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cranks bait

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Posts posted by cranks bait

  1. i live close to the Moira in town. This is a picture of me just above the old dam last August chasing some very small smallmouth with the fly rod.




    Anyway THAT is what the Moira looks like during low water. Sam's last 2 pictures are of the SAME place. Gives you an idea of how much water is moving though their right now, and what they are up against.




    I know exactly where you are. I used to be one of those dumb kids that shot the hole in the dam behind you. I used to live almost straight up the hill.


    It's amazing how much that river rises and falls. I remember downtown was always a disaster in the spring.

  2. I too was getting disgruntled at the advertising comercials, because I am paying for this channel. Then I realized, I also pay for all the other channels and they are a lot worse. It's just the case that this is the newest one for me and the one that interests me (next to discovery). It does suck, but it could also be worse.

  3. The on-line method only works for renewals.


    I take it this means that the only way to get one is to physically waste a day to go to the States to get a lic.?


    Guess I'll have to rethink doing the WFN Canadian Open in Kingston, as I cannot see me going to the other side for just a licence, which is required. <_<

  4. If you were in a tourney, I don't think it would count as you did not have the fish with the lure or in the net, thus no control of the fish.


    That being said, who cares great story. Deffinately a story for the grandkids. Write the story beside the picture for all to read. Heck you could even tell the story as you just caught it by hand. Big Bad Lew the Great Muskie Catcher!!!!

  5. I got a Cumara last year when it was introduced. 7 ft MH drop shot. This rod is amazing. I have not drop shoted with it yet, but I have used it consistantly with cinkos and tubes. Amazing feel and back bone. The first couple of times I was setting the hook when all I was doing was hiting bottom. Really sensative. After a few times I got used to it. I can recommend it for sure. Night and day between the same Compre that I have. I now have a Crucial as well to compare, but not till Sunday perchin'.

  6. The winner of the Extreme Angler "beef jerky" contest is a customer of mine and a guy I ride with. Steve Harper, if you're on this board congratulations. Didn't even know you fished. We'll have to hook up some time.

  7. I have a white deep diving reef runner that has really performed well with catching pike, walleye, and bass. I believe it is the 4-5 inch model. Trolling I can hit 30 feet at 2-2.5 miles. I have tried several other lures but this is the one that outdoes them all.

  8. All depends on the ramp. At the cottage It is a very slight incline. I usually unhook everything and just back into the water and stop. Usually rolls off nice and easy. Here at home we have very steep ramps. For this I undo everything except the winch strap. Back down the ramp to the bumber of the truck to get deep enough that the boat will not "drop" and hit bottom. Get out and crank it out till it floats.


    I have been able to drive onto the trailer and have the boat stick so I can grab the winch and load it myself. Have not tried this here yet, I usually just crank it onto the trailer here as it is so steep the boat will slide off before I can get to the front.


    I have a 17 foot modified aluminum jon bass boat with a roller trailer. I know, bad, but it works for now.

  9. I've never been skunked. :whistling: I have been out on days where I let line out and rinse lures however. Those are days that I am just out enjoying the day on the water. :Gonefishing:


    I try not to remember those days, as I have had a few four in a row maybe. I also remember coming home muttering a few words as to how it was a waste of gas to go out. I just try and remember that everyday I get out is a good one.

  10. Gerritt,


    Being that I am right smack dab in the middle of the St. Lawrence I can at least answer part of this question. Although I do not know the regs regarding this. I do however live above a marina and beside the yacht club, thus I see a lot of boats.


    Almost all of the dive boats here have a radar antenna and maybe half of the cruisers in the yacht club. I know when I am out night fishing a steam ship can pick me up really easily. When they get close they usually give be a beam of light (that hurts the freakin eyes) as a warning that they are there as you cannot really tell from the navigation lights where they really are.


    That's all I got for you right now.

  11. Thats hilarious! Who does that??


    It's not that uncommon. I get asked almost weekly for a trailer or stroller to put cats and dogs in, sometimes even a basket. They get annoyed when it's not a flat surface for their pet on the inside. No kiddin' maybe that's because they are made for people?


    Anton, great job on getting out there. Wish I could say the same. Keep up the great work.

  12. I wear Tifosi Dolomites http://www.tifosioptics.com/. They are polorized as well as phototec, meaning the lens darkens as it gets brighter, and vise versa, while it is a light tint to look through at all times. I like these ones because they cover the corners of they eye really well. These retail for $129.95 in our store. I have been wearing several different glasses from this company and really like them. Another pair I have is Peppers, they are at least 12 years old and out of business now I think?

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