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Everything posted by markiemark70

  1. Never tried the weedless hooks myself, but when fishing inside weeds I usually go for a texas rig WITH a skinhook (im sure there is a videa on the web, but basically it is just burying the point of the hook back into the plastic slightly) Also find that weights or the knots where I tie on a leader can catch weeds if I am not careful, so I usually go weightless with Senkos in the weeds.
  2. Well I guess it was kind of a pointless post, but I was trying to make up my mind and I thought that if people weighed in with what they would do, a consensus would help me make up my mind. As it turned out I went to the pond above the dam, and got skunked which is normal there for the last couple of summers. After a while I went further up the river to the lawn bowling club and it was there that I realized that there probably wont be much good fishing there for a while: the river is completely devoid of any plant life. Not sure if that is normal for this time of year or what but I sure as hell hope so, or else that area of the Speed river is dead. It looked like the underwater equivalent of the moon, with a layer of brown silt covering everything and crystal clear water. Needless to say I won't be going back there anytime soon.
  3. I posted last night giving 4 options as to where I might fish tonight, and asked for any feedback. Really I was just trying to be an active member and I certainly was not asking for anyone to tell me where to fish (except in jest). Nonetheless, not one person replied with any constructive feedback in 24 hours. With no disrespect to I'm Hooked, he posted the exact same post and get 3 replies in 3 hours. Not wanting to sound like a complainer here and I usually agree with the senior members when I hear people complain about lack of responses, but sometimes I feel that some people are just kinda lazy and don't bother giving back. Just saying as a PSA, I know everyone follows the posts they are interested in, but take a second to reply back to people even if you think you don't have the perfect answer. Its kinda annoying when you can see everyone viewing but noone bothers to reply. Cheers
  4. I'm heading out in 50 minutes, you still have time to be a part of the miracle if you get your suggestions in now!! In other words SHAMELESS BUMP!!!
  5. Actually I am going this evening, so I would still like some input if anyone has any. And yeah I consider myself pretty lucky. I just want to land some fish! My dilemma is always that I get stuck in a rut because with only a short few hours to fish, I want to go where I know there is a chance of catching something, as opposed to experimenting and trying new spots. Although I know that I have to try new things to find good spots, so its a catch 22 I guess.
  6. Got about 3 hours tomorrow evening for fishing, and I'm trying to decide where to go for some bass action: 1) The pond above the dam in Guelph on the Speed river(still my fav spot for convenience, but has been kinda lacking the last few times, although I have to believe there are still fish in there) 2) I am scoping out an area on Google maps at the Heffernan st bridge (anyone know if there is parking there) 3) Maybe try Riverside park a little further up the river 4) Guelph lake or forget Guelph and go a completly different direction altogether. I live in Milton, and the wife says I can go at 6 (speaking of which, I gotta say I am pretty lucky to have a wife that encourages me to fish 3-4 times a week, even if only for 2-3 hours at a time even though we have a 2 year old and a 2 month old baby at home) so I want to stick to 30 minutes or so of driving max. If anyone wants to meet up tomorrow evening for some river walking and show me all your honey holes, I would be willing to accept that too!! Cheers
  7. Put me down for respectful disagreement as well. I like to see this kind of celebration of our great country!!
  8. Everytime I go through there on the highway, I see this place and wonder if there is any good fishing there. Anyone know what's there, is there parking access, shore fishing, etc? http://picasaweb.google.com/ayscanada/Desk...320116997166338 Thanks
  9. Sounds like a fun day regardless. I asked the exact same question 2 years ago and the response I got was to put the rod tip down low, like in the water if you have to. Since then I don't notice that happening anymore, so I guess it works.
  10. Well I just watched the NYC episode and I thought it was great. Good concept, and fascinating to see that there are great fishing oppurtunities in a city of 8 million. Really enjoyed that and even the crazy guy at the end. I think a toronto show is in order!! Cheers
  11. Hit the Grand with my buddy for our annual Grand canoe adventure. Bite was definitely a bit off, but we managed to scare up 8-10 over the course of the day, with 3 in the 1.5-2 lb range, and the rest were small. On the positive side I got to spend a day with my best bud, in a beautiful river valley enjoying nature, and we got out with all our parts in tact. Also got quite a bit more practice with my 2 year old baitcaster combo until I finally ended up with a birds nest I could not fix, including hooking my first fish on it. Notice I said hooking, not landing (note to self: when a fish is on is not a good time to adjust your drag), so that was good too.. Cheers
  12. I guess its all a matter of perspective:I was born in TO, spent most of my life in Mississauga, and when my wife & I moved to Milton 2 years ago we felt like we were moving to a small town (at least I did, she is from a farm town of 2100). It's crazy to think of this happening here, but I guess we need to move further out to get away from that crap. He said they were just a couple of kids too, maybe 18-20.
  13. I got this email from my best friend last night. I have known this guy for 13 years, and trust me neither he nor I are into anything like drugs or even drinking, so obviously this was mistaken identity, but this happened 5 minutes from my house in Milton: "I had a hell of a night last night. At 12:30 am I was woken up by someone knocking at my door, I got up and looked out the peep hole and saw a teenage girl standing on the other side. When I opened the door 2 black guys pushed her out of the way and tried to get in. I fought to close the door and almost did but they got in. As I was fighting with them inside the door 1 of them pulled out his gun and I stopped fighting. They were looking for drugs and money, someone had told them where to find it but they were on the wrong floor. When I told them I didn't have any they didn't like my answer and pistol whipped me. Then they tied me up, threw a blanket over me and ransacked my apartment. They left, I got free and called 911. I spent the night at ER and 12 Division. It took 5 stiches to put my lip back together and I have a few abrasions and contusions." Has the whole world gone to hell or what?
  14. Allright thanks guys, I guess trial & error is the order of the day. I was pretty overwhelmed with the selection and variety of jigs and grubs at BPS, so I just want to make sure that I get something that will be productive, without doing my usual and buying one of everything! $$$ is tight these days. I will report back after the weekend. Cheers
  15. I have been using 1/8 oz for the past 2 years and it has become my favourite bait for Bassin. Going back to do a Grand river run with my buddy same trip as last year where we each caught 12-15 bass on a 1/8 oz jig with the barbs squeezed down as per regs (probably hooked 20+ each) Just went to BPS and decided to try to up it to 1/4 oz with 4" twister. Any thoughts on whether these are good for Bass? Will I catch less fish? Bigger fish? Also anyone care to share their favourite colours? Thanks
  16. Wow thats pretty cool. Thanks for sharing. Mind if i ask what river?
  17. Hey sorry you are kinda getting jumped on here, it's just that we all like you really love fishin. It was a great report and i really enjoyed it, but I just want to address the "what is the harm" so that you will know and hopefully educate other people. The reason that even catching fish oos is bad is that even though you return the fish to the water, by the time it finds its nest again, smaller fish such as Perch or Sunfish may have raided the nest and eaten all of the eggs. So in a very real way you are impacting the population of that species. Again, just offering this as some information that you may choose to do with what you wish.
  18. My family and another have been going to this place for the last 2 years: http://www.pigeonlakeresort.com/ Nice, clean, the owners are great and they have lots to do for the kids. We usually end up going for a 3 or 4 bedroom cottage just to get the most space.
  19. I do hope you're talking about the fish!! JK Nice trout there
  20. Well if it were me, here are what I would consider, in no particular order: -Take a trip in a canoe down the Grand river. Guaranteed to catch lots of Bass, but little chance of larger species. There ar ecompanies that will shuttle you and rent you the canoe for $50 /day -Hit the French River area and rent a boat. Always wanted to do that, and someday I will. -Instead of renting a hotel, hit a lodge with fishing from shore and boat rentals. I would suggest Lakair based on what I hear on this board. Nippising has great species variety. THat way you can stay two days, rent a boat for one, and shore fish the other -THeres nothing wrong the Kawarthas. THat would def be one of my choices. Have fun!
  21. Actually thats not stupid at all (at least i hope not!!). There was a good discussion on that a couple of years ago on this board or the one that preceded it, cant remember which. I remember that there never really was a definitive answer. But the birds was one theory. I would not be surprised if the city put fish in there, because it is good for the ecosystem. There is about 5 little ponds near my house in Milton (they seem to put one in every little development they build around here) and I imagine that there would be many more mosquitos and other pests around were it not for the fish. Also some people theorize that citizens put them in there for there own purposes, but I highly doubt that someone around here brought Carp & Bass to the little pond near my house. There are also Turtles and a Muskrat that live there.
  22. Hey good to have you aboard. Thanks for the intro
  23. No, I went back the next weekend and got nothing. Plus a few people on this board said that Bronte is not the best place for mid summer bassin', so I prob wont go back till fall.
  24. I remember 2 years ago a couple guys from the old board started an "urban pond project" complete with its own forum and everything, I checked in and though the forum is still up, it seems to be pretty stagnant.
  25. Holy smokes!!! Good job eh?
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