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Everything posted by DANIMAL

  1. I tried that out and something went wrong. Take a look at my report (Grey bruce bass report)
  2. I fished a small lake in the grey bruce area yesterday. I know this lake really well, been fishing it my whole life. There are 2 spots where 30 fow cuts in a little bit closer to the main dropoff where almost all the big smallmouth winter. Got out on the water and took a temp. 39 F. Perfect, the smallies would be in there wintering spots.<BR>Fished my first spot and cought about 15 and they started getting tough. So I tried my other spot and cought about 10 and they got tough. Whent back to the first spot and cought a few more then packed it in because it was getting dark. All fish were 2.5-5.0 lbs The fish were not picky. They hit almost anything as long as it was presented slow and on bottom. I kept track of my 5 biggest just for fun 4.2/4.2/4.4/4.4/5.0=22.2 lbs. My best small lake bass day yet. http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0131.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0130.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0129.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0128.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0121.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0123.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0125.jpg http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff1/dano44/100_0126.jpg
  3. Thanks ccmtcanada I'll try that out and hopefully have a report soon.
  4. How do I post multiple pictures without making them really small like this one?
  5. Great report, I really liked reading the part about your bike ride. Sounds like you had a good trip. It reminds me of my trip from kitchener to london on a BMX a few summers ago.
  6. I decided to fish the grand river in waterloo for bass today. It was starting to freez over in the calm water and the water temp in the main river was only 32-33 F. I tried a number of different baits and tekniques and the only thing I could get them to bite was a tube dragged really slowly but steady on bottom. They would bite only the tentacles on dark or solid colours, but would eat subtle or transparent colours. I ended up hooking 4. and landing 2 both nice ones at 18'' and 19''. The 19''
  7. I used to use alot of fireline, and it works okay. But my main problem with fireline is that it is pretty stiff,and by the time it starts loosening up it starts waring out and getting weak.So I tried powerpro, and found it has all the same good features of fireline and is limper tougher and lasts at least twice as long. Now I use almost all powerpro unless I'm trying something new.
  8. Thanks Irishfield, I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes.
  9. Does anybody here know were I can buy a mould for making my own musky tube baits?
  10. -There have been musky cought in the st. Laurence with enough length but not girth. -There have been musky cought in Lake Erie with enough girth but not lenght. -Georgian bay seems to be somewere in the middle, and has coughed up 2 legitimate fish over 60lbs. -With global warming increasing the growth rate of warmwater species in northern climates, I think some of the large canadian shield lakes have a chance too. I think any one of these could do it, but if I were to put my money on one, it would be georgian bay.
  11. 80-100 lb. test braid is definitly the way to go. I have used a few different brands, and powerpro stands up best. I have never tried flourocarbon leaders for musky, but I have had small pike bite through 60 lb. flourocarbon leader material with ease. Has anybody here had a musky bite through their flourocarbon leader?
  12. My pet bullhead.
  13. I think I got it now. Thanks for the help
  14. Hi, I have been lurking around here for a while and have really enjoyed reading the posts. I finally got my own digital camera yesterday so I decided to join and start contributing. I fish for all species of fish that are availible to me, but try to focus mostly on musky and bass. I am not very good with computors and I can't figure out how to upload a picture to use as my personal image. If someone can help me out I would really appreciate it.
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