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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Now what would a southern guy like you know about an icehouse? ;)


    You all taught Glen what an icehole was so why not an icehouse.....



    Great work Bernie glad to see you are not roaming the streets getting in trouble. The roof looks great and now that it is weather proof again you can take your time finishing up the interior.




  2. Most of the time when I am fishing a shore line and a dock is their I will fish it if no one is around. If someone is around I will wish them a good morning and give the dock a wide berth so they can enjoy their morning coffee or just the view. Some chat while I am motoring by and even offer me a chance to fish it. If their is someone in the water same rules except no fishing. I have a boat that is in a marina and it has lots of structure and lots of fisherman come in and cast for the fish when I am sitting on the boat. I don't mind the fishing but the sound of your lures hitting boats including mine really pisses me off. I have found dings in the paint from fisherman who have such poor skills at casting that they should be banned from the marina. So if you decide to fish a dock please respect the boats some of them are worth over 500,000.oo and if you do we all might be able to smile and wave at each other and mean it.




  3. I came away with a slightly different count...


    2 Hoser Frogs (Fidel & Roy)

    1 Redneck/Coonass (Leslie)

    1 Redneck (me)

    1 Hosette (Joey)

    1 Hoser (Paul)



    I am pretty sure we made Roy an honorary Cajun Last year. He does have the right blood line he just decided not to migrate south with the rest of his clan.



  4. Well dawg the okra was only the first batch of many served that evening. The orange color they turned was from the spices we boil with. We add beer, vinegar, garlic cloves, Zaterians crawfish boil, salt, red pepper, and lemons.


    To Eat them you first tear the front of the shell from the meaty tail section. Then take the head and give it a quick suck to get a burst of flavor and the fat "mustard" from their. Then pinch the base of the tail to free the meat and then peel the shell like a shrimp. You end up with a piece of meat about the size of your pinky from the knuckle to the tip. Repeat as often as you can till they are all eaten washing it down with your favorite brown pop.



  5. O.K. it appears that up North you all don't know what to do with crawfish when you catch em. Her's a few pictures that will clear it up for you.




    First of all you have to rent yourself one official hound dog to lay on the front porch.




    Next you set up the okra frying station




    Then you hire an ugly cook





    Heres the fried okra ready to eat





    now the important part THE CRAWFISH




    Heres the plate loaded with Crawfish, onions, potatoes, celery, and garlic cloves all boiled in some spicy crawfish boil




    Now the most important ingredient add a group of your best friends, turn on some zydeco and some ice cold beer and enjoy the food.



    This informative message has been brought to you by


    The Southern Contingency local 101

  6. Use the power of the ohm to trace the circuits. I doubt you will find someone with the answer on paper unless they have done the same conversion. I read Forrest answer and it seems to be the correct one for this problem. You can search for how to use an ohm meter from google or the meters paperwork should give you a basic idea.




  7. NOBODY builds a work truck like GM or Ford NOBODY, you can jump sing dance do what you like no tundra, honda, tacoma, whatever can match a ford or GM for a work truck. I want to see the end result of a tundra after a season of solid snow plowing, or even better yet I want to see 10 Tundras after 450-500 thousand KM on them, then we can compare, tundras have been out for a few years lets see them at ten years old and see what they look like, its nice to compare a brand new truck.


    The main reason that you see allot of the big 3's as work trucks is they give big buy discounts for repeat/fleet vehicle purchases. It's also easier for the big companies that have in house repair service to stock the parts for the same brand of vehicles. While I am sure that some of their commercials were trying to show their trucks with commercial possibilities the market for work trucks was never the aim of Nissan or Toyota both of them are set up for aggressive driving and towing. If you look around you will also find some of the Datsun pickup trucks which is what they were badged as before they became Nissans almost 30 years ago.


    I have no problems with buying products from the country you live in it makes sense when it is possible. I don't feel that buying from over seas is a bad thing either. If you had to chose from a bad local serviceman or a good one that was outside of your township which would you call? Do you only buy from the small shops even if the price or quality is less than the big store? I feel that weighing all of the factors is very important in making a decision when it is YOUR money you are spending when you want the most for your money. If I had a fleet of trucks it most likely would be Fords but since it is just my vehicle that I have to maintain I drive a Sprinter Van which is made by Mercedes while more expensive than the fords outright it has had a much lower cost per mile than any of the Big three I have owned in the past. Yes the sprinter is now a GM product but it has non of the technology associated with GM company.



  8. You can buy what you want just get the vehicle that does the job you ask it too. If the majority of the time you are driving it to work alone then get a commuter car. If you tow alot then get a truck. If you have the money get both then you wont have to worry about spending to much for gas or burning out the drivetrain of ANY brand of vehicle. I have owned them all and currenly I tow with a Titian. Work out of a Freightliner, commute in the winter in a Ford Escape and commute in the summer with a soon to be delivered Mini Cooper. Car are like tools use the right one for the job at hand.



  9. Drop the Senco into an aquarium and then drop the others and you will see the action of the senco quiver as it falls. It is different from all of the rest of the knock offs. While they all will catch fish it is the senco that seems to come out ahead on the fish count. Are the few extra fish you catch worth the price is up to you to decide.




  10. I use 50 and 65 lb braid with 30 lb leaders when I get snagged up I use a piece of wood dowel that I keep on the boat. I wrap the line around it 3 or 4 times and then pull till the leader breaks then just tie on a new hook saving the weight and swivel because it is on the 50lb+ stuff.



  11. Well the catfish have been spawning for the last month and they had the worst case of lockjaw. I went out a few times with some friends and this is the report.


    The first time out was with my niece and her boyfriend Tim. After a few bites and some dinks (less than 10 lbs) we finally got Tim to land this fish. It is a little over 34 lbs and took about 10 min to get to the boat. She was caught on about a 10 oz piece of Shad on the bottom like most of the fish you will see.




    The next week it was time to take Earl and Hugh out for a go at the big fish. We started as always by getting bait. Which is netting fresh Mud shad or thread fin shad as you may know them as. They are about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 lbs each and get cut up into 4-6 pieces of bait each. The head seems to be the best piece and today was not to be an exception. Earl after giving the bait a good luck kiss heaved it out onto the flat in about 15 ft of water and caught this monster. We had a few other pulldowns but they were not the monsters we were hunting for so they were released boatside.





    This week was the week to Take Mike and Harry out for a few fish. We left the docks at 10:00 and went in search of bait. The first lay of the net was a bust so it was off to my back up bait place were we got 5 shad in about 5 min. We ran over to the chosen spot by buoy 55 when we got a call on the radio from Vince to move down to another hole because they were just having a good old time with the teenagers ( cats weighing in the teens). We rolled down to their area and set up for some fun when the bite went flat. After an hour of no bites they rolled up and left us to wait for the bite to fire up when the tides flipped. We managed a few smaller ones and were eating lunch when we got a call on line one ( first rod on the left) and it was Harry's turn to get the rod. He picked it up from the holder and swept the circle hook into the jaw of the fish and it was off to the races. After a 50 yard run and Harry burning a little skin off his thumb we got the head turned and the fight was on. It lasted 15 min. with Harry having to finally sit down to finish the battle and this is what he caught.





    All in all it has been a good early summer for the big fish. I wish I had taken more pictures but with the sun shining and good friends around you you tend to forget the camera but I will try to do better on the future outings.



  12. now alls you need is a M16 to mount that thing to and your ready for the invasion. I actually have a tactical light that does not have the fancy glass breaker but the one I have is an LED that puts out 115 luminaries which is really bright. The bad side is the lithium batteries are 10 bucks a wack and are good for about an hours use. Not for everyday use but it is a nice bright light when you need it and it has a 10 year shelf light. I I think it might be the boat light everyone is looking for.



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