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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. Nice fish you guys!


    I love drifting for steelies, but geeze, some of you river guys need to give your heads a shake once in a while... This is the exact reason why whenever I explain to other fisher folk that I also drift steelhead during the colder months, I always feel the urge to follow up with an "oh, but I'm not one of thoooose guys"...

  2. Not that this isn't obvious or anything but no one is forcing anyone to give up their money... :dunno:


    Guys talking about smooth talking kids, rehursed lines, etc., taking my money.... hahaha... some of this reads like a comedy sketch. I'm imagining gangs of roving kids terrorizing the burbs with their boxes of chocolates. $2!!! $2!!! Noooooooooooo... make it go away........... I can't take the kids anymore!!!!!


    Now where's my shotgun, I see that little johnny next door is fixing to go to Cleveland for his hockey tourney...


    BTW - no offence to anyone who's concerned about these chocolate sellers - just goofing on you a little :)

  3. - It's basic decency to not swear in front of kids/elders/ or anyone else that wouldn't appreciate it. I suspect most do their best.


    - It's also common sense to keep your kids away from being exposed to those situations - that's being a parent. I've been accosted before by someone who had her 14 year join in a guys football party. We did our best but come on - men, football, mountains of beer - what did you expect, English pleasantries?


    - If it's unavoidable - and I would suggest most situations are avoidable - speak up.


    At the end of the day, when you consider all the stuff kids are exposed to now a days via TV or the school yard, running into a couple of fishing louts is probably insignificant - I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it...

  4. By no way did I start this thred to make people think the ice was safe. I took the auger pic to show just how unsafe the ice is.




    Sorry Sinker - It's not wining, Troutguy knows his ice and he felt that, although it wasn't safe ice, he was confident enough in his experience to be out on it... Take from that as you will...

  5. ...DONT GO IF YOU DONT KNOW!.....


    That's the problem... 9 out of 10 times it's always the "experienced" guy that we read about. Rarely have I seen a news report on some dope that didn't know what he was doing, it's always the guy that's been out there 10000 times. Experience can work against you, especially when dealing with mother nature...

  6. By taking the precautions that you did, your experience told you that the ice was dangerous. If you are strapping a rope from one guy to the other, because the ice is too thin – get off the ice. Glad some of you caught some fish, but man, is it really worth it guys??? I mean seriously, in the grand scheme of life, it's a fish...




    I’m glad most people see this trip as being foolish, I know I won’t be reading a report about you in the newspaper in the future… As for some of you other guys – be safe, the fish will be there tomorrow…

  7. Some might be missing the point here.


    Hockey according to Cherry is crap. The hoser toughboy talk contributes DIRECTLY to this stuff, and that stuff is OVER. Cherry should be retired for the good of the game.


    Fer crissakes we now have 7 year olds beating the stuffin out of each other, with examples provided by coaches and parents too.


    The game will clean up or die, because this current interpretation will ensure that we end up with UF and MMA tournaments instead of our beautiful game.




    You think that minor (as in kids) hockey was less violent in the 80's or 90's???? It's far safer and tamer today than it has ever been.


    Hockey parents and coaches were just as insane back then, if not more so. It just wasn't news worthy then.


    Hockey is a multifaceted sport and is violent in nature. 200+ lb guys smashing into each other full speed will get the agression level cranked up on both benches. If you want a non violent game (i.e. non contact), there are a variety of local leagues out there that you can watch in your neighbourhood arena.


    Removing aggression changes the entire face of the game. Aggression is the driving force behind the emotion of the game - which a big part of why I love it, when I think about it a bit more. Just because Chris Simon is an idiot, doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the game, nor does it mean it's going to go by the way of the dodo bird either. Anyone remember the movie slapshot?

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