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Posts posted by KraTToR

  1. First off, that sucks... I can only imagine what's going through your head right now.


    My advise, like a post above would be to invite them all to a night out for some beer, wings, whatever you're into. Stay calm, behave like its no big deal and that you're genuinely interested in how their trip went. Then once they figure you're ok with it, gently ask why they didn't ask you.. (if it hasn't come up already by one of them). If you start getting lame answers drink your fill of beer, excuse yourself to the washroom and leave. Leaving the bill with them. That should send a message and if any or all come back with an apology or whatever, then you can decide what to do with regards to the relationship.


    Sometimes relationships like this run their course and it maybe time to move on.


    Good luck, hope it turns out well for you.

  2. For a first trip, I would stay on the Canadian side so you don't have to bother to get a NY licence, PITA.


    I would head straight to the bar. If you want to keep it simple, 3/4 oz jig head with 4" white twister tail. Big lakers (check the seasons) galore and the odd brown and bow. Pipe line drift is good too.


    Check the conditions before you make the trip. I remember one winter, there was only 2 fishable days all winter.


    Like Pierre mentioned, even if the consumption guide says it's ok, I wouldn't eat anything from there. JMO.


    A few questions if you don't mind Chris:


    • Why is the NY license a PITA?
    • Conditions? What should I be looking for? Are you talking wind and temp or something else like rainfall?
    • What/where is the pipeline drift?


  3. My first time going after trout (from a boat) this time of year and an earlier recommendation from a OFC member is to go after trout on the lower Niagara river...


    I've done some research but I would like to hear it from the xperts!

    • Launch location (coming from Kitchener)
    • Where to fish
    • What to use and how to use it.

    I would really like to put some trout in the boat for the smoker...m,mmmm smoked trout at christmas. Maybe that will get me back into the Mrs's good books?? Time will tell..lol


    This will be my last boat trip until the spring so I'd like to finish on a positive note..


    :santa: :santa: :santa:



    Thanks In Advance!





  4. Mine (boat) is still sitting on the driveway. I ran some antifreeze through the LW and Bilge pumps and that's it (it went to -10 the other night). With a fall we're having there's still plenty of fishing left.


    Hitting LSC this weekend and the Niagara river on the 4th. Then we'll see....

  5. Ok, so how does a simple tech question thread go 3 pages???? :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:


    And BTW, Fargo was a FANTASTIC movie... I especially like the wood-chipper scene.. all that red against all that stark white.. it really popped! I've been a Coen Bros fan ever since..



    All the best,






    PS. just re-fog the damn Yammy and be done with it. :blink:

  6. Here is how this is going to work. It is the beginning of a good rogering by the federal govt. in cahoots with a Provincial liberal govt that has been screwing us for years already. Get ready for 4 more years of screwing at the very least, if not 8 given canadian voting history of 8-10 years of liberal then 8-10 of conservative. Enjoy it! I'm sure little poo and his minions will enjoy boning us!


    Until they look within, this will always be the case...

  7. its a pricey day heading down alone...don't blame you for not going. I did it once alone, found it hard to justify the costs so always take a friend or two now

    Yes it certainly helps to have someone offset the costs.


    Ive done solo day trips to LSC and to Wood's bay this year.. its enjoyable sometimes just to have alone time but it is spendy. Plus its nice to have someone else on board to work the net, hold the camera, and blame for the big one you lost.. :ninja:

  8. Good luck and take care, the weather might be a bit sketchy?


    The wind report is positive..... :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


    Was there today and caught nothing. That's because I didn't even leave the boat ramp dock. Battery died.


    OMG that sux. :(


    I'm real anal with my batteries after I got stranded out on the water last year. Now I have a 3 bank precision charger that informs me if there's an issue with any of the batteries and the 3rd bank is for charging/topping up my cranking battery. Some may say its overkill but.....

  9. Leaving Kitchener at 4:30am on Saturday November 21st (yes tomorrow!). Bring your own tackle and lunch, cover 1/2 the fuel, etc etc. Check the forecast and dress for the occasion.


    Will launch out of Jennette's Creek, travel/fish upper Michell's bay, the Thames river, and out in the lake if necessary. There's definitely a good chance at a 50.


    PM if interested.

  10. Started packing the boat away today and I just can't do it! There has to be at least one last trip to be had...


    Was out on LSC for a spectacular day on Monday but the temp and wind forecast has me thinking that was the last big water day of the year..


    I haven't fished for walleye since May so it would be nice to go out and try to find enough for a dinner. Obvious choice is the Kawarthas.. being from Kitchener I don't want to drive much over 2 hours. BOQ is just too far for a day trip..



  11. I do both depending on the situation but I'd say I let the bail close automatically most of the time, especially in a cast then retrieve situation (opposed to letting line out for a drop shot, bottom bounce, float, etc). If the reel is of decent quality and in good working condition either shouldn't pose a problem.. its what they are designed to do.

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