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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. BTW - Rich, the Bare Naked Ladies spent many a cold day at the corner of Queen and Spadina, playing for free, to anyone who would listen to them, then head for their waitering jobs at night, only to return to the corner the next day, all to get noticed! Only a very small % of artists actually make money! You should listen to Kim Mitchell on Q107 every day, you'll learn something!



    Give me a break. How many folks spend many a cold day waiting for the bus to go work the line for peanuts every day. Are you shedding tears for all of those folks too? They didn't mind charging $20-25 for a CD that cost 1.50 to produce when they made it big, did they? They spent those days at the corner because they wanted to. No one forced them to play so let's stop the heart bleeding. And last time I checked, Kim Mitchell takes home his rake when he preforms too, these guys aren't bloody charities here, as much as they would like to think the world would stop without them. Stop being a lemming.

  2. "Sony makes it's money on platforms. The actual music sales are a secondary concern to them"


    SonyBMG doesn't care about music sales???


    "The people who make the actual music, or the movies or the TV shows are the ones who get screwed"




    OK, I'm not wasting much more time on this and I'm not going to spend a whole morning here explaining marketing 101. NEW sales due to exposure is outweighing LOST sales due to piracy. Ergo, industry keeps piracy alive and well. The technology has been around since the advent of "napster" to kill all media piracy completely. It hasn't been employed. Why?


    In your verticle, you are talking about illegal distribution of movies for profit - it isn't the same thing. if someone rips your movie and re-sells it somewhere else, that's wrong and isn't helping anyone - it's completely different than what we are talking about here. I understand your point from that angle but again, that has nothing to do with music or movie downloading for personal use. What you are referring to is a black market trade.

  3. I would assume then that if you are loosing 80K/annum on copywrite infringement, that should be somewhere around 2-3% of all revenue? Even if it's 10%, it's called a cost of doing business, no different than rent now a days. If it was that big of an issue, then you would get out of the business and do something else.


    Bottom line, something seems to be working for the industry in that they are doing pretty darn good what with all this downloading going on. This most definately could be stopped but it isn't - why? Industry knows that music exposure is 10 fold now which is more than making up for the people that don't buy the CD if they like the song they download. The industry cannot "agree" with downloading. It cannot condone it or the people that are buying CDs will not bother if it's "legal". The secret here - the industry likes downloading, which is why nothing major is being done about it both in Canada and the US. Think about it for two seconds and you will be enlightened. Media downloading has nothing to do with morals or ethics. It's all marketing. You think no one saw this coming? Seriously? Multi-gazillion$ tech companies like Sony Media didn't see this coming? It's almost comical that this farce has even gone on this long.


    You can step down off of your soap box now.

  4. I'd suggest you start looking for a new job - if all of this is happening within your first year, you aren't going to be kept around much longer anyway. If someone is exceptionally valuable to the company, employers will tend to make exceptions in these situations - happy workers are productive workers. Doesn't sound like exceptions are being made for you which means you are either expendible, or are making yourself expendible. Ergo, you have no job security. Find a new one and if you feel like forcing yourself to the curb to get the ball rolling, go to mexico. That's the best I can say from the other side of the fence with the limited info you're providing.

  5. I know, many say I am a dangerous driver, but the truth is I have never, I mean never had an accident, only a couple of close calls where I avoided the stupidity of another drivers' mistakes.

    I have been driving 30+ years.

    And that is the truth.


    One is all it takes Clampet. Driving quick doesn't mean it's dangerous, but if many people you know say you are a dangerous driver - you might want to take it to heart.


    Anyway, getting off topic - nice eyes misfish!

  6. hey! PM me your address! would you prefer a gift certificate or baits ( if baits, what do you fish for)


    yahoo pulled it rather quickly, congrats on Killing everyone!



    Yahoo did pull it fast - was surprised... Would love to take credit for the beat down, but it think it more had something to do with Tomlinson! (and having him cheap)


    Gift certificates are more than fine!


    Gbay - got it man, thanks! I really look forward to pulling those beauties around! Smokey, got it too! It's already spent :thumbsup_anim: Thanks guys!


    PM's sent to those that needed it.


    Cheers and enjoy the big show this weekend guys!!

  7. Just came to my attention that the pool was removed from Yahoo very quickly after the season ended. I think my post of the address to send the winnings to :thumbsup_anim: may not have been recieved by all. I've only recieved the 'bounty' from 4 guys. :dunno:


    Sooo... my assumption is that you all that participated must not have the address?? :dunno:


    Send me a PM for the address and I promise to have a report as to all the good stuff recieved right here for all of you to drool over. Thanks so much to the guys that paid up already - the stuff recieved has been great!

  8. Do it now...while you're young enough to fall on your face and still be able to re-enter the work force! And I mean that with all the sincerity in the world.


    That's the truth...


    I left my job, which paid incredibly well, to set up a competing operation (not a prick move, it was more than justified). First year was a bit of a tug but the rest has been better than I expected. It wasn't easy. I didn't have the option to work at my old job while getting the new company off the ground, naturally, but did have the ability to take some clients with - which is a nice thing to have when starting your own thing. I had to quit cold turkey and jump into the new setup straight away. 3 weeks later I find out my wife is pregnant with our first child. Yikes. Talk about picking a good time to leave. Felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders that first year... Bottom line, there is never a right time, only a time. Better to do it while you have less responsiblites, but not the fall on your face bit, just to have a clearer mind about it IMO. You need to focus on your plan (and make sure you have a good biz plan and a good mental strategy) the less distraction the better.


    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. We leaned on a lot of good people's advice getting this thing off the ground. Heck, we still lean on lots of contacts for advice on certain things and probably always will - that's one key to good business practices, getting as much info/advice as possible before coming up with your own opinion. More than happy to answer anything that I know the answers to. Best of luck.

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