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Posts posted by MJL

  1. My dad and I hit the Islands today – First time this year. We wanted to fish the islands before pike season opened and was pressured by all the OFNers. It was a nice day to be out – certainly better than mowing the lawn or cleaning up my room. Walked a ton throughout the entire day with 20lbs of gear strapped to my back – Standing on the scale, I lost 4.5lbs. Every year I go through the same ritual of starting heavy and decreasing the weight each trip out to the Islands.


    Fished a few different spots and didn’t get anything. Took a nap on a bench and ate lunch. My dad the aspiring photographer tested out a few of his lenses. One for DSN, because we all know how much he loves swans.




    The last spot we fished, we managed to get into some fish


    I caught a large chunky bullhead. Like the ones DSN posted earlier in the week, it also had some nasty growths on it. My dad didn’t think it was photo-worthy for the archives. Popped it off the hook and it swam away to become pike food.


    A few minutes later I get this cool fish. I’ve never caught a bowfin before. I saw it sunning itself in some weeds, put a worm on the hook and jigged it a little…He took. The fight was good for a fish that size. A few quick pictures and it was off. I never realized how slimy they were – Almost like holding a long bar of soap in the shower (sans the nudity).



    Finally what I went to the Islands for.




    Managed to hook and land a few around this size. Fish just weren’t in the mood for food. I tried a bunch of things till I finally got them to hit. Nothing over 12lbs but I’m not complaining.




    I was 1 fish short of a “TO Islands grand slam”. Like how flats fishermen have their grand slam of Tarpon, bonefish, permit and snook; On the islands with course fish, we have carp, bullheads, bowfin and sheepshead – There are probably suckers too but I’ve never actually seen them at the Islands. Landed 3 of the 4 with the sheepshead no where to be found. Will be out again fishing the pike opener…For…You guessed it…Carp.

  2. If you see them then you can fish them. I won't fish anywhere if I don't see any.






    DSN, You don't need eyes to see them...Use the force!...Hence the reason why I out-fished you each time we went out last year :thumbsup_anim: Carp may be the most intelligent fish on Earth but they don't stand a chance against the force.


    Are we still doing a trip this weekend? I've got 80lbs of corn and 12lb of boilies left over from last year I want to use up.


    Don't worry, I'll train you to become a Carp Jedi Master like myself - All you have to do is ditch the Ugly Stick and buy a reel with a drag that works :clapping:


    When I'm done with you, you'll soon be able to use your mind to persuade the carp to take even the worst bait out there

  3. Looking at Google maps, they're only 10min away from each other. With that said, AngSpec is closer to the Credit if that's where you're going


    You can Google map

    Angling Specialties: L5B 3X9


    Or LeBaron

    1590 dundas street east, mississauga, Ontario

  4. After some serious thought, I came up with these


    My Top 5 producers of 2006

    5. Prince nymph - Size 10-12

    4. Black stonefly - Size 6-10

    3. Purple Austrian variant - Size 4

    2. Egg-pattern (any) - various sizes

    1. Black woolly bugger - Size 8


    My 5 most fun to use

    5. Bunny Leech - Size 2-4 on a strip/swing retrieve

    4. Clouser minnow - Size 1/0 to 2 off the pier or beach (Watch your head)

    3. John Valk micro spey on a swing (Watch your shoulder on the take)

    2. Black woolly bugger - Size 8 (it's a numbers pattern)

    1. Wake N bake surface fly - Only caught 1 steelhead off the top with it but it was pure bliss when it took. Haven't seen them rise since

  5. Great report. I often get those smaller resident fish by accident while I'm steelheading. Fishing for those little trout looks like a blast...Especially on the dry fly. Looks like something I may want to try my hand at in the future. It'll be a whole new experience using those ultra-lite fly rods rods (5wt and less). I thought my 8wts were light (at least for what I normally use them for).


    That is one gorgeous brown.

  6. I find a lot of people hate fishing the trout season opener. Most hate crowds and fishing the shoulder to shoulder conditions. Many hate the antics that go along with it (ie. Garbage, less than ethical angling, etc). I love fishing the opener purely because of the tradition it holds for my dad and I. Like Christmas, it instills a feeling of anticipation and excitement. I don’t get to fish for steelhead much anymore because of my schedule. I know in the tail-out below the bend in that special part of the river, fish are waiting for me - whether or not they take the bait is something else.


    With that said, the 2007 season opener was more of a journey for me than just one single day of fishing.


    Captain’s log – So it begins


    April 18, 2007


    I finally have the free time to re-build my float rod for the coming opener. A Raven IM9, I bought back in 2001. It was starting to show its age with scratched/chipped guide wraps and ferrules – It’s been to hell and back. The warranty expired long ago and I was unsatisfied with the factory guides that they provided – I had issues with them snapping in the past. Off to the store for new guides.


    New Ferrule/guide wrap – Originally it was solid blue – now a translucent red/gold/black mix






    The dinner table – Watching the epoxy dry. I do have a motor but being the anti-social hermit that I am (with nothing better to do at 2:30am Thursday morning), I decided to turn them by hand.






    April 21


    Took the rod out for a test drive at the Credit River. All went well with the rod. Unfortunately my waders weren’t the same. Found 2 holes in the inseam area around the knee. The water was relatively warm, I was unsure if my waders were leaking or if I accidentally pi$$ed my pants. I guess it’s better I discovered them before the opener. I found this great product in the local fly shop.




    If you own neoprene or breathable waders, THIS IS A MUST HAVE ITEM. Only costs $10 but the fact that you can repair waders in MINUTES rather than HOURS (even when wet), is priceless. All you need is shade to apply it and sunlight to cure – Or the UV lamp made by the same company.


    Waders were repaired on the same day


    April 27



    I finished writing my last final exam for the semester and headed to a couple tackle shops for some supplies. Floats, leader material, fly tying material, soft-plastic micro jigs, etc.



    I tie 24 spawn sacs and realize that I’m out of spider thread – subsequently all tackle shops are closed. Luckily I had 20.5 worms in my refrigerator for extra bait if need be. Rest of the gear is assembled and ready to go.


    April 28, 2007

    2 hrs of sleep, I’m good to go – Coffee puts me to sleep so it’s pure adrenaline and excitement keeping me awake. Arrive at my spot at around 5:30am and start fishing


    By 9am, 7 fish landed between 2-8lbs with countless lost. One from the early morning




    Most memorable fight of the day. This buck took me up and down river and through a stretch of fast water before I landed it. Speedy devil he was.




    The camera died after taking 4 pics. The rechargeable batteries didn’t hold their charge


    At the end of the day (4pm), I managed to bank a total of 9 fish on float and fly tackle and lost count of the numbers I lost – Lack of fishing practice = Rust. My main mission was to Christen my new float reel and I accomplished it (Thanks for the reel dad, you can use it to – Happy retirement – Just don’t drop it). Had a great time fishing with my dad, who wasn’t as lucky as I was, but managed to get the big fish of the trip (the camera died just before he landed it). Overall it was a memorable trout season opener for both my dad and I.

  7. I don't know about you, but with my busy schedule, I'm thankful for just getting outside and fishing any chance I get - fish or no fish - It really doesn't matter to me...At least I'm outside doing something. If catching was that important to me, I'd go to the nearest trout pond to fish - guaranteed action there.

  8. I prefer the fight of a carp, but I have to be in the right mood for carp fishing....a lazy mood.... I'm more of a hunter than a sit and wait kind of fisherman...


    You gotta try your hand at fly fishing for them on shallow flats. It's the closest thing I can think of to fishing for bonefish or permit down in the tropics. Stalking them is another technique that's more akin to hunting - break out the camo. Carp fishing is far more dynamic than most people think.

  9. I didn't mean fish wasn't open I mean I have read on all the Town of Markham websites that Milne Damn Park at McCowan and 7 is not at all open until May 22nd, so I have been stearing clear. Am I wrong?? It's sooooo close to my house I could walk for crying out load. I'll try and give the Town of Markham a call today and see what's up.


    This is what I could find


    "Fishing is allowed with a MNR fishing permit (available at bait shops and Canadian Tire stores). The park is open for vehicles from 8:00 am until dusk from Victoria Day weekend until Thanksgiving. Admission to the park is free during the week"


    To me, it leaves room for interpretation. It states that it's open for vehicular access starting May 22 but really doesn't state that you couldn't fish prior to that - If you are in walking distance, there's nothing really there to say you can't walk in. This is actually my first time reading that. My dad and I never had problems driving in over the years nor has anyone else that I know around this time (before Victoria weekend) - Then again the gate was always open. Last year around this time the park was open for joggers, dog-walkers, bird-watchers and other day-users. It was also posted on the internet last year the week before the trout opener to come and catch the stocked rainbow trout on the last Saturday in April. Maybe fellow OFNer Wolfville might know more. Last year he worked with the city to change that misleading sign at the TooGood pond entrance by the dam.


    You can always call the city before you head out to ensure that you aren't trespassing.

  10. Ok I warned you so here it is!!




    Here's more.... "MJL rememebr this nasty one? (above) :lol: From last year!!


    Wasn't that the one you kissed last year?LOL


    I know that swan well




    It's better he's bothering you instead of me. He stole 1/2 my bait last year while I was taking a nap.

  11. Float reel = Free spool + clicker (Expensive ones have optional drag - ie Angling Specialties)

    Fly reel = Drag or click and pawl function (no free spool option)



    The free spool nature of the float reel lets you pay line off the reel at the same speed as the river currents without doing much (you let go of the spool and the reel spins at the same speed as the float).

    - You don't have to keep your bail open or manually pay out line to extend your drifts

    - I can create a drag-free drift easier with a float reel (then again, I hardly ever fish with a spinning reel so it's down to practice).

    - I can go from free-spool to total lock down instantly when fighting fish (you probably can with a spinning reel too)

    - It's a blast to fight fish on when your hands are the drag



    - Pain to use in wind - better off using a spinning reel in high winds

    - Casting takes practice

    - It's heartbreaking every time you put a ding/dent/scratch in the palming ring

    - Some models cost more than the GDP of African countries - But sooo sexy

    - Bloody knuckles (Never happened to me but if you're new at it, watch out)

  12. It used to take me an hour to clean 20 perch till I figured out it was easier to get somebody else to do it - ie the wife (or girlfriend) but may also include neighbours, parents, really really good friends, etc


    It's enough "punishment" getting sunburned, dealing with adverse weather conditions, driving to and from the lake, waking up at 4am Saturday morning so you don't have to wait for people to launch their boat when you get there.


    One of the greatest discoveries of my fishing career


    I enjoy my naps between the time I come back from the water and dinner/lunch




    Ladies who fish, perhaps you might be able to get your husband/boyfriend/life partner to do it - unlikely - But worth a try

  13. DSN I'm thinking back to all those times I caught you spawning with the female (or male?) carp in June...NASTY! (j/k)


    As far as dreams go, I used to dream about saltwater fly fishing for coho salmon until I punched the wall next to my bed. Dreaming about double hauling and shooting 90ft of fly line can be dangerous. I had to bandage my wrist for a good 2 weeks.



  14. Gold stars to MJL and Mepps for having seen the show I watched - you're right it was Matt Hayes and Mick Brown in the Great Rod Race shown on a cable channel in the UK. :clapping:


    How did you guys get to see it? Was it shown over here?


    It was such a great series - when I get back to the UK I'm going to try and get it on DVD.


    Let's see which OFNCer can get close to catching them all this year! :Gonefishing:


    Not sure if you can get it on TV here - I only have basic cable anyway. A few of my English buddies sent over DVDrips in non-PAL format for me in exchange for DSN's hot spots on the islands and the locations of the nearest pubs and curry stands.

  15. Sort of reminds me of the TV shows Matt Hayes and Mick Brown were in together.


    That would be totally neat if someone actually could get all gamefish (and popular course fish) species within a month. I'm just trying to get my head around open seasons, prime seasons, travel costs, global warming trends and sheer luck. Doing it all within a year is still a very big challenge.


    If anything, I'll put my bets on BBR to do it :worthy:

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