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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I have been reading that snelling circle hooks makes your hook up percentage better. After learning how to snell hooks they all say it is used to attach leader to a bait hook. Can anyone tell me why you shouldn't use it to attach the hook directly to the line? I can't find any flaws in doing that and it is possible to tie without making it a leader.



  2. If your boat does not overnight in the water then you can put a master cut off switch by the battery that feed the switches. Remember to pull the drainplug when it is on the trailer so it can drain rain or snowmelt out. If your boat overnights in the water make sure that your bilge pump is in automatic and is hot even when the master switch is off. The bilge pump is the only thing that will save the boat if you get rain or a waves come over the transom from wind or another boats wake.



  3. O.K. here we go due to the laws of physics and engineering a bait caster is designed to be a more accurate casting reel. It has the ability to feather the line during the cast using friction on the reels spindle. Yes I know their are some amazing people out their that can finger the line on a spinner and think they are as good as a bait caster and to them I say good for you I am glad you are happy. I'm not going to debate that on this thread because it will only cause grief and hard feelings between reel owners. The time to use the bait caster is when you are casting to defined targets like stumps or tree lined shores. Any time you need to be able to slow the lure down and drop it on target without a lot of splashing. This is not the over head chunking style of casting this is the underhand cast that is a foot off the water till you feather it into the water with a ripple not a splash. The time to use the bait caster is when you are fighting a fish that needs a drag system that does not twist the line if you are trying to reel in the fish as it is pulling line. The time for a bait caster is when you are using braided line with heavier lures so you don't slice the finger when you cast and your finger is in contact with the line as you release it. All of these reasons are good but the best time to use a bait caster is when you feel more comfortable using it than you are with a spinner. I own a few spinners and allot of bait casters ... my brother owns allot of spinners and a few bait casters to date he catches just as many fish as I do if not more so I don't think its the type of reel you use that matters as how well you use what you are comfortable with. The best way to find out if you like to switch to a bait caster is to use one that a friends has that is of good quality. Buying a cheap one to see if you like it will almost guarantee that you will fail since it was poorly made to start with.



  4. Can't say as I have gotten the bug to get Tattooed my concern has been the way they look after the years have done their damage like the pretty blue dolphin on the left breast at 20 turns into the blue whale at 50. Besides "us older ones" have our own body modifications their called scars and each of them have a story behind them. The kids now adays have so many safety devices IE bike helmets, knee pads, wrist protectors, safe swing sets, bike trail......well you get the picture their parents have robbed them of the path to manhood by scars.




  5. Well I went to camp and they put me in a cabin with this great big scary counselor who had a loud voice and he yelled at me and asked me what my name was and I drew a blank so I remembered that when my mom sent me to camp she wrote my name on the waist band of my underwear so I would get them back from the laundry. I then pulled the waist band up and looked at it an told him my name was Fruit of the loom........ it was a long summer with that nickname.



  6. When the river is running high the catfish are in the eddies and current breaks. Catfish that are young are opertunity feeders meaning they will take bait that is left over from others feeding those are the ones that your less than perfect meat are attracting. If you are looking for some fish of size then switch to fresh fish that has not been frozen or rotted. The average Channel cat over 10 lbs are preditors and are hunting for minnows that ar einjured like a sucker with a few blood cuts in the side. Don't be afraid to change bait often after 15 min if you havent gotten a pick up then freshen the bait and cast to a different spot. If you want to pick up more tips on catfish send me a PM and I will send you a link to a board that is just for catfish it has alot of good information.



  7. Channel cats will also "fin you" all catfish even the ones in your aquarium have the stiff fins that have small barbs that are the cutting agent. Catfish react to being grabbed by lashing from side to side and by erecting the fins, the combination of which can produce a puncture wound and even a laceration. The venomous glands are located within the integument that encloses the spine, so whenever a spine is torn, the venom is released and transmitted through the puncture wound. The purpose of these envenomations is self-defense rather than food gathering. The species differ in their toxicity depending on environmental factors and infections are often introduced at the wound site from the environment that the fish lives in. Irrigating the wound and probing for any broken fin material and a follow up of using a antibacterial ointment is recommended. If you notice any red streaks excessive tenderness or other signs of infection in the next few days go to the doctor before it gets worse.



  8. For what it is worth I sent a note to All americanoutdoors and told them that the have pleased someone enough to get mentioned on a thread and sent them a link to it. This is their reply:


    Thank you for the posts. We appreciate the patronage and value your support. I noticed a gentleman posted a remark about a rebate. You get a rebate with all ours as well. We are an authorized PT Pro Shop for quantum. You just have to send in the receipt and rebate form. Savings are great. Thank you very much for you post. It is much appreciated. Let us know the next time you ordered in the comments box (of our site) and we will include a special little item i think you will like.




    I think that this reply in it's self is a class action and it inspires me to continue purchasing products from this company. I would also ask that this thread stop getting twisted around into a this store is better than that store type of post. This was simply someone trying to tell fellow fisherman that they found a great company to deal with so either say thank you for the information or give an example were this company has done you wrong. Their seems to be overwhelming support for this company from the people that have actually dealt with them so I dont understand why we have dragged other merchants names into thread.




  9. Actually you can be a newbie and join the good old boys club. All's you need to do is preform a few selfless acts and help out people without tooting your horn all over the place. I have in the past asked T.J. for a few favors dealing with another fishing site and he was nice enough to help me. As I have in the past and on to the future I will continue helping as many people as I can. If that is part of the good old boys network then I am proud to be a member.




  10. The lowrance extra power source is for the network the antenna hooks to not the antenna. It powers the net2000 that you can expand to include engine monitoring and fuel. This is not an issue and is simple to wire in so don't be scared of it. The external antenna is a small puck that needs a flat place that does not have any structure above it. (canvas is fine) I have mounted the puck on top of an aluminum hard top, front deck,back rail and next to the motor with no problems. If you have the ability to chase the wires to any of these locations then you will be fine with an external. I however havent had any issues with an internal antenna when used thru a canvas top held with an aluminum frame rods. Will you be leaving the unit hooked up all of the time or removing it evertime you put the boat away? Its not a big deal just 1 more wire to hook/unhook. If you bring your boat up to Lak Air this year I will give you a lesson on what info it can give you....you just wont believe what it can do and how much info you are missing.



  11. I looked at the tracker brand 4 years ago and found that their were other names out their that had a better end product. I am sure the quality has improved but I wouldnt discard the other names before looking at their deals.




  12. Cliff the chances of even getting just an apology are very slim. The letter will be read and they might even take the time to talk to the employees about it but they will have the upper hand because they get to tell their story in person refuting the accounts point by point with no one their to correct their story. That being said if you do write the letter it will the starting point of documenting the behavior of the security personal and the way the are enforcing the policies. If their is a pattern then it will come to light. You might decide to help your friend to send the letter more as a lesson on how to talk to management and document injustice than as a protest of wrong doing. If no names were taken by the police or citations filled out then the matter is most likly closed in the laws eyes.




  13. I have the lowrance 527 unit and have found it excellent for finding structure. One of the things to remember when using a depth finder is it is showing you the highest point in the return signal. That means in a 6ft radius if their is a rock that is 2 ft off the bottom then it will show the bottom as being 2 ft higher than it really is. It will read the edges of a trench at the highside and will miss any fish or structure that is within 6ft of the trench. As you get into deeper water or a larger cone your cone increases and you miss more of the bottom.

    If you are scanning for schools of fish then a larger cone is needed to find the schools of fish but just because you find the fish does not mean they can be caught. I rarely look for schools of fish but rather find the structure that attracts them or track a weedline or depth that is easier to do with the narrow cone. The advantage of the 527 is you can run both cones at the same time thus getting a detailed bottom reading and also the schools of baitfish that the predators are following. The funny thing about the depth finder is that most people use it in the auto mode and don't use 1/10 of the features that it is capable of displaying. Their is a wealth of info that can be read if you take the time to understand what it says by trial and error. Using the color feature and adjusting the gain can yield the info of is it baitfish or is it school of larger fish. You can tell the difference between bottom texture, hardness, weedlines, and rock/boulder fields. If you decide to work with the unit and study your feedback then you will have a better understanding on patterning the areas were fish are in any given condition. Looking for schools of fish are hit or miss at best.



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