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cranks bait

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Posts posted by cranks bait

  1. Oh man. I believe these questions. When I lived in Jasper Alberta I would get some really good ones.


    -How do you get the lakes to be so blue? (couple from U.S.A.) I told them that there was a crew that drained the lakes the first Thursday of the month, and repainted the bottom for that colour.


    I found out later that this couple took this to heart and extended their holiday a week just to witness this. Well needless to say, it didn't happen. I was given a lot of bass from my boss as I told this to them at work. I got in more trouble because he had to listen to their complaint without laughing and calling them sunfish for believing the story.


    -Why do you keep all the reindeer locked up? Meaning the elk that love to hang out in the park that has a fence on one side.


    -Are those mountains real? See story above same answer.


    -What do the collars on the animals in the park mean? They are the friendly ones that you can pet.


    -On a trip in Mexico we asked where a phone was to call back home in Canada. A U.S. visitor overheard and asked "You have phones in canada?" My reply was "Yes, one for every 10 igloos"


    Yes it's true, the only dumb question is the one not asked, but seriously folks?

  2. More on the subject. I talked to the MNR yesterday. Didn't go so well. Their response was, ya well the township can do what they want, I might read the article. The attitude was as if he was saying don't bother me with this, cause it's a lot of work and I don't want to deal with it. So needless to say, my concerns with them were shot down.


    Got another newspaper last night http://newsfeed.recorder.ca/cgi-bin/LiveIQ...$rec=24760 and it had another story for it. They did discuss this with the MNR, and they all for it.


    They are calling this ban because of safety issues. You have to read it to understand. They recognise that a lot of people fish, after dark this is dangerous?. They state the bridge fishing is dangerous because of traffic. If I am not mistaken there is a sidewalk with space, it's not like they are on the road itself. I can understand not allowing fishing from the bridge. If they do this, it should be all the time, not just night.


    It is stated that the OPP will now handle it. Yet they haven't even talked to the OPP about it.


    Close to their closing statement "After a couple of incidents, people will understand and they'll go away."


    Not sure what to say now. I am more than ticked. Typical government. Pass the buck and make someone else do the work, someone suffers, and oh I need a raise. All the while they didn't solve one thing.

  3. Wow, did you ever bring back memories. I used to go to Crotch, Shirley and the next lake, Cannot remember the name, with my uncle and cousins for a week when we were kids. I remember not catching many fish, but having a lot of fun. Except for puke hill!


    The pictures you took are great, but being there is even greater. Thanks for posting them.

  4. I happened to glance at our paper last night while hangin' out at the laundry mat <_< www.recorder.ca Dec 13 2007.


    It seems that the council in Westport have taken it upon themselves to prohibit night time shore fishing, which I think is the Rideau. Don't quote me on that though. They plan on making this for the whole Leeds and Grenville, including the St. Lawrence River, to name just one. They see it as the perfect solution to poaching and one incedent of abuse.


    This is a huge concern. It starts in one place and continues everywhere. First of all poaching doesn't just happen at night, nor from shore. Nor did the beating that took place. This is going to severly affect a lot of people. Those that enjoy fishing at night, especially for a species that bites best at night. Those that do not use boats.


    This is going to make a huge impact on people. I have seen 10-20 people almost nightly fishing from shore just in one area here.


    This is not the perfect solution. I am going to be writing the council with my concern. I am amazed that this is in place, as there was not even a mention of it, it just took place? What happened to the publics input.


    Beyond writing them, what do you guys and girls propose? I need help and ideas.


    I do not fish in Westport, nor do I shore fish much anymore, but this still has an impact on a recreation I enjoy.

  5. Something is better than nothing. I have not used either, so I cannot compare. The only downfall to the blind might be the material may not be durable enough for dragging around on the ice.


    If you do use the blind, take some decoys with you and set them up. Should keep an area of ice all to yourself;)

  6. Way to go Jen!!!


    This year was my first year for hunting deer as well. I however did not get anything.


    I can almost relate to the feeling you had. I was reluctant and wondered if I could do it. I was a dogger for most of the hunt, which I enjoy more than sitting still for a couple of hours. I figured I would be less likely to get a shot this way, but still enjoy the hunt. It also allowed me to work off the food and booze from camp.

  7. I just checked with our good old fashioned hardware store here, and they had them last year. They are going out of business so they will not order more in. I would say try a hardware store. Not a box store but, one that has been around forever and has everything under then sun, that no one else can get. I'm gonna miss the one here, because they were my goto guys.

  8. Can't say much for welded, but I can coment on riveted. I have a 1983 Lowe bass boat that is riveted. It is "well loved" let's say. At the cottage it is easier to just glide up the boat ramp (sand) than try and dock at the sunken dock. It has been in rough weather and bounced a few items including ice. It is tough as nails and does not leak. From what I have been told, it is a heaveier boat, but it's not bad.

    I have also been around my share of tinnies that are all riveted. They take a lot of abuse. I have only had to hammer rivets close on one. Not a very enjoyable experience being inside of an upside down boat that is being pounded from the outside with a hammer and trying to hold a sledge head on the inside to squish the rivets together with out ear plugs :wallbash: . Drinking beer and Yukon Jack all day probably didn't help any either. :stretcher:

  9. Checked out the site yesterday. Pretty cool. Dave's got quite the background. Had to laugh as I had the speakers on (normally I don't) and heard Dave's laugh as soon as I got there. Took a while to figure out it was because I had my mouse over his head.

  10. Yep... I'm sure she'll use the empty box to wrap your crying towel ! LOL :canadian:


    I think you might be right on that Wayne. She's already asked me to find her a pink tackle box for "her stuff" .


    Dave couldn't have picked a better person to win. My wife is a closet fishergirl, by winning this contest it has given her the confindence to go out and land some big smallies with me :Gonefishing: What a great way to get another person involved with fishing :clapping:

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