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cranks bait

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Posts posted by cranks bait

  1. True the money went overseas, but the people who built it live here, the taxes for that building were paid here, thus I still helped the canadian economy.


    Yes it is smaller than a Ram on the outside, but there is actually more room on the inside. Just because it is a truck does not mean that it has to be 8 feet in the air and 30 feet long. For the record I do not know the exact measurments so I know I am wrong here. All in all there is not that much difference in size, but there is in consumption.


    I will admit the Dodge has a Hemi. Woo hoo, so I can spin my wheels. Really good too. To get out of my driveway the Dodge spins, whereas the Honda crawls right out. Even in 4wd I feel the Honda has a better grab on the road and uses it's smaller power more efficiently. Like I said, I do not hawl big things, nor do I carry big things in the bed, so why would I buy stuff I don't need? I have never felt underpowered in this truck. I also like the fact that I don't need a stool to get into it. Although the dash is not big enough to fit a cowboy hat, but that's ok by me.


    Like I said, try it you just might like it.

  2. Roy we have a couple of those running around London and they are amazing. Domestic car manufacturers quality was lost for quite a few years in the 90's it has really rebounded.If you talk to execs they will tell you after you get your quality up to your competitions standards or better it will still take 3-5 years to change public perception. IMHO we all need to try a little harder to buy North American aas much as possible, from our vehicles all the way to the Grocery store.


    This was another reason I bought my Honda in Brockville. It was built in Ontario, go figure?


    I also forgot to mention that my truck has 40 000 kms on it and has been in the shop only for oil changes. No I do not do it myself, I'd rather spend that time fishing. Yes it has a short bed. I do not carry 8 feet of lumber everyday nor do I carry a sled or motorized bike, so I do not need the long bed. It can easily hold a bike though as the Honda tailgate is built to support that weight.


    I have now drivin this other (Ram 1500 quad) truck long enough to get a comparison on gas. It uses twice as much as my Honda. No joke here. It is brutal driving and watching the guage go down. I cannot believe the difference in it.


    Don't be scared of the Honda. Just because it's not one of the BIG BOYS doesn't mean it doesn't compare.

  3. Took the girl to a sweet log cabin resort in Jasper for the night.

    Couldnt beat the sunny weather with that balmy 5 degree temp :thumbsup_anim:

    Couldnt believe some of the pics turned out the way they did after shooting behind

    a filthy windshield


    I don't think you could ever get a bad picture there? I lived in Jasper for 10 years, awsome town to live in.


    You picked a great place to take your wife. Nice pic of Mt. Robson!!!

  4. I am soooo jealous. I was hoping to get out on the ice this weekend, as it just formed enough on Saturday to go out. It was no good yesterday. Two days of ice here and I never got out. I know the smaller inland lakes are a bit better, but not much, but I do not know them, thus I won't go on them.


    You are deffinately bringing in lots of fish there Hawg! Again cuddos to your efforts and then teasing us afterwards.

  5. I went too the fishing show with my wife, Did not see anything that really struck my eye.. Yea I spent a few bucks on little stuff but well below my winter budget..


    Next day my wife bought a new couch.. This tells me if I don't keep spending on fishing stuff my wife redirect my budget..


    So in other words YOU NEVER have too much fishing stuff... :) :) :)


    LOL, that's too funny. My wife wants to do the same thing. It will have a serious impact on my addiction :(


    I have only been fishing for almost two years now as well, so there is a lot that I still need.

  6. Actually Lexxington, the Honda is not that expensive compared to other trucks with the same stuff. At least when I bought mine almost three years ago it wasn't. Especcially when you take in the consideration of the gas consumtion, quality of parts, etc. I looked for two years to find a vehicle that would suit my needs, and the Honda was it.


    Now is a good time to look for used Honda's to come available, as leases are just starting to roll over.


  7. Is this a trick question? I didn't know there was such a thing as too much tackle.


    You just have to put it in reality for people. If they golf, what do they spend on that? How many balls (golf balls that is) do they have? How many cd's can a person have? Or shoes?


    I know I do not have enough tackle, cuse there is always a shiny lure calling my name every time I go into the store. Sad part is the stuff I use the most- 4" Cinkos and a plain hook.

  8. I can deffinately recommend a truck. HONDA RIDGELINE!!! To a lot of people this isn't a serious vehicle. I beg to differ. Especially now that I am driving another truck since my accident last week.


    It drives great. Has tons of storage. Three people over six feet can sit in the back very comfortably. It is not bad on gas. I can tow my boat (aluminum bass) to bancroft and back on $60.00. It has power. I have never gotten it stuck, put have pulled other bigger trucks from the same area. It is very quiet, smooth and comfortable. Storage of a van, drives like a car, has the power of a truck. It is easy to get in and out of, yet has a lot of ground clearance. I cannot say enough about this truck it rocks.


    Now that I am driving a Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab I really miss my Ridgeline. It is bouncy. Lacks space inside, even though it is a bigger truck. It has power, but no traction. It sucks gas like there is no tomorrow. All in all it may have more power than the Ridgeline, but I feel the power in the Ridgeline is more effective.


    I can go on and on, as I have drivin other trucks as well but non compare. We have the base model. It is loaded compared to other vehicles. Take one for a test ride, you will not be disappointed.

  9. I would also recommend a braid. I use Power Pro 20 lbs on my spinning rods and 50 lbs on my casting/flipping rods. I still have some mono on some reels, but that will change come may. Once you use a braid, going back to mono just lacks feel. I'm also one of those guys that use electrical tape and tie dirrectly to the reel.

  10. While I do not play hockey. I do have to deal with cutting steertubes for bikes that are of different materials. Should be the same. Yes you can use a hacksaw. I'm not sure if you are cutting fibergalss or carbon fiber, but I know for the later it is wise to use a dust mask so as not to inhale the particles.


    Using a guide such as a steer tube guide (although I doubt very much if you have one of those kicking around) will ensure a straight cut. Also wrapping tape on the area to be cut helps reduce stray fibers.


    I'm sure others will have more to add, but I got you started. I can see you know hovering over this stick, saw in hand, just waiting to get the go ahead :thumbsup_anim:

  11. I would think that there would be a clause in there to protect from this happening? It's kind of like letting a pedophile be the leader of a kids summer camp.


    Given the benifit of doubt, yes he may have realized and paid for his mistake. But he should have those privlages removed for life. The penalties don't out do the crime so they just keep commiting.

  12. The only subscription I have is Ontario Out of Doors (because it comes with my OFAH membership) .


    I do however read, Musky Hunter, In Fishermen, Outdoor Canada, Essox, pretty much every one out there. One of my favorites is Bassin'. It's the cheapest of them all and has a ton of reading info, as opposed to just advertisments. The only downfall of it is it is gear for the southern states, but I have been able to adapt those techniques here really well.

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