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cranks bait

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Posts posted by cranks bait

  1. Being that I fish alone most of the time, in rough water I almost always net my fish. Not worth the risk of going for a swim. I also don't feel like breaking my line lifting, cause all I catch are big fish :jerry:

    I have 3 nets that I use. One is a new Frabill bucket net that I cannot wait to get slimed. I really like the rubber nets because the fish don't seem to get snagged in them as much.

  2. :santa: You're all making me blush here. I'm just glad I could help out.


    Wayne's right I did go out of town to get this stuff, but it's not like I was really going out of my way. Had to see if there was anything I wanted, which there was. I just happened to notice this stuff, so I grabbed it. And no I don't ice fish, even though I live right on the water?


    Now don't go getting any idea's that I'm a nice guy, I've got an image to preserve :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:


    Again, glad I could help out. Now I just wish I lived closer to everyone to get out with them. Guess I'll have to hog the Larry all to meself :Gonefishing:

  3. I got the Crestfire as my first baitcast reel 2 years ago. It is alright. I have had no problems with it bringing in 36" pike. I have a couple of other reels that I like better, which is a good thing because they cost more, but I won't stop using the Crestfire.


    I just picked up an Abu 6500 at the CTC sale as well. This is going to be my musky reel and dedicated trolling reel, until it burns out.


    You can cast with the Crestfire all day, nice and light compared to the Abu.


    For the price on them, you can't really go wrong.

  4. Sunday rituals are usually me going out in the morning to fish. Come back at around 1 pick up my wife. We usually get lunch from the harbour snack bar then head to a calm area to relax. We usually swim a bit then I will fish while she reads a book. When I hook into one she gets really excited to see it fight. She makes a really good net keeper.


    Every now and then she picks up a rod and takes a wack at it. She still gets upset that I have lures bigger than the fish she catches. Being that she was a Dave Mercer contest winner she now has her own stuff and is excited to get out and try it again.


    I've also caught her at the cottage fishing off the dock when she thought nobody was watching, put a smile on my face.

  5. At this point I'd settle for closing my eyes and letting one of the kids jerk some line off the reel. At least you got out of the house!!!




    That's too funny. I had my wife do that the other day when I spooled up a new rod and reel. :whistling: I sure hope open water comes soon, as I cannot afford to keep buying fishing gear, I have to start using it.

  6. I'm with Wawanesa for my boat and it is year round coverage. I didn't even know there was a black out date with policies? I know of people that take the insurance off for the winter, but I am not one of them. Makes it easy when I could still get on the water in January.

  7. I agree with training the staff. The ones here in Brockville were not that great, heck I can hardly ever find them. All this stuff I got in Prescott. Their staff was amazing. I didn't lift a finger, I just kept turning around and pointed. They even shoveled out the back of my truck for me to get more stuff in it.


    As for the sale. It is a clearance event. This means you get what is left over, not always what you want. Being that I am in retail, it is easy for me to understand, but I can see how it is confusing. Hense the reason I picked up what I did.

  8. Ya the auger and shelter I know I will never use. I know a lot of people have been trying to get their hands on them unsuccessfully. I figured I'm not out anything because I can return it, so why not pick it up if someone can't get it themselves. I can't loose, but someone can win.

  9. Ok so I went to Ct and shopped a little bit.


    I managed to pick up the 8" manual auger, Frabill 2 man hut, and Abu 6500c3 reel. If any one wants this stuff it is for you. Let me know, first come first serve. If not I will be returning it, unless the reel will work for musky fishing?


    I will be just outside of Peterborough on Good friday, Going the back roads from Belleville. In Ottawa on that Sunday as well as Smiths Falls.


    They also had a 10 power auger for $299. I can always try and pick that up as well if needed.

  10. Hey Stoty,


    What one in particular are you looking for. I was at ours yesterday and they had about 10 manual augers there. I can shoot out today and see if they still have one if you would like me to pick it up for you?


    I went in looking for the camera deal (boat camera), they were sold out of those, but I noticed that the net I have been considering since fall was 50% off. I no longer need to think about getting a bigger net, just bigger fish.

  11. Morning Cliff,


    Sorry I don't have a computer at home to be able to answer your question. So I have to do it from work. Sure hope the boss doesn't find out. :rolleyes:


    Because your insurance company is the one paying for the claim, you get what your coverage has. Yes they get reimbursed (so I believe, don't really care) by the other persons company. If you did not have the loss of use, it would be a big hassle. I understood it as you would have to get lawyers involved and try and get reimbursed yourself from the other company. In my opinion, the $30.00 a year for that coverage was well worth it considering I had to use a rental for over a month.


    Basically once the ball gets rolling, you do not have to do anything. Be prepared to be without your vehicle for a while. Don't rush them, that way you don't get a rushed job, as in paint not fully cured etc.


    When your vehicle is done make sure you check it over really well. Paint matching, parts on properly etc. Sounds like your at a reputable place so you should have no problems.


    Now you just have to get used to driving another vehicle. Just as you get comfortable with it, you'll get yours back and have to get used to that one all over again.


    Another thing I always do is write down exactly what happened, weather conditions, date, time of day, etc. That way if it comes back to haunt you 3 years down the road, you know what happened. I was in a very serious accident when I lived out west. It took eight years to be settled. It's amazing the things that you forget, but by having it writen down, that is your proof.

  12. If you were proven not at fault, your rates should not change. Nor should you have a ding against your record. Your insurance company pays for it all and then goes after the other person, hence you not having to pay the deductable. There must have been coverage for a rental for you to be able to get one. I'm glad I took it with my policy. If it is a business vehicle you will have to pay the GST for the repairs and rental, but you get to claim that back.

  13. Right now I am using a 1 piece 7'2" MH Cumara rod with a Stradic 2500 reel 20 lbs Power Pro. I use this exclusivly for Cinkos. I don't even know if I know how to fish with anything else, yet I have all sorts of different stuff. I know it is a drop shot rod, but I really like it over other rods that I have used.

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