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Posts posted by AKRISONER

  1. Quick little update, I bought the boat…now just working out the details of importing it. 

    seller is going to probably bring it over the border to customs on the canada side for me and I will simply meet him there and report it for importation.

    Took it for a test drive/compression test, all cylinders even just a blip under 120psi

    Finally got to drive a boat with a hot foot. bass boats are fun 😁

    • Like 2
  2. On 10/1/2021 at 10:40 PM, Tjames09 said:

    Anyone know if Pete still guides in the Kawarthas? I think he was working with Handlebarz but I think that fizzled off (I could be wrong), just trying to find his contact info. Thanks: 

    He definitely does. He’s doing his own thing though. Been focusing on the st Lawrence but I’m sure you could get him to run the tri lakes again. 

    gbw probably gave you his number but if not let me know and I’ll send you it.

  3. 13 hours ago, BillM said:

    Private sale (Michigan)

    Separate receipts for trailer, boat, motor.

    Called insurance before we picked it up to made sure the trailer was added to the policy, used our current trailer plates for the ride home.

    Is NY a non title state?  Michigan is, so we got a signed document from the bank stating all liens were paid off.

    Paid the tax at the border, got the trailer safety when we got back, simple process.   


    It is a title state but they have an online database where I can search the title easily. 

    what I’m most concerned right now is the transfer of title in New York. I saw some article talking about possibly needing a notary in order to transfer title. I’m not sure how the province of this Ontario would have difficulty registering a trailer If I show up with a bill of sale, ownership documentation and the vin number? 

    also, was this “trailer inspection deal” required to register any trailer? Or just those that have been brought from the United States? Cause when I bought my first boat I definitely never got the trailer inspected. I just went to the Mto office.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Cosmos said:

    Don't forget to check trailer for any manufacturer recalls. I had to have that paperwork to register trailer in Canada. Also I went to mto in states(don't remember proper name) and got temp plate for trailer. My boat was from Pennsylvania. Good luck.

    see this is an interesting comment...could you explain what that process looked like...like did you phyiscally go to their transport ministry office to get a temp sticker?


    34 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

    I bought a hovercraft at auction in Wisconsin and I had the sales receipt with SN's and I just had to cough up the GST and I was on my way.

    Should be no different for a boat.

    This was picking it up at the seller's place. The Beaver Dam Wisconsin fire dept. 😁


    drifter, what did you do for plates when going to pick up the trailer. This is what Im still torn on how i go about specifically this. I have plates on my current trailer, i was thinking of simply using them as a temporary solution until I can get the trailer home and then properly register it? Aside from that how else would I be able to get trailer plates without physically having the actual ownership docs until the day of ownership? 

    Am i wrong in assuming that I could maybe go to the MTO in Ontario and buy plates for a trailer as long as I have the appropriate serial number and bill of sale?

  5. 2 hours ago, misfish said:

    OH OH

    Someone is going bigger me thinks.

    this is what happens when you go for a ride in Dave's brand new skeeter zxr lol

    1 hour ago, Terry said:

    You could fly there and rent a truck to tow it home

    it may come to this if things dont work out. I have an agreement with the seller to hold it for me for a bit, but hes got a brand new boat that needs the space!

    • Like 1
  6. Ive been doing a lot of reading about this. Im seeing a boat from a New York Owner on thursday. Weve agreed that with a deposit that he will hold the boat for me until I can physically enter the united states. The info seems somewhat unclear mostly because there are companies that will apparently "cater" your boat over the border and manage the applicable paper work. Some of the things that they try to scare you into believing about bringing a boat over basically makes the truth even more confusing.

    So im asking anyone here who has actually purchased a used/new boat in the united states and brought it back to Canada, what exactly did you do. Please indicate if your boat was from a dealer or used in a private sale. I feel like there are differences there too.

    My take right now, bill of sale with Boat, Motor, Trailer all listed with Vin Numbers. Proof of ownership of all. Go over border, notify border agents that you are carrying x amount of cash with you to purchase a boat. Get the boat, drive back over border and declare that you have purchased a boat, pay the associated duty at the border. Go to service ontario, register the trailer, and go online and register the boat and motor with the federal government. Heard some stuff about trailer inspection at canadian tire...But i think that was an old cash grab that doesnt exist anymore?

    What else am I missing.

  7. I personally believe her sobriety is based on a technicality, but nearly impossible to prove due to the circumstances. 

    I also believe the people that got hit are totally negligent as well for parking a boat at night with no lights on. Heck, unlit boats are nearly impossible to see at twighlight if they get up against the shoreline. Multiple times I’ve seemingly had boats just appear out of nowhere after cutting to the middle of the lake after being near shore after the sun has gone down with no lights on.

    a tragedy is what I would call this on all parts. Two people are dead because people didn’t follow the rules.

  8. spend the money, you wont regret it. Although if you talk to PUMPKNOWSFISHING he will steer you away from simms. Ive been running simms and they only started with a small leak this spring after fishing them for 7 years.

    Dont forget to super over dress under your waiters when making the switch. Breathable ones feel like standing in your regular pants in the river, you just dont get wet. I generally get pretty damn cold after a long stretch in the water and im usually wearing long underwear plus sweatpants and heavy socks. Late September mornings can be really cold with that flowing water pulling heat away from your legs.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Dutch01 said:

    My main kayak fishing buddy is going on 3 weeks now in the ICU at Scarborough Centenary Hospital.  He was unfortunately against the vaccine, and has since told me via one of our few text exchanges that he wishes he had gotten it.  If they take him off oxygen his blood oxygen drops, so there's likely some damage, and no way to know if it's permanent.

    I was already distancing more than most and I'm doubling that now.


    Hope you get things sorted out @DRIFTER_016  

    Damn man, all the best to your friend. Scary scary stuff.


    ive seen a few similar stories on the bass boat central forums. Guys literally posting from the hospital, somewhat stuck, they seem to be recovering but then they go off of the oxygen and their levels just crash and back they end up on oxygen.

    • Like 1
  10. late summer bass, especially smallmouth can be one of the toughest fish to stay on top of. They move so friggin much throughout the day. The small fish will always been on classic smallmouth spots but finding big ones is like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes. In general they are hanging nearby where youd think theyd be, except they will be deep and difficult to find without electronics.

    Take this past weekend, the regular spots were absolutely loaded with small fish, but the big ones were suspended out in 25 up to 40 fow literally off of the structure but not really holding to anything in particular. Youd see them on the graph though, and if you did mark them, they had no problem biting.

    In general these fish will move up in the early morning and later evening, but during the day they are elusive and very difficult to pattern in.

  11. My Tournament partner was running all smokes that he purchased within the last decade. Unfortunately they are all toast now.

    that’s just been what I’ve witnessed. He doesn’t abuse his gear either, actually quite to contrary. The drag etc was solid, but the gearing didn’t hold up to the test of time.

  12. 1 hour ago, jonasdry said:

    Coming from me? I am not the one playing the internet lawyer or judge. Harrassment is a prolonged thing, not a one or two time thing. It has to be ongoing and the person harrassing needs to seemingly go out of their way to do it but you know that right?


    Now if you read any of what you posted you will see that by definition nothing happened. Just because someone calls someone else name, which is protected via the charter of rights and that person doesn't feel comfortable doesn't make it a violation of the law.


    You try to play the smart guy all the time but you aren't nearly as smart as you think. You can make stuff up pon the internet all you want but you are wrong most of the time. Your opinion on things are not gospel. Good luck with your legal career.

    The fact that you consistently bring up your “charter rights” In this thread and others just screams “I’m an enlightened anti vaxxer, and you are all sheeple” is your legal name Chris Sky by chance?

    I wasn’t aware that the law is only enforceable when someone commits a crime multiple times. I guess we should all go rob a bank because the first ones a freebie!

    Funny you mention my career, I’m not a lawyer, but I have been working for a decade in regulatory compliance. So thanks for the encouragement for success in my actual career. 

    • Confused 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, jonasdry said:

    Which law? To stay where the guy was and say stuff is not harrassing. If the guy walked up to him and started talking crap sure, but it's not the interfering with fishing/hunting law.

    In a court, what the guy did would be covered under the charter of rights. The guy is allowed to stay where he is and talk all the crap he wants. There was no mention of the guy moving away from where he is so I don't know where the intimidation part is coming from. There was no "hate" or "racism". The guy expressed his opinion, which we are allowed to do. Not once did the guy interfere with anything. The law was quoted in the thread already. If you have a half a brain you can clearly see that no law was broken.

    its not very surprising coming from you, but if you chose to read what the OP said and considered his interpretation of the situation rather than blabbing on about what you personally are entitled to, you'd easily be able to figure it out yourself. So here I will do you a favour since you are seemingly struggling to use the internet

    From the original post, "Needless to say, a fun experience became a stressfull one, since we had to wait for him to leave before we could leave ourselves as we didnt want any kind of additional harrasment from him."

    Fairly blatantly implying that our member here Huz felt that if he were to walk past the individual a confrontation could occur. 

    "Which Law?"


    you will then find

    the criminal code of canada, specifically the section on criminal harrassment! Heres the hyper link for you https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-264.html


    Criminal harassment

    • 264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.

    • (2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of


    • (b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;

    • Like 1
  14. You can find tungsten drop spot weights almost anywhere now. 

    Id suggest ordering online from Peterborough pro tackle 

    better quality from a small business rather than garbage from big box. The last time I bought bass pro brand tungsten the swivels fell out instantly out of the package. Just garbage.

  15. 25 minutes ago, jonasdry said:

    So what in the above is calling someone names actually contravening? I disagree with what the dude has to say but he's not breaking any laws by expressing an opinion.

    you arent allowed to verbally harrass people or specifically intimated/threaten them.


    If our guy Huz is adhering to the law and some guy begins to verbally harass them, swearing at them and intimidating them and carrying on, the guy is breaking the law.

    The funny one here is that guys say that that they would walk up and beat his you know what in, but i can assure you they wouldnt. No one here is actually going to take an assault charge and go to court, serve time/pay a fine over someone talking ish. this isnt the 1970's, you fight in public you literally go to jail.

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