerun was a 2-run shot so this game doesn't count towards the "one-run game" stats.


    And then Martin goes 2 for 4 with the walkoff hit in the 9th last night.


    Just looking at the post above me thinking Tulo is coming around on the 23rd of April, while watching last night I've never seen a man so frustrated at himself trying to hit a high fastball.


    However, I really liked the look of Martin's swing when he got the walkoff hit. That is the stroke that got him paid in the past. Just slap at it and have it drop in right field.


    I hope two consecutive walkoff wins will light a fire under these guys so they can gain some momentum. I haven't seen that dugout so look so serious and business like in a long time. No one looks like they're having fun. They are taking this very seriously, especially for early May. I think they maybe need to take a team trip over to Filmore's to loosen them up a bit and soften their hands. Too many guys gripping the bats way too hard.


    They have a tough schedule ahead in the next few weeks with a couple interleague matchups on the way. If they don't keep their heads above water through the middle of May, they're going to come up against Boston and New York for 4 straight series. Although New York has looked a bit like a dumpster fire lately, you can't undervalue inter-division matchups, especially against Boston and New York.

  8. I've caught many pike and musky casting rapalas for pickerel on 8 to 12lb test, both mono and fluorocarbon. Once and a while I've lost a lure, but I've put enough of them in the boat to not worry about it. I don't know that I would bother with the expense of 80lb fluoro. When I do fish for pike specifically, I use a cheap fine black wire leader of about 6 inches long. I've never lost a fish with one, and I'm still working on a pack of leaders that I spent about 6 dollars on 10 years ago.

    My opinion, this is the best way to go. Pike are very aggressive and I'm not sure an invisible leader makes that much difference.

  9. also, this.


    Would you help your uncle jack off the horse. or would you help your Uncle Jack, off the horse

    I'm think I would help my Uncle Jack off the horse so he can get rid of all those unnecessary commas lol.


    P.S. the horse is named Mr. Hands.

  10. I believe Toronto is that expensive...though I have not looked. However here in Oshawa....well within the 100 KM radius you mentioned.... you can get a nice home....especially if you are handy....for much less then $400K. Don't blame the "market" on being a forever renter. There are many creative ways to be a home owner. You just have to decide what sacrifices you are willing to make to get there if you don't have a ton of income.


    Sorry Cliff for taking this 360 degrees off course of your original post. But I just can't keep quiet when I hear "young people" throwing up the white flag when it comes to home ownership.

    When people are paying $1,000,000 +/- for teardowns in Toronto, the market may be harder to enter than you think.


    And don't think that the $400,000 condo is a sure thing either. I've heard many horror stories about those places being poorly built with malfunctioning elevators or leaky windows. Often times when that's the case you're as much at the mercy of the condo corporation as you are a deadbeat landlord. Many of those condos were built to outlive their 7 year tarion warranty and not much more.

  11. This is really well written and really speaks to me. About 3 years ago I decided to Persuit the almighty dollar to Edmonton. I got a full time gig with a consulting firm at a salary I couldn't refuse. So I packed up and moved away from everything I loved.


    A year of 20 days on 4 days off and 12 hour days I had more money then I knew what to do with and I was miserable. I had made no friends outside of work, hobbies were based around when I could fit them in and days off were spent being exhausted, cleaning and dreading going back to work.


    So I moved back to southern Ontario I make less then half of what I made in Edmonton but I play badminton with my mom on Mondays, check out the baseball/hockey games once a week with my dad and fish weekend. I'm happier now and wouldn't trade it for anything.


    P's- Netminder, let's go fishing sometime bud. I feel like we'd get along well.

    This thread was the last place I figured I'd make any friends lol.


    Seriously though, if you're ever looking for someone to fish with, shoot me a PM.



    This post is complete nonsense. Some people value time over money. I'd rather make enough to get by and have time to see my family, loved ones and occasionally go fishing and go for a hike rather then working 100 hours a week to make a 6 figured income.


    Yes, you want to be a CEO? Go to University for 10 years, get your PHD, rack up $250 000 worth of student loans. Work your butt off, and graduate the top of your class. Then take an unpaid internship for the next 2 years while you take another $50 000 loan and work nights and weekends to be able to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. Then after all of that, the company (or companies) tell you they have put out a hiring freeze and currently don't have a position available.


    Mister G, what you speak of is a well thought out plan on paper. But it is very very risky. A lot of things can go wrong along this timeline from starting your BA to getting that high paying job. The biggest problem is that if anything bad or catastrophic or tough luck comes along, you are screwed. You're sky diving without a parachute.


    I've never wanted to be rich. I'm not a thrill seeker and the risks scare me too much. Let me do my 9-5 with the occasional 9-7 or 9-9 with my occasional weekend off so I can go fishing and I'll be happy.


    On a happier note, we had a tree planting event yesterday where we had about 20 students grades 6-9 come out and plant trees for us. Lots of hard digging, dirty work and way more trees then I thought they would be able to plant. The kids loved it and were sad we didn't have more for them to do. The next generation isn't screwed just yet. There are still some good prospects coming up through the pipeline.

    Or you could do as most do and be well connected enough to be placed in those positions. Not too often, unless you are crazy enough about your profession to get a startup and build it into a fortune 500 company will you be able to make it as a CEO without having some sort of connections. And no, those connections aren't just made out of the blue by "pounding the pavement". Family ties, friends of family, etc. are where they come from. The rich keep the rich at the top.


    I think I'm in the same mind set as you, Jeremy. I'd rather do what I have to do to keep my bosses and clients happy and appreciate the fruits of my labour rather than working myself to the bone and giving myself an aneurysm or heart attack by the time I'm 40. I think this is a new mindset that has been instilled in this generation. What's the point in making all that money if you never get to enjoy it. I think we've looked back on the capitalist ideal from the 80's and 90's and seen how that's broken so many people. It's also probably why a lot of us area leaning towards socialism and why everyone my age seems to love the messages from Trudeau and Bernie Sanders.


    As a generation, we've been taught from an early age to love what we do. Ours is a pursuit of happiness above all, more than money, power or influence. A lot of us don't mind getting our hands dirty, but I don't know if it's necessarily enrolment that's reducing the shop classes in schools. Health and safety regulations and operating costs most definitely are limiting factors. That, and parents who told us they wished they had gone to university and pushed it on a lot of their kids even if they didn't have a clue why they were going, or what they hoped to get out of it.

  13. As for the overly coddled children, go to any university dorm or apartment, or witness any of their parties. The ones who don't know how to control themselves are the coddled ones. From my experience, they learn really fast or end up staying at home until they're 35. The rest of us go on to be successful, well adjusted individuals (such as myself).


    A lot of it though was peer pressure. I'm not saying its right but all of the sudden, 20 years ago Opera and Doctor Phil and some other expert comes on your TV and says 'We've been doing it wrong all these years. Do this and this and this' and 90% of parents said 'That's ridiculous.' But the other 10% had their soapbox and finally had a voice to be able to helicopter over their children and justification for bubble wrapping the world.


    The problem is then that 10% goes to the schools and says to the teachers 'I've been doing it right all along. You need to change this and this and this.' 10% of people may not seem like a lot but when all of them are putting pressure on the school board, they start looking to make a change.


    Change happens at school and kids come home saying 'Teachers say this and this and this,' The 90% of parents maybe becomes 80% or 70%. Then the kids coaches and other supervisors get on board, and the percentage becomes smaller and smaller.


    Now we are at the point where this percentage of parents making the kids the ones in control have the majority. Kudos for those who have and still do stick to their guns. There are a lot of idiots out there that will try to convince you that you are wrong at every turn.

    You almost had me fooled for a bit, talking like an old timer. But I suspected as much looking at your profile name and then checking your profile you're only a year older than I am. You are one of the "young people these days". So let me bring you back from the dark side ( :sarcasm: because it's been difficult for some to detect here earlier)


    Let me wade into this again and hopefully annoy as many people as possible...


    But let me let everyone in on a secret: Privilege is progress. Sure, some things may be taking it too far, or there were some failed experiments. But seriously, privileged youth mean we've been making progress as a society. If we didn't, we would still have child labour, slavery, deplorable working conditions, no technology, teachers who beat the children and berate them daily, no one would have sick leave, maternity leave, employment insurance, healthcare, etc. etc., etc.


    And just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean either side is right or wrong. Sometimes it's just a different way of doing things.


    PS - I don't have any kids, but I seriously think there should be a licensing exam you have to pass to have kids. Your reproductive organs should be taken away and only returned to you once you pass the exam.


    PPS - Does anyone here actually know who Socrates is? I feel like Old Ironmaker's quote went over a few people's heads :)

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