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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Couldn't you just float around Lake Ontario on an inflatable raft for the night - Dangle your legs in the water if you want. The water's cool and the breeze off the lake is refreshing. You get first dibs on fishing spots when you wake up. Just don't get sucked into a water intake pipe for a power plant...You should be fine...You might need navigational lights at night though.

  2. Anywhere you go along harbourfront has gobies. Stick a worm on a small hook, drop it down to the bottom and you're guaranteed to get them as long as you have bait. They're not the most fun fish to catch but you can help rid the great lakes of them by destroying as many as you can.


    Islands is a good bet for all sorts of fish


    Here's a link about fishing around the GTA


  3. hiding your carp spots?


    From who?


    Probably from the people who leave behind: empty cans of corn, sharp can lids, empty plastic bags of frozen corn, empty hook packages, empty packages of egg sinkers, worm containers, discarded fishing lines, beer bottles, empty water bottles, discarded fishing rigs (with rusty hooks attached), snotty Kleenexes and soiled paper napkins, empty cups from timmy's (usually with matching lids), paper bags from fast food joints, cigarette butts, cigarette boxes...I can list more things that I've found in my carping spots if you would like


    It can be assumed that not everyone who reads these posts (or sees these pics) on OFC is as appreciative of the environment as we hoped they would be.

  4. u were using ur thunnus + technium? lol!


    good to hear that you're getting into good action in July! now i don't believe dsn and your dad only got 1 each ... :D


    nice pics


    They weren't doing the special dance to worship the Carp Gods...You know which one


    When DSN wasn't looking I did the Anti-Carp-Dance and stole his carp-mojo and put it onto my own rod :whistling:


    Thank goodness no one took any pics to reveal the special moves required for the dances.

  5. Spent this morning fishing with my dad (Lazybum) and DSN at one of the spots the GTA has to offer. We were after carp (As usual). We were fishing one body of water where most people would never have thought about fishing - One passerby commented “I can’t believe there’s fish in here” as he jogged past us…The GTA is full of overlooked places just waiting to be discovered.


    DSN (aka Spod boy, Mr. Spod, and other names involving “spod” which may not be suitable for a younger audience) graciously baited up the area with canned corn, maize and method mix. We tossed in our baited hooks and waited…For 5 min…I had one sizzling run and landed a nice 2lber.


    From 7:30am till about 12:30 I was lucky to land 9/10 fish which were all around the 2-4lb range. Though small, they put up quite a tussle even with the heavier carp gear that I was using. Each one fought valiantly before coming to the net.


    Some pics




    This one wrapped itself around a floating log and a dead floating bass before coming to the net



    It turns out to be the biggest one of the day



    My last fish of the day…It kicked a little while trying to take its pic and ended up upside down.



    DSN managed to land 1 and my dad lost 1 but got to take a lot of pics with his camera :D


    We did have to endure a massive swarm of biting red ants and scorching temps but I guess it's still better than a good day at work. Overall, a fun trip in the GTA.

  6. i use standard corn from the feedmills... i don't even boil them...


    When using maize (aka cow corn, cattle corn, feed corn), I would recommend that anyone using it at least soak it for a minimum of 24hrs and boiling it for 30-60min. Alternatively, you can soak maize for 72hrs


    Maize along with many other particle baits out there (ie. chick peas, black eyed beans, peanuts) have the ability to expand when they take on water. It can be dangerous to use unsoaked/uncooked particles as it can expand inside a carp's stomach, rendering the fish unable to pass it through their digestive system.


    Some links on particle bait preparation:




  7. From a few boaters I've talked to the last couple of weeks, it's already made its way into Buckhorn and Chemong (Can't personally confirm this)


    I fished in the Peterborough area and the river north of it on Saturday and got into 4 fish. July is usually my worst month up there and fish just weren't in the mood for feeding much...On the bright side, I caught up on my lost sleep.


    The biggest from Saturday


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