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Everything posted by thegrumpyfisherman

  1. Flawed fisherman logic at its absolute finest! That dimwit has probably been fishing that spot for years and years, and lately instead of pickerel he's finding musky there. "Damn musky are eating all my fish!" The bigger picture always eludes the ignorant lol
  2. I'm done with the idea guys but thanks for the help. I didn't realize the idea was insane when I posed it, I'm not a vehicle expert. It just seems odd to me in my particular vehicles case that it isn't possible, because structurally based on what I read both packages don't involve structural changes. Obviously as I've learned the GVWR system is pretty rigid and doesn't allow what I was asking, so no big deal. Thanks again new truck it is. Tony
  3. I've seen people do the same to Sheephead. Catch it, swear, slit the belly and throw it back. All while justifying it by cursing about how they just eat all the good fish as they are doing it. It's mind boggling sometimes Mike.
  4. Sad part is even if they banned him it wouldn't make a difference, he'd still be out there. Killing things cuz they irritate you is equivalent to smoking pot? How do you even ration with that?
  5. Thanks for all the tips everyone. I know it must be possible to do just doesn't seem anyone has ever attempted it the 'legal' way. You are all right, moving on to a newer vehicle would be plan 'A'. Unfortunately due to the fact I got married and recently 'unmarried', doing that is not an option for me for a few years which is why I was trying to explore if plan 'b' was possible. Yes I need a new truck I'm well aware that would be my best bet lol I was hoping for an easier route, my truck is rated for 2000 and only want to make it good for 3500 or so. A friend has a Z7 and its total weight with trailer is about 1300 lbs more than my truck is rated for. In many cases upping capacity is an issue of welding frames and upgrading suspension. After doing the research as Raf points out it seems its more a matter of computer changes and cooling issues (plus the hitch which is already installed) on my particular truck, so was wondering if anyone had experience with places that can both make minor changes then certify the extra capacity. It would appear if there is such a service no-one is aware of it. Thanks for the help though I will survive, was just exploring if there was another option.
  6. Vehicles get modded all the time, Vans turned into RV's, pickups turned into work trucks, I'm not sure I agree that only the manufacturer can do it. As to the implications, that was the whole intent of my original post, to find a shop that does this stuff legally and can certify the upgrade. If it's certified work there would be no insurance/liability implications. I agree getting a new truck is probably the easiest route, I was just attempting to see if anyone in the group has tried the alternative route. The frustrating part is the upgrade is very likely not structural at all in my particular vehicles case, the idea that ford has an entirely different chassis for such a small weight increase between packages wouldn't be very cost effective on their part. From everything I have read its largely sugar coated changes, and if that is indeed the case, it may not even be more than a few grand to do the work if I can find a licensed shop that does this type of stuff.
  7. No Ohio its all little stuff. Theres only one engine std. Its things like engine oil cooler, upgrading the rad, different wire harness etc. I already have a class 3 hitch so even that is ok. The boat package I'm looking at is about 3300 lbs, so it's not like I'm wanting to tow a yacht. Realistically like I said I could get all the work done and away I go, but neither the dealerships or the aftermarket shops I found are licensed to actually adjust the registered GVWR. I guess my question was basically if anyone knows of a shop that is. They must exist???
  8. I have a 2011 Explorer, and want a bigger boat. Apparently my vehicle did have the option for a 5000 lb towing capacity, but I wasn't smart enough to get it and am currently stuck with the base 2000 lbs for another 4-5 years. I know a lot of people add stuff to their vehicles and exceed capacity all the time but would rather try to legally get a shop to do it to protect my butt if anything ever happened. Has anyone done this or know of where or whom may be able to do it? Obviously if there is a 5000 lb version of my vehicle, there must be a list of things required to meet those specs. I've found places like Cobra Customs in Mississauga who said they can do most of the work, (ie oil cooler, tranny cooler, suspension etc), but they aren't able to certify a new capacity. Ya ya I know I should just get a new truck.
  9. They're still finding nets? I went to South River at the mouth once this year in the spring, normally walleye everywhere there. This year it was almost exclusively a sheephead festival. We are so fed up with the lack of good fishing there we have found a new lake for our spring/fall trip. Too bad for the lodge owners, unfortunately if nothing is done about the poor fishing they are going to really suffer.
  10. I got stopped by the MNR in South River in the spring, amazing the different approaches the two take. The fellows who stopped me asked to see my two licenses and that was it. Didn't ask for safety equipment or even to see in my live well. Reminded me of the new Walleye regs and away they went. Have yet to run into cops on the water but I'm sure my time will come. Sounds like I'm better off stowing the life jacket, can't split hairs if its in storage!
  11. I gotta admit Spanky I'm glad to see others have struggled a bit as well, must be pretty bad for this many fisherman to admit they are struggling, being such a proud lot! I'm still learning, so I asked based on what I've seen around me as well as what I've read. To go to Massassauga off Georgian Bay and catch 6 small fish in 12 hours something must be up. I'm pretty new to fishing but thats an area of Georgian Bay where even a bent needle with chewing gum should normally yield more than that! I tried everything and probably covered 7 miles of water. Last year the pike and Bass were literally jumping into my boat, makes me wonder where the hek they all are? Out in the big water? Thats my third trip since June and its been like that all three times.
  12. I've been reading a lot of comments since I joined that are suggesting 2014 hasn't been a banner year for more than just me. Yes, I've been catching fish, but I'm really having to work my butt off for it. Yesterday for example I spent 12 hours at Moon River/Woods Bay, and only managed 4 smallmouth and 3 pike, none of which were exactly trophys! It's been like this since my spring trip to Onaping. Mind you I only do inland lakes, maybe larger bodies of water have been better for some? Even Nippissing this spring was mostly Sheephead which has never happened before to us. I've read some suggesting weather as one possible culprit, any other ideas? Is it a matter of the fish are there just not biting? Are there less fish? Are they just in different places than usual? Or am I just a horrible fisherman lol Tony
  13. I've only been here a couple weeks, wasn't aware I joined the illuminati I was under the impression it was just a fishing message board. I have much to learn it would seem thanks for the heads up lol
  14. I'm with you Ron, I guess my reasons for driving a long way sometimes are 1) I like driving for me its half the fun, 2) I hate jet skis and tubers so also prefer to avoid crowds, 3) I like the Northern atmosphere better than down South, No cottages, few boats, and endless water to explore is also half the fun for me. I'd move up North if it wasn't for the pesky problem that my job is down South
  15. Just a heads up by October the temperatures up that way tend to be at or below freezing, and the winds can make it even worse. Just something to consider if you haven't already. I do a week trip to Onaping to the East usually second week of September and everytime I've gone a cold front has blown in mid week and made it ugly. Some people don't mind that weather just thought I'd mention it.
  16. I couldn't agree more! People think I am insane but what an adventure!
  17. Kinda more on topic than the NF post about work commutes, I was just wondering if I am nuts or if there are people more nuts than me when it comes to going fishing for a day? I lived in Hamilton and am now in Mississauga, and at least twice a summer on a day off I will drive to either Temagami or Onaping for a single day of fishing. Temagami is about 450 kms from me and Onaping over 500 one way. I will get done work late afternoon, crash til about 10 pm, then grab my boat and go. I arrive 4-5 am, launch, then fish all day. Usually I am pooped by dinnertime so I pull out, snooze in my truck for a couple hours, then hit the road 6-7 pm getting home after midnight. I can't be the worst in the forums for crazy spur of the moment trips like that, just wanted to hear if anyone else does stuff like this? Tony
  18. I read they require original receipt as well Scuro, I have one I broke the tip off this spring but like I said before I am honest enough to admit I did it myself so not having the receipt anymore I'll live. I think most guys, if they are honest (honest fisherman? Theres a laugh!) know that most rod breaks are of their own doing. I doubt defects play anywhere near the role that the amount of returns Shimano was dealing with actually represented. Thus the reason for the change.
  19. I think I read rods bought prior to Aug 1 2014 warranty will be honoured
  20. It was a great gimmick but be honest guys, how many people can actually say they used that warranty for defects? I broke 2 rods this year (so far), and as much as it pissed me off I can admit both were probably my own fault... (yanking too hard on a snag, and trying to yank one out of a storage compartment a little too aggressively) I'm by no means suggesting there aren't legit defects all the time, but from their end when something snapped gets sent in they pretty much had to replace it under the old policy, unless there was an obvious boot print left on it or something. I'd be interested to see the hard numbers of how many new rods they were having to dole out, that they were forced to make such a drastic policy change... Tony
  21. Navionics makes an App that claims to allow most of what you want. The app itself is free but I would assume the maps to make it work aren't. Not sure if the SD chip used in the fishfinder works with the app or if you have to pay additionally. I haven't tried it myself I'm sure someone has though.
  22. Sure Will and thanks! It's a two year old ProSport 14 footer I bought new. It of course has an aerated live well, 25 hp 4-stroke Electric Start, the driver swivel seat was custom installed, and I added the following toys to it: Lowrance Elite 7 HDI fishfinder Minn Kota Powerdrive V2 trolling motor with a power series deep cycle 185 battery Canon Downrigger Deckhand 40 power anchor winch with 25 lb anchor 2 additional Scotty Rod holders 2 dock bumpers driver-side mounted cup holder Best money I ever wasted! In hind sight if you're thinking of a boat similar, I should just point out you will be a bit limited with this one as to where is safe to venture out. It handle 1-3 foot waves not too bad, but any more than that I wouldn't go there. I'm actually thinking of upgrading to a Nitro Z-7 next year so who knows it may show up in the for sale section this winter Tony
  23. I tell myself this all the time AKRISONER, on one hand I'm amazed more people never experience the "real" outdoors, on the other if they did it would be ruined lol
  24. lol Thanks Joey. I got yelled at quit a bit for hook setting technique on the Bass trip the other day as well, got some work to do in that dept for sure appreciate the advice.
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