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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I keep 2 bass per year when I go camping with friends. Other than that, I hate cleaning fish - Especially panfish...But if someone offers to fillet, coat, fry and clean up the mess, I'm all for catching a little more for the table. I generally practice catch and release 99.9% of the time.


    There was one time I kept a Lake O salmon for eggs + dinner. Walking 2+km with a 25lb carcass is something I don't want to do again - Especially with my bad back and all. On the bright side, it tasted alright with the recipe I got from Shelly and Courtney involving fresh wasabi and low sodium soy sauce. The skein was also mint.

  2. Here's one from Friday night.




    I was worried that my groundbait mix was a little too effective...The fermented corn + hemp could've impaired the fish's ability to swim straight. They were probably a little too relaxed to worry about food for the night. Hence, the reason why Wolf and Vic did so well the next night.


    Had a blast fishing with you and Bly. Gotta get out to do it again.

  3. I remember catching a nice one last year with DSN. The carp weren't biting and I didn't have a light spinning rod, so I took a spool of 8lb line I had with me and tied on a fly that DSN had in his pocket (muddler minnow). Jigged the fly a little off the side of the dock and a monster rock bass took it. He measured 10.5 inches in length and it was my biggest rock bass ever.






    The live release record is 11.75 inches in length and 11 inches in girth. The provincial record is 3lbs according to the Canadian Sport-fishing web-site under Fish Registry

  4. This is why I can't go to bed early at night anymore I am waiting for the last report of the day and that my friend is fresh fish report.


    WTG Cliff :clapping: MTP


    You're actually not the first person I've heard of doing that.


    I know of someone else who religiously sits at his (or her) computer and presses the refresh button every 2 min awaiting for Cliff's carp reports to come through...Cough cough Victor...Cough cough.

  5. Haven't seen you on MSN in ages...I thought you pulled a Forest Gump and took up Shrimping or marathon running or hopped on a plane to some distant tropical island to promote Christianity.


    Saturday arrives. We get a call that the furniture is on it way. And that there is a problem. :dunno: So we dared to ask. We were told that the order was missing a single seat couch. And that it was somewhere on the 401. Because someone forgot to close the truck latch properly. :unsure: So we are missing a couch now. Any come across a couch? Or ran into one? :unsure:


    I came across it, and it's now mine! All mine! I'm actually sitting on it as I type this reply.


    And before we moved in We found a pigeon nest with 2 eggs. I have been taking pictures of them as they grew after they hatched. It's amaging how fast they grow and change each day.



    Are you fattening them up so you can pull a Colonel Sanders extra-Crispy on them? You do realize it is cheaper to buy take-out than to grow your own food right?


    Now that you've moved, all those fish at the local swims can now live in peace...Except for when I fish for them :thumbsup_anim:

  6. Great report and pics


    Each report is a dagger to my motivation to do well at university...I can fish now and study later...Opportunity cost?...Marginal benefit of fishing is still greater than marginal cost (or torture) or studying. Therefore I CAN go fishing...I hope I don't write this on my managerial economics exam...If I do, it's because of you and Bly.


    As far as B-ville goes, it's a wide open estuary at the ramps. Not the greatest place to catch panfish but I do remember getting the odd rock-bass and bullhead there at night while drowning worms. Bring the bug spray during summer...Lots of mozzies.

  7. hmm good info, i had same question about this,


    heres 1 i cant figure out, how do u stop the boilie from coming off, do u just use a stopper, or what else can u do?


    I use various bait stops...They look like mini dumbells.


    Alternatively you can use a small piece of twig to put in the loop below your bait on the hair.

  8. thanks for finally making me feel better for getting skunked all the time :D


    that is funny though lol ... maybe i should buy some skunk repellent and spray some on myself before i head out everytime (do they even exist?)


    Vic, spray yourself with cologne. If the carp aren't biting, you can try your hand at the ladies


    If you don't want to skunk, say to yourself that you're just testing out your baits...At the end of the day, at least you've accomplished something (fish or no fish).


    Alternatively, you can tell others you're just there to relax...Something you can't do with a carp at the end of your line


    I never skunk...I'm just out getting my daily intake of Vitamin D :D

  9. Where do you buy your boilies?


    You can get DAM and Nash boillies from Angling Specialties. Fishing World I think also has DAM and Nash as well as a couple other brands (Royal Carp + others). You can also order them online.


    Currently living off of the remaining 14lbs of boilies that I still have from last year...Freebies which a few of my UK buds brought over with them :D

  10. Can't remember where I got this from. Dug it out of the archives from when I used to make them myself.


    3 eggs

    4.5oz of cornmeal

    4oz of soya flour

    4oz of semolina

    3oz of buttermilk powder

    1oz of liquid sweetener (your choice - can opt for sugar)

    2-3 tsp of flavouring (your choice - scopex, tutti fruitti, peach, strawberry, whatever)

    2tsp of olive oil

    2tsp of salmon oil (optional)

    2tsp of salt


    - Mix dry ingredients together

    - Mix wet ingredients together

    - Add dry stuff to wet stuff

    - Mix until it's a dough


    TIP - if it sticks to you or the counter top, add oil to your hands or add flour to the paste. Too much flour will make rolling difficult though...You have to find the right balance


    - Roll into balls (you pick the size)

    - Boil for 30 seconds or more. More if you want them rock hard. Generally big fish only eat the rock hard ones.

    - Air dry (I use screen door mesh stapled to a rectangular frame made of wood)

    - Put in freezer when dry (I normally air dry for 12+ hrs)

    Tip - You can add natural preservatives so that you don't have to freeze them. Follow manufacturer's directions for amount of preservative needed per pound of bait.


    These make sinking boilies


    To make them float you can cover cork balls with the dough and then boil them...Or you can nuke them in the microwave for a few seconds depending on the diameter...Best to nuke them for a few seconds each time or they'll explode...Trust me


    I usually buy all my boillies now. It's fun to roll dough into balls for the first 5min...After that, I would rather just be fishing. If you have a sausage gun + rolling table, you can make a few hundred boillies in a matter of minutes - Can be quite expensive though. It is satisfying catching fish on your own baits. It's also impossible to find 2" boillies in most shops so making them is your only option...If you have the time, go for it.


    Hope this helps

  11. It seems like a cyclical thing around southern Ontario. 6-7 years ago, there was a massive carp kill that took fish along the shores of Lake Erie through to Lake Ontario. I remember the Rouge was particularly bad...You could literally smell the dead carp even before you hit the beach at Port Union and Lawrence. I'm not entirely certain but I remember reading at the time something about a herpes virus that only affects carp.


    Also spoke with one of the old regulars who fished Frenchman's bay for the last 20 years and he recalls a big fish kill there 14-15 years ago.


    Hopefully it doesn't spread or mutate to other species of fish.

  12. I guess that's your warm-up for the CAGI. Congrats on the PB. Did you subtract the weight of the net?LOL :devil:


    Too bad I'm stuck here studying for finals...Dying to get out. Wish I could've gone with you. At least I've got the summer semester free so I can fish the local ponds 24/7.


    In the meantime I'll be fishing for birds, squirrels and the elusive silver Mercedes that passes by at 4pm.



  13. If you fish the stretch south of the CN tracks, you can get into carp, bullheads, panfish, the odd bass and minnows. If you fish off the rocky piers (wouldn't recommend it for really young kids as it sometimes requires jumping towards angled boudlers) you can get into the same species above + sheepshead and even the odd monster walleye cruising by. Might be a little too early for salmon but who knows....


    I don't fish for resident trout so I can't help you there.


    For an extra 15 min travel, you can fish Rice Lake which has enough small panfish to keep the young ones busy.

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