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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I haven't fished North Tea lake before but if it's a typical shield lake - like many of the other lakes along the highway - you can't go wrong using soft-plastics that imitate leeches and crayfish for the smallies (eg. black curly tail jigs and brownish-coloured tubes). I have also done well using the standard Rapalas and twitching them on the surface in the early morning and at dusk.

  2. What kind of car do you have? Hatchback? 2 seat sports car? Can you put the backseat down (if you have one)? Can you thread your rod inside the car through the middle?


    As far as lines go, I've got 8lb mono spooled on my reels. If the water is gin clear, I tie on a fluorocarbon leader. I find pure fluorocarbon mainlines unpleasant to fish with, especially in colder weather...It's stiff and kinks a lot.

  3. Thanks again for the replies.


    I fished up in Kinmount yesterday from 10am to about 5pm. My uncle has a waterfront property so I launched from his backyard and paddled up and down the river in my canoe - I also drifted where ever the wind took me (usually into stumps and into trees). I was surprised that it was quite deep in a lot of places for such a narrow river. I could literally cast my fly across the entire river in some places. I marked depths to 22ft on the fish finder. Unfortunately the fish didn't like any of the flies I tied the night before so I used my spinning tackle for most of the day.


    I was expecting to get into a lot of bass but unfortunately couldn't get into many...I actually only caught 1 smallie...But I did get into tons of rock bass and a couple small walleye. Highlights of my day were

    1. Landing a large sled that probably fell through the ice during the winter. It tested my 20lb PowerPro to the max!

    2. Losing a big 3-4lb walleye at the boat (I don't fish for walleye much so 3-4lbs is big to me).


    Here's one of the walleyes I caught (both were about the same size). He took a leech on a circle hook with a split shot crimped on the line.



    Overall a fun trip

  4. I tried using bollies that day but nothing. So I switched back to corn. The corn was brighter under the cloudy sky and was very visible in the dark waters. I got more hits on that than with bollies for that day.


    I'll sell you 1 of of my magical pineapple boillies for $30. Or 5 at $100. At those prices, you can't go wrong!

  5. Hey folks


    I was just wondering what type of fish I can get out of the Burnt river near Kinmount? I'll be there this Friday at my uncle's cottage. Are there any carp that way? If not, it would save me a 1.5hr trip with smelly fermented corn in the backseat.



  6. As far as common carp go, they seem fairly benign compared to the ones that jump 6' into boats. If it is a virus, what's there to stop it from mutating and hitting other species (which some have in the past)? If you fish the Kawartha region, I'd be worried.


    Personally, I find some of the reasons why people dis-like carp interesting.


    Some of the ones I've heard over the years"


    1. "15yrs ago the fishing was awesome...The carp ruined it for all of us"

    Reply "You do realize that carp have been in here since the 1800's"


    2. "Carp have eroded away the shoreline all along the Otonabee"

    Reply "Are you talking about those boats over there that speed through the channels and create all these wakes"..."You're right look how much dirt was washed away when that one sped through"


    3. "Carp don't taste good"

    Reply "Don't eat them then"


    4. "Carp are eating all the weeds!"

    Reply "Maybe that's not such a bad thing...Just look at your prop...And his...And their's"


    As far as government conspiracies, it won't be the first time someone has used chemicals to control carp...It's called rotenone.


    Being the carp nut that I am...Perhaps it's best to remain optimistic about the situation. Some research has stated that carp die-offs (natural, man-assisted, man-assisted accidents) can be beneficial to the species where only 1 or 2 strong year classes of fish may dominate a lake (for decades) and as those fish age, the spawning potential and general quality of fish declines. In 10 or so years, Scugog may be the great carp fishery that it once was with a quality head of fish.

  7. have a fun, safe trip and take lots of pictures!


    we'll miss you this weekend :(


    You don't have to refresh your computer every 2min starting at 11:30 anymore.


    Make bait, tie rigs, watch Danny Fairbrass catch fish over and over again on the Korda DVD. Take a stand and don't let Cliff's reports rule your life. Take it one night at a time.

  8. If you can't find any, you can make your own boillies, rigs and baiting needles.


    Some stores you might want to check out (In no particular order)

    - Fishing World

    - Angling Specialties

    - FishOnlineCanada

    - Tightlines


    A little birdy told me that KTL, the supplier to many stores in the GTA is having problems getting Nash and DAM tackle from overseas. Inventory is currently on backorder with very little tackle coming in the foreseeable future.


    You can always order tackle online



  9. In relation to the line strength I was using for the carp - what strength do other people use?


    If my fish was 15lb and I used 12lb line, what size fish could I catch on that line?


    Or should I be changing my reels to say 20lb line in case I hook into one of the monsters at the Islands?


    On average I use 12-15lb mono when ledgering. 8-10lb mono when stalking and float fishing. 50+lb PowerPro when fishing areas with heavy zebra mussels and snags. On the Islands I find I don't need to use more than 10-12lb test.


    In general I find using mono heavier than 15lb unpleasant to use on most spinning reels - Even with big-pits and large baitrunners.


    With 12lb mono I've caught fish to 36+lbs without trouble. The rod acts like a giant shock absorber and the drag helps to cushion the line. If you play the angles you can land a large fish on light line in no time.

  10. now i need to do some homework ...


    WHAT!? You didn't do it before?! Don't be like me!


    The golden rule...When in doubt, pack up - Especially the net...It never fails!


    Wolf, I'm not sure if it's against the law to start a fire in a mini BBQ...When the cops come by just throw some burgers on the grill.

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