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Posts posted by Puckhead

  1. Living beside bronte creek provincial park and see tons of wildlife in the backyard - red tail hawks feast all day long. They don't even care if you are around anymore, watching me do my yard work type of thing. Lots of deer wandering around in last winter, chewing the cedar. This summer, we had a pack of coyotes hanging out just past my fence line. It's one thing to hear them fighting over a rabbit or whatever, it's another to see it happen. Same thing with the coyotes as with the hawks - they didn't care at all that I was standing no more than 20 feet away from them having a smoke. I think after a few nights they realized that I wasn't going to be of any harm to them. I actually called them in one night when they were on a the other side of the treeline with a chicken clucking type of call. It was interesting to watch them stalk me in a pack formation. The pack basically ate everything in the neighbourhood for 1-1.5 months and then left once the feast was over. Sure enough, as soon as they leave, possums, rabbits and racoons come in in droves. The skunks naturally stayed around all year, they could care less if the coyotes were around - and man are the skunks dang huge around here. I had one crawl into the backyard one night, tacklebuster could attest to this, that was easily the size (at least it's silouette) of an adult coon.


    Last fall we had a pair of owls hanging around for about 3-4 weeks. They didn't return this year which was unfortunate - I was really looking forward to spooky late october nights with the owls hooting away like last year. I think all the new construction really effects them the most. At least that's my observation as everything else seems to have been effected to a lesser degree - either that or I was just lucky to have that pair in the neighbourhood last year, which is possible... Other things like bats and firefly's in the summer make for an interesting setting... Nightime this past summer in my backyard was great!


    The sureal thing is that I'm a 25 minute drive to downtown TO (without traffic, naturally...) Urban wildlife - that's what I love about fishing urban rivers, you feel like your 300 kms up north sometimes...


    The office tower I worked at a few years ago had a nesting pair of peregrine falcons right outside my window at the top of an adjacent 17 story building. Now that was interesting to watch....

  2. Geeze kirk, I hope you excersize properly, eat properly and live a clean and healthy lifestyle. If not, I would say your going to be rather hypocritical when you line up for that triple by pass surgery for eating too many big macs. Somehow, I suspect you will gladly take that 'handout' as your "right" to healthcare.


    Legislating stupidity is dangerous if you appreciate your freedoms (or what's left of them). Smokers are the lepers of modern society

  3. I'm in! The Salary Cap pool was great last year and a cool twist on football pools - for anyone that has played it before, you know what I mean.


    Also - if anyone is interested in a free standard league system as well, we can set one up for fun - we need at least 10 guys to make it viable. I've already got 3 or 4 guys who would be in. PM me if interested.... first come first served, 14 people max.

  4. If you really support the troops, you should be fighting to get them back home. This war is not about terrorism, but about profits and control. Canadian soldiers are basically just being used as an extension of the American military. Peace keeping mission? Hardly.


    Fair enough, but again, supporting troops has nothing to do with supporting their opps. There is simply no excuse to remove those decals from our public service vehicles.

  5. Time to vote out these idiots. I'm ashamed to say the least. City hall is so far left that it can't walk straight. Stop voting for these idiots please!?!? Supporting our troops has nothing to do with your views on Afghanistan. When I was visiting Ottawa, the radio stations broadcasted weather reports for both Ottawa and Kandahar. Wonder how these twits would feel if our radio stations did the same? Toronto is a moderate city at heart that's been highjacked by the extreme left...

  6. Just breaking balls Megacity - You've got to get a bit more of a thicker skin my friend... I would suggest you go and pre fish it first, look for the usual inicators as you would on any new body of water. Maybe troll around a little until you get into something and fan out. Structure, points, drops, stay tight to the weed lines. All the usual stuff. I know that darker spinner baits do work well on a super slow retrieve on that water. Hence Roy's comment about your fishing classes and the obvious irony :Gonefishing: ..


    Contribute around here and you will get back what you put in 10 fold. Can't taketh before you giveth... or something like that.

  7. You know how many dates have passed in the last 20 years that the crazies said the same thing? Anytime you get a date with multiples of the same number, in this case 12/21/12, some idiot somewhere will freak out. If your a betting man, put money on the fact that Santa will still come on christmas 2012

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