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About outdoorguy61

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  1. My one and only Aurora trout outing, was not the most pleasent, with me having to cast from shore with a leg cast on for a few hours near Temagami. Not a sniff, while casting from the only spot that seemed friendly enough for some schmuck with a full cast on his leg. I want to go again..... and hopefully get to do something a bit more serious. I have gotten to fish for golden trout, westslope cuthroats, Athabasca Rainbows (mini rainbows that are the only native rainbows on the east side of the Rockys), Nipigon brookies, and redbands. I thoroughly enjoy targetting unique subspecies. outdoorguy61
  2. 1) Keep it too short. You want them to want to come again and feel like they did not get to fish enough. 2) Make it productive and clean (catching fish efficiently and no fish guts) 3) Make it fun outdoorguy61
  3. An elderly gengtleman I used to know (now deceased) claimed that when he was a diver many years ago, he observed snapping turtles nipping at a body he was retreiving. It sounded very spooky and although I could not confirm the story, this fellow sure did hate snapping turtles....he was just sickened by them. outdoorguy61
  4. Look up Rockys in Orillia. I am not sure whether Aikmans in Mississauga would have them. outdoorguy61
  5. Tidbit.- I am amazed at how a couple of decades old tires on a property I bought have deteriorated. One actually has a 100 ft tree growing up threw it and actually looks sort of neat, when one thinks of how long it must have been there. You folks have reminded me that I have to buy a spare tire/rim for my trailer....thank-you outdoorguy61
  6. And of course to the French it is a dore. I grew up with the term pickeral, or yellow pickeral and now almost always use the term walleye. Some fish like salmon or lake trout have many regional variations. outdoorguy61
  7. I have seen a considerable amount of bald eagles, and was actually within about 5 paces of some on Canada Day, in Prince Rupert BC by a fish cleaning station. The most I have seen is roughly 200 within a 3km area on the Harrision River east of Vancouver in late fall (chum salmon), but have heard of more significant concentrations near Squamish. I have also been to Kannanaskis country many times, and although being aware it is a flyway for Golden eagles, am unsure if I have ever seen any. That said, I plan on going to a place called Boston Bar, up the Fraser R. in August to hopefully get a confirmed golden eagle siting. In the Bay of Quinte area back home in Ontario, I have heard of bald eagles, but have not seen any myself. Supposedly somewhere in the eastern part of Hay Bay, around the 1000 Island bridge in Gananoque (regular winter location I understand) and near Bon Echo. Alas, I am still waiting to see this back home. outdoorguy61
  8. Humminbird 787ci or a 787c will give you the most for your dollar. outdoorguy61
  9. I believe they did stock one section of this river with brown trout in Eganville, if memory serves me correctly. I am not sure of any that survived, and never heard of anyone catching any. Note, that slightly south of there are a few trout lake and stream options. Enjoy your vacation.... it is especially nice to see in the fall if you have the opportunity. outdoorguy61
  10. I really wish that those that want to fight and protest would consider their options carefully and leave Canada, if they feel so strongly, rather than instill age old hostilitys, into what is a most welcoming home for most immigrants. outdoorguy61
  11. Hopefully I will get to see this, when I am travelling at some point. It is an interesting story I heard as a boy and was always captivated with. Thanks for posting this. outdoorguy61
  12. Guides on Maligne Lake in Alberta use 101 Pd thrust- 36V, on square freighter canoes. I forget the speed, but it was faster than one might expect. outdoorguy61
  13. I had one person drop a couple of bags of garbage down a hill along a road by my property back home. I called the police. The problem seemed to stop, with me thankfully being at a distance travelling, otherwise it would have gotten far more unpleasent, than the garbage dropper may have envisioned. (lady according to papers amongst the garbage). I had a person in Calgary leave some garbage and claim their father was so and so. I called them on it..... and they meekly came and picked it up. I am working on buying another piece of property back home in Ontario and have understood that someone had used it to drop some garbage. This will be carefully looked at. Any person that appeared to be responsible by names on letters, packaging, etc., would also be given a few options, carefully presented. They will likley choose to comply. outdoorguy61
  14. I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I have strong ideals about freedom of choice and empathize with the potential owner. I also believe that any market is finite and question the long term wisdom. Should this gentleman win in this case, I do believe that Bettman will be out of a job, which I believe could be good for the game, due to some of his questionable decisions in franchise placement, viability. Just another two cents, from someone that used to love the game. outdoorguy61
  15. As a child I tried this twice and succeeded in a way. One time was for splake at the base of the falls in Napanee, where a spring came in and they would hold for a bit in the summer. I was close, but alas I missed. And yes, they used to stock splake in the eastern basin of Lk. Ontario. The other time was at nearby Rankins quarry, where they used to stock brook trout. Here the fish were getting too little oxygen in the summer and were holding close to the surface. One was alone and in a tiny bay, and a cousin of mine and myself put some rocks in to block it in. We took turns, and I ended up getting it, but cannot recall if I shared my little morsel with my cousin. Tickling was something that I had read about, whereby a person would tickle the underside of a fish as I recall, and it would become more or less docile and one could then magically catch it with their hands. I would suggest that I would have likley read this in Field and Stream, as it was semi accessible at the time. Thanks for bringing up a fun time from what now seems like many years ago. I have no idea about how this was viewed in a legal sence at the time, but it sure was fun for a couple of kids. outdoorguy61
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