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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I have a redtick coonhound that lives on our 20 acres here and he loves his squirrels. He has been trained with the 4 basic commands that Daplumma has mentioned but before that time I use and still use occasionally a trainers collar. Invest in a good one that has at least a 300 yard range with both an audible and a shock settings. Around here I am not worried about him getting a hold of a wild animal but that he will follow his blood and run for miles.I have been very pleased with a collar made by innoteck model # adv1000p It will run you around $150.oo US.


    As far as CH312 comment I hope you never have to explain to little Timmy that you shot his dog because it got out of the fenced in area because you legally could in your mind. Here in the USA if you are not a law officer you may only shoot an animal that shows any sign (collar) of being domesticated if the animal is damaging your livestock.


    Any how nice choice in dogs I have always loved the hounds.




  2. A secret (no longer) is when the surfcasting competitions people would degrease/clean their reels and then lube up the bearings with lighter fluid to give them just the right oil but not the drag of a heavy lube. The downside is it has no rust or corrosion prevention so after the contest they would oil the reels till the next time and then degrease and lighter fluid them again....



  3. I almost had a great fishin shirt but that Fuzzy Canook won't send it to me. (yes T.J. it's you I am hollerin about).



    It says OFC on it with a collar and pockets and it would make me look official but if T.J wants to continue breakin my heart and sending me to the tournaments looking unprofessional I guess I have to live with it........



    A very sad member of the Southern Contingency...




  4. I dont know if its just me or does something seem wrong with a bunch of guys and a giant moustache going to a lake called "Gangbang Lake" :D:D:D:D



    Gee and that is before you figure that The rocker was a full blow alternative lifestyler (not that their is anything wrong with that)(just so I can be politically correct).... but man could he sing.




  5. Since the gun was free why not go ahead and treat yourself to a good lookin over by a gunsmith. He can check the bore and see what choke is if any is in the gun. He can also check the trigger and other parts for wear and lub it up for a fraction of what a new one would have cost you. When you fire it you should shoot it from the hip in a safe area to keep any injury if it malfunctions but after the gunsmith I would not be worried about issues.




  6. I am not sure how this applies but when using chunks of shad (6") plus for catfishing the hook of choice is a 7/0 to 9/0 circle with anything from 8 lb to 56 lb being caught. I would be thinking the 2/0 or3/0 a good choice to begin. Don't be afraid of the bigger #'s the mouth on the bass is more than enough to inhale the larger hook.




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