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About josappy

  • Birthday 06/20/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Borden , ON
  • Interests
    fishing, baseball

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. anybody around Borden , ON up for some fishing? i am able to drive too close locations for some shore fishing
  2. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/lake-ontario-shark-turns-out-to-be-a-publicity-stunt-1.2708893
  3. you are right, no one wants to leave PEI specially the beaches and seafood, but sadly in atlantic canada there isnt much employment so we have to come to the mainland or as i hear some torontonians call it ( land of milk and honey :S)
  4. yeah its not a bad little training ground here, petawawa was a nicer base IMO
  5. i seen on base here we have a rod and gun club, not sure what membership prices are or anything, but ill have too look into it
  6. We should go fishing together then lol
  7. thanks all for the warm welcome. there is no such thing as a bad east coaster :) as long as you can handle the drinking
  8. the cabelas in barrie opens thursday gonna go check it out
  9. awesome, sent you a message
  10. thanks for the info, i been going down too kingston a lot looking for musky but no luck as of yet
  11. Hello all, My name is Joe kerwin, I just got posted to CFB Borden, Originally from P.E.I I am very new to fresh water fishing and am looking for locations around my are that are good for shore fishing. I heard Lake Simcoe but it seems to only be good if you own a boat. Also any tip you can give me on different lures to use or tricks that work for bass , pike , walleye it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for any information
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