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Posts posted by fishinfool

  1. I hear you, John; that said, I use a leader or snap alot of the time if I'm fishing cranks or jerkbaits, because I change baits often until I feel I've figured out what's working, and I hate re-tying. Also, there are always pike where I fish, so the leader is pretty much a must.

    I tie direct to the lure for topwater, where it doesn't make any difference to the action.


    Hey backbay

    Last year I was in a tournament with a pro on Balsam and could not figure out why he was pulling all the fish in and I was getting nothing!

    I was using the same jerkbait color, size, everything. I was cranking it in the same speed as him and he was hauling in ten fish to my one.

    He finally told me that the only subtle difference was the fact that I was using a snap, when I took the snap off lo and behold I started catching as many as he was.

    Sometimes the subtle differences can make the difference between winning or losing a tournament.

    I always try now to tie directly to the line even though I hate re-tying over and over just like you but I learned something that day.

    Just an FYI!


    And to answer the original post, I nearly always use the Palormar knot for the my tying.

  2. I went with my Son today for some Dim Sum at a well known restaurant in Scarborough and while I was sitting there my wife said "isn't that a Bass in that aquarium". Sure enough there were three Largemouth Bass in the tank with all the other white and putrid looking fish.

    I think this topic has been on here before but can't seem to find it.

    Is it not illegal to have Sportfish in a tank like this?

    Does someone in the city sell them these fish and do they have special licenses to do so?

    Just curious as to whether this practice is legal or not.


  3. Teacher to young boy:


    Three birds are sitting on a wire. A gunman shoots one of the birds.

    How many birds are there left on the wire?"


    The boy pauses. "None", he replied.


    "No, no, no. Let's try again," the teacher says patiently. She holds up

    three fingers. "Three birds are sitting on a wire. A gunman shoots

    one," she puts down one finger, "how many birds are there left on the



    "None", the boy says with authority.


    The teacher sighs. "Tell me how you came up with that."


    "It's simple," says the boy, "after the gunman shot one bird, he scared

    the other two away."


    "Well," she says, "it's not technically correct, but I do like the way

    you think."


    "Okay," chimes the boy, "now let me ask you a question. There are three

    women sitting on a bench eating popsicles. One woman is licking the

    popsicle, one woman is biting the popsicle, and one is sucking the

    popsicle. Which one is married?" he asked innocently.


    The teacher looked at the boy's angelic face and writhed in agony,

    turning three shades of red.


    "C'mon," the boy said impatiently, "one is licking the popsicle, one is

    biting, and one is sucking. Which one is married?"


    "Well," she gulped and in a barely audible whisper replied, "the one

    who's sucking?"


    "No," he says with surprise, "the one with the wedding ring on. But I

    like the way you think."




    Don't know if it's just me or what but I laughed so hard at this next one that I nearly had to change my gitch.



    A woman goes to her boyfriend's parents' house for Christmas dinner.



    This is to be her first time meeting the family and she is very nervous.


    They all sit down and begin eating a fine meal.



    The woman is beginning to feel a little discomfort, thanks to her nervousness and the broccoli casserole. The gas pains are almost making her eyes water. Left with no other choice, she decides to relieve herself a bit and lets out a dainty fart.



    It wasn't loud, but everyone at the table heard the poof.


    Before she even had a chance to be embarrassed, her boyfriend's father looked over at the dog that had been snoozing under the woman's chair, and said in a rather stern voice, 'Skippy!'.



    The woman thought, 'This is great!' and a big smile came across her face.


    A couple of minutes later, she was beginning to feel the pain again.


    This time, she didn't even hesitate. She let a much louder and longer rrrrrip.


    The father again looked at the dog and yelled, 'Skippy!'


    Once again the woman smiled and thought 'Yes!' A few minutes later the woman had to let another rip. This time she didn't even think about it.


    She let a fart rip that rivaled a train whistle blowing.



    Once again, the father looked at the dog with disgust and yelled, 'Skippy, get away from her, before she craps on you!'

  4. I run a small business myself and often find that most companies I work for will tell you that they will pay net 30 but usually end up paying net 90 or even 120. It just seems to be the way they do business.

    Have they suggested that they will not be paying and did they give you a reason?



  5. Got on the lake this morning at 6:30 and went to my favorite spot, no dice only a couple of very small Crappie caught.

    Went to the next spot, same thing, looked and looked all over the bay wondering where the heck they could be.

    Finally realized that the water temp was only 43 to 46 degrees, they haven't come into the back of our lake yet!! Damn.

    Tried until about 10:00 and pulled out and went to Simcoe for some Jumbos.

    Got into about 2 or 3 hundred fish by the time the afternoon was gone, kept about 20 for a feed.

    I was so looking forward to a Crappie feed, gonna try again next Sunday..

    Didn't bother taking any pics, just wasn't in the mood after the no Crappie thing...

    What were the temps in other lakes like??

  6. I heard about this a little while back.

    Barry, the owner of Redwing lives 2 houses away. I've been trying to get the scoop, but I haven't gotten a chance too yet.




    My good fishing buddy sells line for Barry and Paul and fishes a lot of tournaments with them.

    I'm hoping he will get me some of this stuff to try out. LOL

  7. Has anyone here tried this line.

    I am told by an inside source that this is basically the same as Power Pro except that it is softer and contains more fibres.

    The supplier is Red Wing Tackle and it is available in BPS as well as most other places where line can be had.

    Red Wing Tackle sells some good stuff so I am hoping that this is comparable.

    I will be giving it a try this year to compare, I hope it is as good or better.

    This is just a heads up to something new, I'm not plugging anyone.

    If the mods prefer to remove, that's ok.



  8. Someone on another site was asking where they could be purchased.

    I used to go to jigs.com but that is no longer a good site.

    Does anyone know where they went.




  9. Every two or three years we have that problem at the cottage on Balsam, just depends on which way the wind blows.

    The good thing about it is we are kinda hoping to take possession of our neighbors dock which he just built two seasons ago when it ends up on our shoreline. LOL

    I will likely be building an aluminum dock system in the next little while which can be winched up on a pivot pin at the shore for the winter months to avoid this bi annual headache.

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