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Posts posted by KraTToR

  1. I'm looking at buying some waterfront property with or without a small cottage on it and I'm looking for location suggestions. Here is my criteria if you could help :)


    • Waterfront on the property - not "access" or across the road.
    • Deep enough water for a dock
    • Must be within a 4 hr drive from Kitchener/Waterloo
    • Must have great multi-species fishing (Walleye, Bass, Pike)
    • It would be a bonus if there's Musky and Lake trout fishing as well
    • Within 1/2 from decent grocery, hardware, and gas.


    Thanks in advance.



  2. That's what I mean about this forum. The quality!


    Something about Jimmer's comment about Port Hope struck a cord with me. Back in the late '90s I used to fish the mouth of the Ganney in the fall and we used to catch Lakers moving up the river.


    For sure there's going to be some big girls out front in the spring.


    Thank you :)

  3. Well the boats been in storage all of 2 days and I'm already planning spring of 2015.

    I always like to hit the Bay of Quinte the week after opener but I havent fished for early season Lakers since I was a kid.

    Is there anyplace north of Muskoka, near North Bay?

    I'm thinking ZAC Kipiwa Quebec but that's a touch to far.

  4. I was planning on spending the weekend on Quinte but my fishing partner has family over this weekend so I thought I would go solo on Stoco.


    I've never been so I wouldn't mind some help with info on accommodations, launch, and of course, a plan of attack.


    I heard the island next to town is a good place along with where the moira river exits to the north. Now I've never fished an exit before.. always a feeder which make more sense to me..lol


    Any and all help is appreciated.


    I'd also be willing to take a passenger if your a serious ski hunter...:).





  5. Nice to hear about the Costco batts. I'm adding a house batt and replacing my 2 trolling motor batts for something larger (grp 27?). Also replacing my Pro Marine 2 bank charger for a 3 bank MinnKoda Precision 3 bank.


    The charger and batteries will be in the classified next spring...:)

  6. Well I pulled the trigger on a St Croix 8' MH and 80 lb braid.


    I should have clarified, this won't be my last muskie rod just a good starter.. I figure I can cast spinners, spinner baits, med cranks, and plastics with this one. A little trolling should be in the mix as well.


    Once I get this one broken in, I'll be lookin' for recommendation for #2...

  7. I didn't want to hijack the PFD thread, but I thought a few of the responses were interesting. I never wear one, unless the conditions call for it. I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever had one on. I'm just not one to put myself in a situation where it will ever be needed (ie the guy in the 9ft dingy out 5 miles on Simcoe jigging in 3ft rollers).. The last time I had one on was a few years ago on Lake Nipigon, before that Lake Superior many years ago. I know I'm not alone as 95% of the people I see out on the water aren't wearing them either :) I'm sure this is going to turn into a crap fest but I'd at least like to see a few reasons from the other guys that spend a lot of time on the water.


    Since I bought my mustang auto inflatable, I wear it most of the time. All of the time if i'm alone.

  8. st.clair,great musky and walleye fishing,bass is ok also :D honey harbour,moon river or anywhere on georgian bay,or the kawarthas is easily within 3 from KW


    I've never been out on LSC, I guess the big water kind of keeps me away as I could drive 3 hours and not be able to launch if the wind picks up.


    I've heard about Mitchell's Bay for Bass and the south side for Musky. I have to believe out from the mouth of the Thames has to be good for something as well.


    What are considered the walleye hot spots?

  9. I've been living (for work) on the upper Ottawa river for the last few months. Does anyone here have info on fishing this part of the river?


    I'm above the dam at Rolphton and I've fished at the mouth of the Demoine river and Duexs Rivers. I've had a little more success below the dam at the Swisha and points between Swisha and Deep River.


    Caught several small walleye, sauger, and smallmouth. A couple of pike were in the mix as well.



    I figure an un-pressured fishery should be much better than it is....





  10. In March my father was diagnosed with lung, liver and bone cancer at the young age of 75. Saturday Sept 6th at 5am he succumbed to the cancer after it had spread to his heart. He passed just 3 hrs before I was to do my Ride the Rideau 100k cycle to raise funds for the Ottawa Hospital Foundation and their effort to find a cure for cancer.

    My mother called me at 5:15am to give me the news and she insisted i complete my ride in dedication to my father. With a heavy heart I completed my ride for my dad.

    Today is his wake, tomorrow his funeral service. I went for a nice long ride this morning to clear some cobwebs before the wake this afternoon.


    My Dad:

    Retired Lt. Col RCAF CAF



    Jazz fan


    Lived for and loved his grandkids

    Husband to my mom 55 years

    Awesome father to 3 kids

    My hero.


    Gonna miss you dad


    RIP Gary Frederick Clay


    attachicon.gifCIMG1346 - Version 2.jpeg




    Please support cancer research, it MUST be stopped!!

    Lost my dad last Xmas, he was 93 and a WW2 vet. Taught me to fish, hunt, build things, and most of all, be a gentleman. RIP dad. I think of you often.

  11. Hey guys, me and a few friends are planning a trip to Nipissing in late September. I've been talking to a few lodges, and I've narrowed it down to one on Callander Bay and one in the Northwest in Lavigne. I don't really know much about either area. One thing I have heard is that the water at the east end can get rough and leave you sitting on shore, while the west is more sheltered. On the other hand, the rental boat at Callander has lights so I could fish the night.


    I'm having trouble deciding where to go. Any opinions or advise about these areas would be much appreciated!

    What about the upper french river?


    Never been but I've heard nothing but good things.

  12. Hey guys. Im looking to buy another Terrova with ipilot for my new boat. I put a 101lbs thrust Terrova 36V on my last Lund Explorer 1700 SC. It worked awesome. My new boat is an almost 18' (much deeper)Starcraft Superfisherman with dual windshield. I dont want to add a 3rd battery so im looking at a 80lbs thrust to stay at 24V. My boat will catch a lot of wind because its high out of the water with dual windshield. I dont want to be blown off the spot lock feature because the motor isnt powerful enough. Anyone have a 80lbs Terrova i pilot on a big deep 17-19 footer? How does it perform in 20-30km winds?

    My thought is that you can never have to much battery life and to much thrust.


    I'd say go for the 36 volt and move on.

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