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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. " After taking your medication for awhile you might feel that you are better and decide to stop. Remember the medication was prescribed by your physician for you to take until he has evaluated your condition and only he can recommend when and if your dosage needs to be changed."



    (Jan 2007 pamphlet for lithium users to control schizophrenia)



    I sometimes play a DR on T.V......Art

  2. You will get a variety of answers but the best place to look is in the owners manual it will tell you exactly how much you can tow. If you do not know exactly how to install the hitch take it to a professional before you damage the car or lose a trailer on the road.




  3. hey that looks like the one that was stolen from my neighbors house last week. Is their a table in it with captain chairs and some kind of a light inside?



    Nice van glad you got a campin boat pulling rig now.




  4. Go ahead and get one Dawg.......I know you want one........come on it will feel good in your hand....... you will catch more fish...... it's only a little more than the last rod you bought..... wimmin will think you are sexy if you get it......you can brag to the Art how nice it is and he will get one..... Oppps guess I showed my hand. I would like to get one but I think I want to hold one in my hand before I splurge on that puppy.




  5. Name brand...high wattage and a GREAT antenna. The hand held units are more for near shore fishing trips but even the best unit is less effective than a no name short antenna boat mounted unit. I have over a 9 ft antenna base unit on the big boat just in case I need help on the water.




  6. St croix are very nice but G loomis are even nicer. I have fished both and if you are looking for a casting rod I say put the money into the rod that feels great in your hand no matter what the price is. Then match it to the best reel you want until the combo feels like it is part of your arm. While you have spent more money in reality you have saved yourself alot of money because you will not use it for awhile and then buy another combo to replace it with. I have over 35 combos in the garage from ultra lights to saltwater rods and all of them feel just right in my hands or are set up as trolling rods and the few ones that did not live up to MY expectations were given to a friend or the local kids to start them on the road to fishing.




  7. Don't let them get you down bud SCARS are cool and the more fun you had getting them the more they are worth. Man the joys of riding a bike without a helmet or playing ro sham bo with out a cup are gone now with the over protective scar preventing measures that the parents are taking just make me sick. So go out and get a few new scars before you get old and have to pay for them... make sure they show so people will ask how they happened and you can tell them about the 5 guys that jumped you and one of them pulled a knife on yaa....... but you should have seen them when you were done. Tattoo's and piercings HA they aint so tough they were planned pain and a little bit of ink. They don't hold a candle to 15 stitches in the old brain bucket or getting that fingertip sewn back on that will never get the feeling back so you can stick pins in it without flinching. That my friend is nothing short of great entertainment. I guess alls I am saying is I hope you hand heals quickly be careful but still have fun.




  8. My brothers mother in law travels to England to visit family and to hear the stories of people TRYING to fish is outrageous but don't even think about Hunting . If you decide to come visit this side of the pond give us a little time and we can hook you up with a dream fishing vacation from the top of Canada's wilds to the depths of the Southerns Mason Dixie line. Thanks for taking the time for the reports we sometimes forget how fortunate we are with the wilderness we have and we take it for granite.




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