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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. We'll see how they sens fare next round. Pittsburgh is still a year or two away from taking a run and it was pretty obvious that they were clearly not up to the challenge of a playoff series. If I'm a sens fan, I would have preferred a better battle to get ready for the bigger teams than a two week snoozer. Sens will come out flat in game 1, maybe even game two and then we will see if this team has any character. Winning the cup means back against the wall, fight through the battle and come out on top. Pens basically played shinny with them - nothing gained but a rest for Ottawa, IMO.

  2. Ahhh... this thread again.... seen this once oh once or twice a year since ... my take on this is two fold... #1 if they have the treaty rights which is something OUR government gave them, then thats thier rights.. (like it or not) its our Govts fault for signing treatys and such with no expiration date.... #2 If there was no market for the fish there would be no demand.... boycott the places that buy the fish.. make sure everyone knows where the fish are going if ya don't like it... my 2 cents...



    Couldn't have said it better myself. I've passed on many a pickeral filet at grocers soley due to this reason - it's nothing new and will be the same issue ten years from now (assuming there is anything left by then).

  3. As long as I don't need a u-haul - done deal :)


    I've actually had to postpone a week it looks like... I'll let you know... It's OK though - it looks like the Sens will be around for another series so there is plenty of time to heckle Ottawa's fine supporters.

  4. Need some help from some of our sens fans :) (seeing how I bleed blue and white, I'll probably be saying that for a few years to come...)


    It looks like I may be in ottawa this weekend, nepean area. Any open shore fishing opportunities that you folks know of? I'm familiar enough with the area. Any ideas would be great!


    Cheers all and hope your mondays are going well!

  5. Doug, that was awfull. The people killing muskies because they think they just eat sport fish is just another example of ignorance. We've got a problem here in the Upper with sensless killing of muskies. Bounce em off the bow release I've been told. Why would you want to harm our fishery that you enjoy? I've got Muskies Canada coming to our club in Fort Erie to educate us in October. Read up, there's really allot to learn. Too many closed minded anglers don't help our cause.


    Easy there big fella - I'm pretty sure Doug was joking around...

  6. My PB Smallie was OOS... Wasn't intentional and let me tell you, if I had a camera near by, I'd have taken a picture of that hog - and it counts all the same to me as I caught it, and it was freaking huge.


    If you're worried about hooking into an OOS fish by accident, don't fish until all seasons are open. 15 seconds to 30 seconds, quick picture, whatever, it's all symantecs. Damage is already done once that fish was pulled off that spawning bed.

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