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Everything posted by daking_eh2007

  1. Hi, I am heading to Niagara Falls this Saturday to take the wife shopping at Lundy's Lane . I will a have approx 5-6 hours of time to go fishing. Would like to get any suggestions where to go shore fishing around the area. I can target any species from salmon, trout, bass, carp, etc. Thanks all for your help.
  2. If you are looking for BOQ charter, you can give Lloyd (U&ME Guide Service) at 905-375-0177.
  3. I second that! It is always fun fishing with Lloyd (Fishhunter).
  4. Nice going, Frankie!
  5. Hey Jet, I can't open the video.
  6. Great report! Was nice going out with you guys, I love your title "soon-to-be Lake O veteran".
  7. Finally went our fishing with Lloyd last Sunday June 13 with fellow OFNer Jet and friends. Left Port Hope at 5:30am, weather was overcast and the lake was very calm. Set-up lines at 100FOW not even 5 mins. the dipsey went screaming and landed a nice bow (my first Lake O fish for the season) then Jet landed another bow from leadcore [ Philip & Jessica both newbies landed their first ever Lake O fish (very exciting)! biggest fish we got was a 20 lbs chinook landed by Jet All in all we landed 8 bows (released 2) and 1 chinook Thanks Lloyd for giving us the opportunity to fish with you, as always it was a great day!
  8. Ok, 4 seats filled - daking_eh2007, dennis, jet and frozen-fire. See you guys at port hope on sunday, jun 6 at 5am.
  9. Thanks Frankie! Hope we can hook up again soon. Good luck with musky opener. BTW I spoke to my neighbor, he said he saw our walleye pics. Such a small world.
  10. Hi Guys, Looking for 2 more guys Salmon/Trout Charter fishing with Fishhunter for Sunday, June 6. PM me for details.
  11. This is a neat idea, I will try this on my big jons. Thanks.
  12. Would suggest that you buy one from Lebaron.
  13. Great report, Frankie! Another fun fishing day with the FISHHUNTER.
  14. Happy Birthday, Lloyd! Was great fishing with you last Sunday with Frankie and Julie.
  15. Fishing at BOQ with Lloyd (fishunter) on Sunday.
  16. Down 750ft!!! How long did he manage to reel that big fat chinook? Great report!
  17. Very excited! Looking forward to meeting you guys on Sunday. Went out with Lloyd twice last fall and everytime it was a blast even with 65kph wind and 4 ft waves, we still manage to boat some good sized 'eyes.
  18. I agree with justin.elia sign-up with spoonpuller.com or lakeontariounited.com and get tons of info. Went out with fishhunter (Capt. Lloyd) this weekend and I learned a lot of techniques. Great Capt! BTW he is offering an outing this Sunday, visit his post in Hook-ups section. Good luck!
  19. I saw in WFN "Cook What You Catch" program they actually cook and eat the carp that they caught.
  20. I broke my skeg last year, installed Stainless Steel I/O & Outboard Skeggard™ Item:IK-011002 I purchased from Cabelas. I saved a lot of $$ and improved the look of my I/O engine.
  21. Thanks all for your help. Sorry, I did not mentioned that I am located in Whitby, Ontario. Will post picture once I have the unit installed.
  22. Need help in finding a professional installer to install a minnkota bowmount trolling motor to my bayliner boat. Please let me know of any recommendation. Thank you.
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