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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Here in the States you need a boat with a head /kitchen and berth. The Boat is anchored also. I have had many people on board and I ask them to use a coolie cover and not to flaunt that it is a beer. I as the captain do not drink alcohol while on the water period because even one beer in fact even one USA beer is enough to slow your judgment in a critical time sensitive decision. Yes even if it is a canoe you can cause a situation to become more severe than it would be before even one USA beer.




  2. I am sorry to hear that your world is not up to the huge task that you have selfishlessly spearheaded for all of the past seasons. I hope that thinks work out as you need them too to once again in the future carry the torch for such a worth while cause. Until then I am sure that if anyone on the board has a talent that can help you in your hours of need you can call on them for a helping hand.




  3. I think you hit the nail on the head Big Cliff most of the impeller failures are when you let the motor sit for 3 or more weeks than the rubber binds to the stainless pump housing. You then bump it over to see if the battery is strong enough before you take it all the way to the ramp. You also can suck weeds up over the intake while trolling and overheat the impeller. Once a finger breaks off it takes out the rest of the fingers quickly. I carry a spare impeller when I come up North and tools to replace it just because of the weed issue. I think that due to the ability to damage them by owners who don't know/ care about the cooling system the warranty numbers would drive up the cost of buying the motors. I have had Mercurys for 25 years and have had less issues than my buddies Johnson, Suzuki, and Hondas. ( not saying they are bad motors though)




  4. 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius)


    Californians shiver uncontrollably,


    Canadians plant gardens




    35 degrees Fahrenheit (1.6 Celsius


    Italian cars won’t start,


    Canadians drive with the windows down.




    32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 Celsius)


    American water freezes,


    Canadian water gets thicker.




    0 degrees Fahrenheit (-17.9 Celsius)


    New York City landlords finally turn on the heat,


    Canadians have the last barbecue of the season.




    -60 degrees Fahrenheit ( -51 C)


    Mt. St. Helens freezes,


    Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door to door.




    -100 degrees Fahrenheit (-73 C)


    Santa Claus abandons the North Pole,


    Ottawa’s Rideau Canal opens for skating.




    -173 degrees Fahrenheit (-114 C)


    Ethyl alcohol freezes,


    Canadians get frustrated when they can’t thaw the keg.




    -460 degrees Fahrenheit ( -273 C)


    Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops,


    Canadians start saying, “Cold, eh?”




    -500 degrees Fahrenheit ( -295 C)


    Hell freezes over,


    Toronto Maple Leafs win Stanley Cup.




  5. quote from alplumma

    "Calling out the mods and flaming them" what i have to say about this: this is what there doing to me

    "I have read your backround and I can see why Roy made the statement that he did. He was not slamming you he was pointing out that you in the past you have been asking for opinions and help and not acting on it. Some of the information passed on to you took time and effort on other peoples part and some even indicate they would go far out of their way to help. Rather than yelling you actually should have apologized for the past "trolling sessions" and then explained how this was different" what i have to say : what did he benefit by saying this??? please do tell me.



    Since you asked for an answer in your statement I need to bring up a post from the past.here is the quote




    I would like to know what happened to the OFC board. This used to be a great board with lots of info. Now all it is is a place to run people down when they ask a question. Comeon people come on this board wanting to get some info and that is what it was made for. Now everone is afraid to make a post asking a question without getting run down. I will no longer be visting for a while because this has got to be too much. I post a question about my car even and get run down what the hell is with that. This board needs a serious "clean up" and untill then i will be sticking to ************ ( named another fishing board edited by head mod/ owner TJ.)







    This above thread that you started in anger because of the car thread previously was a slap in the face of all of the OFNCer's that have tried to answer or show you in humor that we can't diagnose your cars ailments from the description that you had posted. The above thread points out that you do not want to put in the time to help correct OFC but rather you want the mod's to clean up as you state the people who you feel ran you down. You then leave in disgust but not before advertising the name of another forum.


    So here is how Roy "benefited" form his post:


    He took the time to read your past posts and see that you used OFC in the past with threads that were expending resources from members that did not know how ungrateful you were in the recent past. All of the Mod's as their first duty are charged with keeping this board profitable or it will not pay it's bills and not exist. The second thing they are charged with is keeping the people that make up this board comfortable it means to remove people that aggravate, flame or appear to be trolling. Since your previous 4 threads were 3 for information and 1 to bash OFC he felt instead of deleting your post he would call you on your past in an attempt to see what your intentions were. I think he was hoping that you would do what I suggested after the fact but you chose the same path as you did before and that was to bash the MOD's in CAPITOLS.


    If you want your future here to be one of fun and helpfullness then take the time to contribute were you can and if your thread goes

    South on you then have the ability to analyze why and not lash out in anger.


    The question after you read this most likely is why did Art take the time and effort to write this: The answer is I enjoy OFC and think that you have the ability to become a contributing member and adding value to this site.



    Art Aplumma

  6. Darryl dont bother with any of these chooches.......all people know how to do on this site is talk trash and when you say something back they just kick you off because they have nothin better to do with their sad lives. Cant wait to get out to the sand bar on that bad boy!



    It seems by you being able to read this reply you are wrong.......Calling out the mods and flaming them " Any of these CHOOCHES""to do with their SAD LIVES"would and should be grounds for you to be banned but hey I am not a mod yet.....so you will stay for now.




  7. I have read your backround and I can see why Roy made the statement that he did. He was not slamming you he was pointing out that you in the past you have been asking for opinions and help and not acting on it. Some of the information passed on to you took time and effort on other peoples part and some even indicate they would go far out of their way to help. Rather than yelling you actually should have apologized for the past "trolling sessions" and then explained how this was different. I would consider that a better path to making friends and fishing partners here on OFC.




  8. As some of you know Chris has been tormented with an issue in his neck. He has gone thru the surgery this week and is recovering nicely. When he is better I am sure he will fill us in on what is going on but until then please say a prayer or send him a well wish and a speedy recovery.


    Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.




  9. I want to offer tip to you all who are powdercoating you really really really cant use the oven for powder coating if you will be cooking food in it ever again. The powder compounds as they heat cure release gasses that bind with the fats of the food the next time you cook in it.


    I have been powder coating for a few years now doing auto/ motorcycle items and have found a few tricks that can help you.


    First you must clean all of the metals using a wire wheel but the prefered meathod is to use a sandblasting media like garnet (NEVER SAND). Once cleaned use a brake degreaser on the metal and make sure you do not touch the metal again with the bare hands. Then preheat the metal to 250 degrees F and remove from the oven. If you have a powder coating gun then use it to coat the metal if not I use a small straw and a piece of paper and gently blow the powder off the paper onto the metal make sure you don't inhale or get enough powder in the air to taste or smell it. As the powder touches the metal it will flash to a liquid but is not cured yet. Then place the item into the oven at 350 degrees F and bake for 25-30 minutes. Open the door and allow the heat to escape and come back to room temperature before handling.



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