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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Yup lets set fire to this thread I am officially telling Every last PERSON that I Art Melancon Have decided to allow the Asian Carp get into OUR (Canada and USA) Great lakes so the fishing industry crashes. I want to do irreversible harm to both Great nations and OBAMA is in agreement with ME and is doing Everything that I tell HIM to DO just so the OFC American bashing Nitwit squad can show all of the Rest of the Board that they are small minded idiots.... Now does this make it clear that if you can't leave bashing politics tactics aside and talk with facts and expertise then don't comment and prove that you are an American Bashing :asshat:



  2. It always comes down to a buck doesn't it.


    Kinda why you guys are in the mess you are in now.


    But today you have companies boycotting Alberta oil because its bad for the environment...what a joke



    Dara both of your posts are not on topic and both bash the USA. If you want to further the discussin I hope you keep posting. If you want to show the Internet your racist/ inflammatory nature then I encourage you to keep posting...Either you will help find a solution or confirm that you are an embarrassment to the many Great Canadians I know.




  3. You can actually take pride in your second reply it has made a statement that you believe is true and explains how you got to that conclusion. Your first statement is not factual and does not add anything to the discussion. I still disagree on your view but I now see that your dislike for our President will cloud any action that we take short of closing a major waterway. The closure would have major economical repercussions that outweigh a rash act on our parts. Yes I know the carp getting in to the waterways of OUR (both the USA and Canada) also has major repercussions but at this point so did the SmallMouth bass, Lampreys, Gobies,zebra mussels etc.... all were called a disaster and while they have changed the waters none have collapsed the economy as much as closing the waterway would.




  4. Lets see, skim 30mil off the top that just vanishes, another 30mil thats spent on assessments and 10mil in wages, gas, food and 5mil for the project itself. Which will inevitably be over-budget within a few months.



    I just cant believe you would be proud or even voice such an outrageous statement. 78 million is a sizable amount of money to put into protecting the waterways and for you to make lite of it is nothing short of disrespectful to the country that shares a border.




  5. The official count is 35" here in Leesburg. 16 hours of tractorin to reach the main road and 2 furnaces went out due to snow blockage. Both fixed the 3rd one needs a new blower motor but Joe has 2 furnaces so it will survive. I can say that this really messed up the area pretty badly with the main roads still snow packed with less than 60 cars an hours or about 5% of the normal traffic. Next year I think I will winter inn Canada so I don't has so much snow to deal with....




  6. Well I have been tractoring for 9 hours today and still havent reached the road. The blade does nothing so it is scoop a bucket and then turn to the side and dump....repeat a gazillion times. The monotony breaker is get the tractor unstuck. This is a big tractor too.


    If I find out Canada "attacked" us on purpose I'm comin up there in June and drowned all of your muskies at Lak Air :P




  7. Sorry folks but even if we close it down any invasive species that has no natural enemies will get into the surrounding water ways. If you look at it the small mouth bass was termed an invasive species, along with the gobies that would kill the system, The carmerans will deplete the feeder fish and the carp will destroy the habitate. Guess what so far the lakes have been able to weather all of the crap we have done to it with out failing. I am not saying that it is good that we test the eco system here but to say it is the because the USA is lazy and doesnt give a damn is crap and it is inflammatory in the least. This thread is in poor taste and has no direction to go but down.




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