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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. Crap always exposes itself in due course. You see this type of thing all the time. Eventually though, the end result and the bottom line always shine through. If he's good, he will replace your work and the company won't miss a beat. If that's the case, your employer did the right thing (sorry, but it's true). If he is all talk, your employer will regret the day he made that decision.


    Either way, I know how you feel but in a different twist. I worked at a place for a few years developing a large client base and taking the company from a small mom and pop shop to a mid size player. Boss hires some smooth talking marketing guy to push a new product that he's hot on supporting (even though the cross selling opportunities are suspect to begin with). Long story short, smooth guy ends up taking over all sales and marketing activities (even though he didn't generate a penny of revenue). Bottom line, I was younger with little company support to begin with (corporate culture was elitist and I was making way more than anyone else due to commissions, bad combo if your not an elitist). I leave in disgust and start my own thing with a few other guys. We take a bunch of clients with and are doing great. The other company is hanging in there but smooth's guys promises have not panned out. Now he's stuck with him - industry is specific, not too many people to fill shoes so it's either him or nothing for now.


    It's tough but you can't really blame the other guy for ousting you. That's business and it isn't all rosey. Sometimes you need to cut some throats to get to the top. The responsibility lies in whomever you reported to. A good manager can cut through the crap and see the real deal. Unfortunetly, much like my previous boss, there are many guys out there who fall for the smoke and mirrors and get burned in the end.


    Northhunter fish have almost no stress from being hooked with a fishing hook



    I don't buy that but I know a lot of other anglers do. If it makes one feel better to think that, not my place to correct but all things considered, there have been many non P3TA tree hugger studies that prove physical stress/increased mortality caused by C&R.

  3. Oh - just in case this guy from yesterday is an OFNer - around 11am, west oak trails. You were coming south on grand oak trail boulevarde in your mafia style mercedes sedan. Just kept on going and didn't even bother to stop as you were on the cell phone and too "busy" to check if other cars were coming. Thankfully I saw you coming and thought to myself "100 $ says this guys an idiot and thinks the world stops for him". Bud, i was the guy in the Silver mdx. If i didn't slow down before hand - anticipating your stupidity, you were spending the night in the hospital as a whole lot of heavy SUV was going right into your lap. Mercedes or no mercedes, it was about to become a pancake of twisted metal with you as the goey filing in the center.

  4. I really don't see the point of posting yourself in the pics at all?? Might as well just snap a close up of the fish. It makes little sense to me why anyone would go to the trouble of taking a portrait of themselfs if they are going to photoshop the whole thing? And besides, your getting enough heat on the photoshopping bit anyway, don't bother with the effort if no one is going to appreciate it. If you are protecting your spot(s), and not intending to make a "look at me" post, do what everyone else does - post a close up pic of the fish on the bank. Less fuss and far less effort... For examples, check out just about every CC report. CC guards his spots like a pro - without being obnoxious about it.

  5. Tape a square foot of some aluminum foil at various spots on your concrete (wall and floor). Give it a day or two and peel off. If your concrete is still sweating or there are moisture problems, the underside of the foil will be damp. That will tell you right away what type of flooring you can use. Any stone based or ceramic is fine straight over sealed concrete. I would prefer a thin subfloor put in first. Home depot has a couple of snap and click subfloor slats designed for such a thing. If you don't have any real moisture issues and you are fine with cold floors, tile away without the subfloor. If you can wait though, let the house settle a bit (new house I'm assuming), especially if you are straight over the concrete and are doing large vis. areas. The floor can still crack and rise/drop a bit as it settles.

  6. Come on man, it's a message board.... I couldn't count how many times I've put my foot in my mouth on OFC just because my dry sense of humour never seems to come out properly in print... How could you possibly tell how a person could be by some posts on a message board??


    If I say "go screw yourself". Could be a joke, could be an insult, I could be talking about changing a lightbulb. Remove the body language and context and you have no idea what I'm saying... Trust me, It's come out all too wrong for me a couple of times on this board so I know from personal experience that your analogy is nonesense..

  7. Not necessarily my "favorites" but my most succesful, all things considered:


    1 b/w spinner baits

    2 jointed b/w raps

    3 mid size inline's


    Starting to get into plastics a bit more too. Now if I could only get out fishing once in a while...

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