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Dave Frasso

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Everything posted by Dave Frasso

  1. Fish for Bass or Pike Great gift idea for anyone who loves being in the great outdoors send them fishing in a fully equipped 19ft Ranger Bass Boat. Take advantage of the exciting fishing opportunities that South Eastern Ontario has to offer, by visiting one of our many surrounding lakes. Providing angling adventures in Kingston & surrounding area Since 1981 *Transport Canada Approved, and Fully Insured* We are located in Kingston. Fishing “In The Heart of Bass Fishing Country”, only 15 miles north of Kingston, Ontario. How about a shore dinner? Sit back and relax while you catch up with family or friends under one of our covered dinner sites. Your guide will prepare your catch on an open fire, right before your very eyes. Large or Small Parties we can do them all, many guides are available. Call Island View Fishing Charters at 1-613-507-8260 to book that special day. Check out my homepage kingstonbassfishing.com Thanks in advance David Frasso Providing Angling Adventures in the Kingston & Surrounding area, since 1981. Call 613-507-8260 . Give a boy a fish, feed him for the day. Teach a boy to fish, feed him for a lifetime ------<@III><
  2. After loading on new fishing line.... on any reel... Hold it under the hot water tap for a few minutes... It will help to take the memory out of line that came off the big spool, now it's on a smaller spool. Works for me.. Dave
  3. Here is another link for you... lots of reading.. http://www.marine-electronics.net/techarti...faq/b_faq.htm#6 Dave .
  4. Hi Wade, Here is a link to a good Guide for Kerr Lake. His name is Wayne Nugent. He runs a 2005, 20 ft Ranger Bass Boat. http://www.kerrlake.com/fishva/index.htm We took Wayne out on Sunday after the Tourny for a day and had a great day, with 800 miles of shoreline you won't run out of shore to fish. I would like to go down in the fall again for a few days or so to fish. Myself and a Friend drove down to Kerr Lake to fish in a FLW Bass Tourny on March 15th Here is a link for the lake to read up on before you head down.. http://www.kerrlake.proboards21.com/index.c.cgi? Good Luck and have fun. Dave .
  5. This is good for buying Cars etc, get the VIN number & name of person selling. Boats or any outdoor RV Toys etc, Serial # & model from them. Last time was a few years ago... My son used this. Called the Persoanl Property Registration Centre in Toronto Hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm Phone 1-800-2678847............Fax 1-416-325-0487 Required Information for Search 1. First Middle Last Names Required & date of Birth or 2. Serial Number or Trade-in Required A Search Fee of $10.00 may be paid by Credit Card. Thr Prefrerred method is to Phone the information in to allow for immediate verbal confirmation of leins or free of encumberances on the product Well worth the $10.00 Good Luck Dave .
  6. Here you go guys, I don't own one of these. I saw the link one day and watched the Video's of it... http://www.thewilcraft.com/index.php After the page comes up scroll down, all the sample video's are on the bottom right hand side of the page. There is 6 Video's in all....................... Thought everyone would enjoy looking at them. Time to get the boat out now.. Like in the morning, I have some upgrades to do.. it never ends.. :-) Enjoy... Dave .
  7. I have been using many of the St.Croix Legend Tournament & Avid Rods & love them all. I bought a Cumara medium action 6ft 8in Rod in North Carolina a few weeks ago after a Bass Tourny, I can't wait to test the waters. I'm sure it will be a super rod as well. I use Shimano Curado baitcasters along with Stradic & Sahara Reels on them. The gap is closing quickly as to who makes the better rod & reel. St.Croix has a nice fast tip on their rod which I like. You can't go wrong with either one. Good Luck Dave .
  8. For your drain plug, get a shower curtain hook and snap it on your Transom cleat when you fasten down your boat with the tie downs fasten the curtain hook to the cleat. When you remove your tie downs the next time you will see it in your way, install drain plug then. Dave .
  9. Not sure how far or how much you want to spend, but here is a few links for you to check out.. http://www.wfn.tv/basschampionships/prizing.php http://www.quintefishing.com/ http://www.quintebassmasters.ca/ http://easternontariobassmasters.com/ Have Fun Dave .
  10. Bass Pro 100 MPH Coat & Bib pants.. The best money I ever spent. Great for rain, wind or cold days.. Nothing like it.. Dave
  11. Never run out of reading material Bassmasters, FLW Outdoors, Bass & Walleye Boats, Ontario Out of Doors, Musky Hunter, OFAH, During the winter all the fishing shows on the 2 different TV Satellites Along with 8 Fishing Forums throughout Canada & U.S.A. There is always something to learn, you really never stop learning
  12. There is a local dealer in Kingston who are an Official Lowrance Direct Dealer for equipment and the accessories. You can pass this along; We have all power cords in Stock And we are an Official Lowrance Direct Dealer for equipment and the accessories. Most of the prices are the same as LEI Extras. We will ship anywhere in Canada via UPS http://lindenaudiotronic.pagelite.ca/Lowrance_Eagle Thanks again Randy Linden Check them out..
  13. Buy an Wilcraft Don't look like much would stop this machine. http://www.thewilcraft.com/photos.php?pic=25 Enjoy .
  14. Well that didn't take long.. the new link for 2008- 2009 has been removed.. The page cannot be found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try the following: * Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly. * If you reached this page by clicking a link, contact the Web site administrator to alert them that the link is incorrectly. * Click the Back button to try another link. HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found. Internet Information Services (IIS) Maybe they are going to change the regulations again... ??????????
  15. Collins Lake, is out Division Street approx. 14.Kms north of 401 Lake Ontario in front of Kingston Rideau River (most of it) St.Lawrence River just east of Kingston St.Lawrence River Gananoque area Lots more I'm sure Good Luck Dave
  16. Collins Lake, is out Division Street approx. 14.Kms north of 401 Lake Ontario in front of Kingston Rideau River (most of it) St.Lawrence River just east of Kingston St.Lawrence River Gananoque area Lots more I'm sure Good Luck
  17. Here is a link to renew online.. easy... fast New York State licence is good from I think Oct.31 to Oct.31 .... not like ours Dec.31.. You can renew online in mid August for the following years licence. https://nyfgisales.vansis.wcom.com/fgnyia/l...Cookie=81458084 New York State http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/28941.html Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide 2006-2008 http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/2494.html http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/fish/index.html Hope this helps you Dave
  18. After you get the line on the spool the right way.... Run some hot water over the spool & line, this will help to take the memory from the line being on the BIG spool and put some memory back into the line on your reel spool.... You will see the difference, try it.. Dave .
  19. Nice looking fish for sure, don't put your gear away yet... there is still lots of time left for fishing. Keep you hooks sharp.. Dave
  20. I call my boat the Island View Most of the lakes that I fish in all have Islands in them, so I decided to name it that. Dave .
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