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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I guess I'm lucky I don't burn. I just tan or look like a cooked lobster at the end of the day without protection. Even so I take sun protection very seriously. The sunscreen that Kevin posted (Ombrelle) is my favourite in 30-45. It's light enough that you don't even know you're wearing it. I apply it to all exposed areas (feet included).


    I also wear light long-sleeved breathable shirts I picked up at MEC for around $20, a hat with flaps made by Eddie Bauer and a set polarized glasses for eye protection.




    Whatever keeps you fishing longer can't be a bad thing.

  2. Definately not converting yet... just wanna try so I can say I did it and cant stand them ugly buggers :P


    With increasing temps from global warming, threats from urbanization and the overall degradation of our environment, carp may be the only fish left standing. Better get used to them quick.

  3. If I had to choose between canned corn or boilies as a hook bait, I'd choose boilies (at least for Hamilton harbour). The gobies down there will drive you nuts with canned corn. If you can get a hold of feed-corn (aka maize or cattle corn) that would be even better to chum with (cheaper too).


    As far as chumming amount goes...Little and often is what I do - Others chum lots and still get into fish (more akin to fishing where there are hundreds of large hungry carp in a single pod - St. Lawrence). A few handfuls (Or slingshots, spods, baiting spoons) worth of corn every 20-30min should suffice. If they're really having it, increase the amount and frequency. Just remember: If you throw 10lbs of bait into the swim all at once, the fish will have to sift through a heck of a lot of bait before it reaches your hook. There's also the fact that if fish aren't interested or only a few fish are present, you can't take bait out. With less bait out in the swim, you can promote a competitive feeding behaviour amongst the fish - when fish are competitive for food, they often make more mistakes and spend less time analyzing the trap you've set. Chumming amount is all variable from location to location...If you fish the water enough, you'll get a feel for the numbers and size of fish present in a given area.


    Not overly familiar with that particular location so can't help you with spots.


    Hope this helps

  4. Ok...I know it depends on temperature etc, but how long on average can you expect them to continue? Do they start biting again once it's over or do they move out? People I've talked to around here say that they stay all summer long, but I'm not sure if that's true. I'm not sure I have the patience to chum areas to keep them in a certain area or not.


    Anyhow, just wondering what to expect. Thanks!


    I find after the spawn, fishing adjacent to deep channels is best. The carp generally don't stay in very shallow water all year.

  5. Does that mean you'll have to get another carp setup? Because we all know your dad took yours.


    Next thing you know, he'll be:

    - Wanting to go to distant trophy carp waters

    - Purchasing a bivvy to fish long sessions

    - Upgrading to the same tackle that Danny Fairbrass fishes with

    - Talking like Danny Fairbrass ("come on!, "get in the net my son!", "she's a biggin")

    - Develop his own bait recipes that he won't share with you


    All during that time while you're at school. Life of a carper is sick isn't it?

  6. you should have taken a pic with your dad ... did u guys get into any double headers?


    i'll post up my report alittle later tonight when i go back to Waterloo. thanks for posting the pics


    Vic, my dad and I didn't get into any double headers. We mostly took out one of our lines when we had a fish on. We didn't want to risk having 2 fish dive into the snag.


    Here's the 2nd double header we had. Vic's fish at 15lbs mine at 18lb 2oz. As you can see she didn't feel like being fondled without putting up a fight.



  7. I've heard/read that carp begin to spawn when it hits 60-65 degrees F. In the areas where I fish, the slow down period is from mid-June through to mid/late-July. July is my worst month of the year. You can still catch them though...Just expect to wait a little longer in between fish. Not all fish spawn at the very same moment so there's always something willing to bite. Even so, 2 yrs ago on the islands I got into a few fish which were spawning not more than 10 min earlier - After a few mouthfuls they were back at it. Kinda reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where food and sex do mix.

  8. Spent today carp fishing with dad again. Weather forecasts looked prime for such an outing (a little too hot for my taste though). I was expecting to also meet up with Victor and his dad and Wolfville but alas, Wolfville found out he had other engagements.


    Got to the lake at 7:00am and to my amazement, there were a number of carpers trying their luck. There weren’t that many available places to set up but the surrounding anglers on either sides of us were gracious enough to let us fish beside them.


    I spodded in some bait with emphasis on groundbait placement rather than sheer quantity. Maize and method mix made their way into the swim. I put bait on the hair rig and tossed my rig out. Within 10 minutes I’m into a fish. Victor arrives just as I’m playing it to shore and he nets it for me


    Victor and I with first fish of the day



    I guess the reason no one was fishing the swim that I was fishing was because of the huge snag on the right hand side.


    Narrowly avoiding the huge snag of roots.



    End result of tug-o-war



    Action was consistent among all the anglers along the bank. It’s always entertaining watching people catch fish even when you’re not. At one point I saw a rod coast down to the water when the angler forgot to set his baitrunner on. I got to fish and chat with several OFNer’s who were fishing along the bank.


    Victor brought his dad with him…We were planning on having a father-son day at the lake. Victor’s dad was thrilled when he was catching fish like this. I’m sure Victor will continue this thread with a few pics of his own.



    I also got to meet and chat with Photoz, Rodpody and Mikeh. All of whom are great anglers and wonderful people. I’d gladly fish with any of them any day.


    Here’s Mikeh with his biggun of the day. He was fishing for his OFC team and did them a favour with this fish. Mike really is a giant in person (at least compared to me) and this really is a fish in the mid-20lb range.



    Victor and I also had a few double headers throughout the day.



    No report would be complete without a picture of carp making love. Looking at the pics, I actually think both fish are males.



    It was a great day overall. My dad and I had a blast with 25 fish banked. A couple fish were in the lower 20’s and the rest ranged from 5-19lbs. Victor and his dad also had fun and were pleased with their catch results. Had a blast fishing with fellow OFNers and can’t wait for another carping g2g.


    I’ve got plenty of bait left…I guess there’s always tomorrow :D

  9. Great report and pics...You've certainly got passion for the sport. In time, you'll buy all the bells and whistles...It's inevitable.


    I tend to talk too much when carp is the topic. I need a therapy....a 30 pounder will do ;-)





    What kind of therapy is that?! That's like giving the heroin addict a bigger dosage of the drug...We need to cut you off completely from carp fishing - Cold turkey...I get first dibs on your Aero GTE-B. If anything I blame Victor for your addiction.

  10. I see panhandlers begging for change all the time by the TTC stations. What ticks me are the ones who smoke packs upon packs of cigarettes at the corner while sitting on their @$$ begging for change...If you're at the bottom of society's food chain, the least you can do is get your priorities in check. If you have enough $ for cigarettes or booze, you don't need my change.

  11. People photoshope their photos so you don't see where they are carp fishing?


    Wow, I didn't realize it was such a secret society.


    I run into carp holes wading the Otonoabee and the Trent Canal system almost every time I am out... maybe I can sell this information... haha.


    There are thousands of carp out there but there is certainly a finite amount of spots on shore where people can fish (be it for carp, steelhead, salmon, bass, pike, etc). There seems to be a current trend of land privatization along with commercial development (again privatization). All it takes is a few bad anglers who leave garbage on the bank for areas to be closed. I was saddened when I found empty cans of corn lying on the bank along with empty hook and egg sinker packages at one of my favourite spots (Not to mention the timmy's cups) - The garbage can was 10ft away. Would you let your child play with razor sharp canned corn lids or hooks carelessly tossed on the grass? Similarly, I've heard of many cases where dogs have ingested discarded fishing hooks, line, sinkers, etc.


    The fact is, the WWW is a public space for anyone to gain access to. Most of us have passed the point of believing that everyone who frequents this web-site, along with others, share the same level of appreciation of our natural resources that we have. Not everyone follows the fishing regulations and not everyone treats their catch with respect.


    This past weekend, a father with his 2 young daughters I met were disappointed that they couldn't fish 2 local parks because the city closed the park to fishing - Most likely due to the large amounts of garbage left behind. The father had fished them for years. It's always sad when you lose a great fishing spot close to home.

  12. Only if I would remember to flip that switch every time. I forgot to do that several times on my last trip and one on of those times I had a fish on. Pod and everything else would be swimming if my son was not standing right there.


    I wasn't too worried...It just means you'll have to get me a whole new outfit. :thumbsup_anim:


    Dad, I've got my eyes on

    - Chris Orne or Nick Buss custom tied Harrison Torrix 2.75lb carp rod

    - Shimano LC baitrunner or Daiwa Infinity BBR or Daiwa Sportsmatic (I'm not too picky :D)

    - Solar Worldwide pod + global conversion kit + solar buzz bars

    - Set of Delkim TXI bite alarms + Receiver

    - Set of Kryptonite hangers (Or swingers if you can find a set)


    Don't worry, we don't have to tell mom about the bill :whistling:

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