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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Actually if you look in the back of the newer cell phones they have a round dot in them if it gets wet it changes color and the warrentee is void. I brought one in to my cell rep and thats the first place the factory made him look before he shipped it in for repairs for me.



  2. If you decide to try to make the motor appear as a second item or purchase make sure that it is the guy who sold you the boat that writes out 2 bills of sale. If you do it even though you are not changing the amount then you are committing fraud. That will give them the chance to get the taxes and prosecute you in the court of law. while $500 dollars seems alot now if you have to go to court and defend your self it will be a bargain. I also think that if I were the seller and I was contacted by the officials I would fess up to the 2 receipts right away to keep my butt from getting into trouble for someone he doesnt know beyond the sale. ( called throwing your butt under the bus)



  3. Man Catfish done right is one of the best eatting fish we can catch down here in the warm water belt. We dont have many walleye/ the p word down here so we eat alot of catfish and then the saltwater fish we catch. You can skin them if you want but it tends to stretch the meat fibers breaking them and making them soft. You can filet them just as you would a walleye just cut from the front to the back and leave the skin by the tail connected then flip the filet on the board skin side down and run your knife along the side just between the skin and the flesh. You also can seperate the tail from the fish and hold it by the skin with your fingernails trapping it to the cutting board and go from their. While the bullheads we catch here go back into the water the up to 5 # chanels are perfect for the table deep fried with hush puppies and assorted fried vegetables.




  4. Bill use the seafoam product regular carb cleaner will strip te oil off of the pistons and you can stick a ring or damage it. The chances are low but why take a chance. Use the seafoam as per the directions to mix it with the gas/oil mixture. A little down the carb will clean the throat but it is not going to clean the fuel passages ie carberator etc.. After the run replace the plug and fuel filter both will be dirty as can be. You might also consider getting a better grade of oil if you are carboning up quickly. I have run Marine amsoil 2 stroke oil for years with no fouling or issues with gunk.



    Uncle Arttie

  5. I am a big fan of nets I carry the net that will land the fish that I am fishing for according to the size of the expected fish. I have a med large net that is made of rubber that works well for fish under 20 lbs. I also have a big frabil that I use when I come up north for the bigger fish that I hope to catch that day. I also fish for big catfish from a 28ft boat and it is very difficult to use a net due to the railing and the height from the water. I have been using a boca lip gaff to hoist them from the water. The mouth of the catfish and the jaw structure are very friendly to this device and I have released many large fish without damage. I don't feel that this is a good answer for fish like pike and muskie or fish with teeth since their jaws are weaker and you have a chance of damaging their teeth with it. I have seen more fish damaged from a gill hold for the camera than the abuse of a net so if you do want the picture please don't slip your hand in the gill plate it is a slow killer even when done carefully.



  6. My wife has an 05 leather and loaded and it has no issues at 65000 miles. Actually one issue that was a leak on the sunroof gasket that when it leaked showed up under the dash. They fixed it for free but I am not sure they fixed something else and told me thats what it was..... I like the ford but hate the dealer.



  7. I carry my cell always it could save someones life. I was fishing one day and a guy was fishing in the rapids fell and was knockedout. With the cell phone we had him airlifted out in 30 minutes. Without the phone it was atleast 30 minutes back to a phone then another 30 minutes for the air lift. Because he got to the hospital before swelling did any damage he lives with no after effects according to the doctors. If you want the peace and quiet of not having a cell phone then turn it off but it is a good idea to bring it just in case. The life it saves could be yours or a complete strangers both will make you feel good if you can place the call.





  8. yup I reconize that look on their faces I had a beagle eat a small jar of mentholated vasoline once. Put her outside all day and brought her in just before bed. As soon as the lights were out a fart noise sounded from the hall and it was alittle more than a noise. The bad news was the dog wanted to see were the noise was coming from and went in a circle lookin for it. 30 min. with a carpet cleaner was my reward for that blunder.



  9. Bernie have you looked into the ventless freestanding gas fireplaces. I have a Vermont castings unit that looks like a woodstove that has fake logs but burns propane. It also has a remote control that turns it on and off or you can set the thermostat to auto and it will cycle. It needs no external venting or make up air and eliminates a condensation drain. This is not one of the wall mounted units it is a cast iron unit with a glass front and a catalytic converter it so far has not produced any odors or smoke in the house. The secret is to get one that is made of heavy cast iron because it bleeds the heat off into the run between cycles at a slow rate unlike the thin sheetmetal units. If you need more info give a holler .





  10. Rich just because you have a new member in the house does not mean you are disrespecting the departure of your friend. I have had many friends over my life and each one of them living and or departed have a spot in my heart that will be their till I pass on. You should be proud that you can fit another puppies well being into your life and give him a good home were he will be loved and taken care of for many years to come. I am sure Nikita is lookin down saying way to go pop's.




  11. If you are on a lake and you don't catch as many fish as you think you should does that mean that the fish are not their? It might be that the fish are on different structure or have learned that certain things in the water are not edible. It could be the forage base is so plentiful that they feed on it instead of a crawfish pattern they are a shad pattern feeders. I have more faith in the MNR's research and scientific procedures as to what the zone or region can support as far as harvesting than I do for any fisherman's guess as to whether or not X amount of fish should be harvested. If you have a concern as to whether or not a lake has a healthy population then you can make a difference.


    First read the information that is available from the MNR and see if the lake falls within the guidelines that are ecologically set for the type of water and fish that you want to pursue. If you feel that it is does not contain enough of the fish that you personally want to catch then join or start a program to raise fry using the guidelines that MNR has set and start your own stocking program. I personally donate money to the grass roots program that Lak Air lodge and a few other lodge owners have started and they raise Walleye that are returned to lake Nipissing every year. I personally have bought thousands of fish but to date have harvested a total of 15 fish over the years and they were for the fish fry. If you feel that by writing a thread here at OFC will help... you may save a few fish if on the other hand you decide to take some of your time and invite others to follow you on a structured restocking program you can contribute thousands of fish for future fishing. So call the MNR and volunteer or make a donation to them for restocking you will be helping the environment and you might feel good after doing something that will help people who don't even know you exist.



  12. One of the reasons that the company's are not using imports is that the big three have big discounts for fleet purchases. When I purchased my Freightliner van for 30,000.oo I had the option to purchase a Ford stretch van for 11,000.00 less with the gas engine. I chose the Freightliner because I wanted to upgrade from the the big three with a diesel and Mercedes technology . If I had 4 or more trucks they would all be the same for ease of repair and parts on hand so I would have gone with the big three for the discount but the market is changing since Dodge is now discounting for fleet Sprinters. Soon Nissan or Toyota will follow then you will see them all over the fleet market.




  13. If you want the thrill of an overpowered truck and the pulling capacity of 9500 lbs then the truck I chose is the Titan from Nissan. It is very well made and does exactly what I expect a truck to do and that is ride like a truck run like a truck and drink gas like a truck. It is not gas friendly but if you are buying a truck to haul I am more comfortable with a truck that is over built for the situation than something that is only capable of doing the job. I have had mine since 2005 and have 18,000 miles on it and have had no issues with it. I have hauled my boat 2800 lb 14 hours straight without any over heating up and down mountains and it handles the braking and acceleration just fine. I have also hauled 7000 lb for three hours with out sway bars and was able to control it in the rain without any uncomfortable feeling as I made my way back from the bay. I will say that if you like to feel some rapid acceleration and performance driving then it is the truck for you. The down side is you can get it down to 12 mpg if you like to make the tires burn and the speedo rise quickly from light to light. If you drive it nicely the best you will find is 18 mpg but thats very hard to do when the motor is urging you to go alittle bit faster.




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