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cranks bait

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Posts posted by cranks bait

  1. I have no experience with the new e-tecs but I do have an Evinrude on my boat now. It is an '83 and works like a charm. I keep my boat at a marina that is a Merc dealer. As does another Evinrude guy. Our boats are the only ones that never had problems all summer. No problems except the smoke and noise that is to be expected.


    I also grew up on a lake and all of our familly has either owned an Evinrude or Johnson and never had any problems. Heck my grandmothers 4 horse started on the first pull after being in storage for two years with not a thing done to it. She managed to sell the boat on the spot just because of that.


    I would have to say that they all make great engines. Some people will have bad experiences and others great. If it is what makes you happy then go for it. If you treat it right, it will return the favour.

  2. Sounds like he has no respect for the employer or job at hand. So long as he's getting his pay, he'll keep pushing it. 3 Strikes your out. Or if he's not been there long he can walk now. Had to do this to our first employee. You can always (for the most part) find someone else who wants his job and will respect it.

  3. Sorry to hear you didn't get on the water. You should have come down this way. There is no ice. I was out in the boat on Sunday. Albiet a short journey. I had water coming over the bow as I was drifting. From shore it didn't look that bad, but out on the water was nasty. I spent about an hour fighting the wind and waves. No fish were caught, but I did mark lots. I was determined to bring some dinner home, but mother nature didn't let me.

  4. Hi Maureen,


    If your friends son is not going to be riding an ATV or Sled then yes you can get a bicycle full face helmet. You are still going to be dishing out some money($100.00 range). Look for one that fits properly and is going to function the way it is supposed to. If it is just to be a kid and goof around, CTC used to have some really cheap ones. If it is for safety purposes though go to a real bike store and get a real helmet. I might know of a shop that could help you out. ;)

  5. A lot of companies make great stuff.


    One thing to remember. The more water proof a product is, the less breathable it is. Yes Gor-tex and others are waterproof breathable. You have to remember though that the more active you are, the more you will perspire, thus creating a wet feeling in even the greatest of suits. The membrane can only let so much out at a time.


    As for being clamy, buy some technical wear for under the suit. I really like the Helly Hansen Lifa product. You want moisture wicking properties. The more you can keep moisture away from your body the better. Cotton is brutal for this. As with base layers, you get what you pay for. The $10.00 spandex from "Wally's" will not perform as well as a $40.00 Lifa. I find with a base layers the tighter the knit the less wicking and more uncomfortable.


    Invest in a good suit with some good base layers and you are good to go.

  6. It all depends, just like anything. They make low end and high end stuff. If you are looking for emergency weekend stuff, their lower end will work great. If you need bomb proof, their Heli-tech product is awsome.


    Be sure to try stuff on, as there is more than one to pick from. They make ski, climbing, fishing, etc. All with the same fabrics and technology but cut and specked different for each activity. As mentioned, you get what you pay for. Treat it nice and you will have it forever.


    I have used several Helly products in the past and have never been disappointed. Except for maybe buying a snowbaord coat to go ice climbing, ooops.

  7. I think this is the same combo I bought last year. It was an Ugly Stik lite 6'6" Med. spinning cork handle with a Shakeshpere reel. At the time I think I paid $80 for it. As a first rod, since my Zebco special when I was 8 years old, I thought it was decent.


    It is now the last rod I pick up. It is heavy and lacks sensitivity compared to my other rods. Which in all fairness I expect. Nothing wrong with it other than that. I prefer the combo that I got with my OFAH membership better though.

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