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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. First scuff the aluminum for fresh shiny metal with 80 grit as well as the puck board. Wipe both down with alcohol and let dry.  use this https://www.defender.com/product.jsp?id=3726812 or equal. The scuffing is very important to give the bonding agent something to hook to. Duct tape in place with pressure till it dries. Seal edges with silicone caulk and allow to dry. Drill into puckboard and mount transducer. 


  2. 16 hours ago, Rattletrap2 said:


    How about you send me the $1.30......thats Canadian......so maybe 20 cents American. Just put a note with it saying sorry for your aggravation, Canadian Tire. I'll go away happy and quiet! lol

    I feel better already!

    Arrrr that metric money thingggy always confuses me. I really do get the injustice and wanting to correct the wrong. I once spent 3 days in front of the Nissan dealer who wouldn't repair a leaking rear seal because it was 1000 miles past the warranty. I parked on the street in front with a 4 x 8 sheet of plywood asking people to hear my story before they bought a Nissan. I had promised the manager that I would not quit till I had convinced 10 people not to buy a Nissan. I figure it was around 300,000.oo dollars worth of sales. It took me three days and I did it because I felt wronged and they wouldn't work with me on it. 


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  3. You can go after the corporate if you want but when you have more years behind you than ahead of you is it really worth the aggravation you get? I would put this in the category of now I am warned and will bring the core with me. BTW yes you are right they should not have charged tax on a core and if the do it should be refunded when you turned the core in if they did. 



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  4. 2 hours ago, AKRISONER said:


    Pluma, you kind of make the point. Yes you worked hard and made it work. You probably just decided to be a plumber, were able to get a quality job, work hard and make ends meet. 

    In todays reality, this just doesnt happen. Theres no such thing as just deciding to be this or that. You either have to go to school first, or have a great connection. Theres no good paying trades jobs that are "just available for the taking" anymore. Thats the biggest difference between back in the day and now.


    The need for tradesman are still there but the jobs are not for the taking but are for the earning.  I hired 3 new helpers 2 under 20 1 over 30 guess which two quit in the first month  because the work was to hard and dirty. Don't applaud the 30 year old he  only lasted 4 months.  My first 2 years were spent in a ditch running sewer and water lines. If I had decided to stop because the work was hard and dirty then I would not have advanced.  I knew to get ahead of the others I would have to be more valuable than the other mechanics. I went to trade school as well as college to show management that I wanted to be a leader, that I wanted to get ahead.  This took commitment and  to prevent myself from getting into debt I worked overtime and at a hobby shop. It has to do with being proud of what you can do ,it has to do with showing others your self worth. See as an employer I need to invest 40,000.00 a year in wages and benefits to train someone how to be a plumber.  If you are not impressing me with your work ethics and showing a desire to advance I will cut you loose quickly. What I am offering that person is a career that can earn in time 80-100 thousand dollars a year in wages and benefits as an employee. With people being short sighted and wanting things easy it just is not a good mix.  If you want to get ahead in life you have to make sacrifices and bid your time  none of it is easy but if you stay the path and resist the easy path of drugs or alcohol then you will be able to prosper.  "The only person who owes you something is yourself" with an attitude like that you can get ahead of life and reap the rewards it brings. 


  5. When I got out of the Navy in 1983 I had 1000.00 in the bank an old van one beanbag chair  and a triumph motorcycle. This is what I started life with and  I went to work in the field I had trained in which is plumbing. With this I then purchased a townhouse and continued my training and putting money aside for the future. By controlling my expenditures meaning no starbucks or eating out and all of the other ways to spend money without getting a material return I amassed enough money to start my own company.  If someone wants something they can achieve it if someone wants the easy way out then they will turn to drugs or other destructive traits. I agree that a few can have a path that can't be avoided either by environment or situations but that is few not the many who are on drugs.  Government programs and bailouts support and enforce the use of drugs. Personally I want drug testing before and program hands out money. This view while unpopular is unpopular because there are enough people abusing the programs who can make enough noise to keep it from changing. I am a darwinian type of person I like the fact the harder and wiser you work the greater the reward. I want the system to be tuned to help those that want to help themselves. If you have massive debt  it is you that spent the money no one else. If you spent it on an education what prevented you from working and saving the money you got from working at the age of 16? If you do take on the debt man up and pay it back ASAP where is the pride that you should have? If you are not college material then don't waste your time and money going to college. There are plenty of other jobs many require hard physical work, long hours, unpleasant environments but they don't cause you to be in debt. The trades are an amazing place o make a living but it is very hard at the beginning and if you do not have the initiative to advance then you will work very hard for not a great reward. Now follow the same path and show you want to advance and  you can one day be very well off. A drug is just an easy way out with thought and planning you can be as great as you work hard to be. I will say that one or two per hundred can follow this and still be an addict simply because there is no such thing as 100% but they are the exception to the rule. 



  6. Something to think about as you fish is that fish look for the easiest meal available. This means that a fish that sees a frog that is health will not be tempted to eat it because it is not putting off an easy prey signal. When a fish is not healthy then it will swim with a different cadence. This means that if you are fishing with a pull pull stop cadence then try to switch it up with  drag drag drag stop stop rhythm. You also have a few different types of frogs to try. Some have a streamlined for dragging over top of the grass and pads and some have a popper type of face to make more commotion. The use of topwater lures is one of the most exciting bites for sure but it is less productive as the water warms up and as the sun  becomes stronger. I can throw topwater as long as there is shade on the water  but it becomes less effective as the sun shines brightly into the water. If I am not getting a topwater bite I will switch to something that goes deeper such as a crankbait or a spinnerbait. IF there is not action then I will go to sencos or soft baits to find the fish that are deep. 

    Hope this helps


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  7. We actually have in our rules that sharing spots is not something we encourage and prefer you do it in P.M. This helps keep places from getting to much attention. If you are getting P.M.s that you do not want you can block that person from sending future ones easily. 


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  8. Lew sometimes things are just an accident meaning it can happen any time, anywhere to anyone. riding a motorcycle is about repeating a good time and feeling that you had the last time you rode. I have had thousands of good times riding and a few bad times either from mean people or bad situations which could have made me decide to not ride ever again. The many good times still make it worth the risk for me to keep riding. The few bad times enforce the resolve to keep the odds in my favor with training, equipment and awareness. Some people know what you did for a living and others don't but your job is their "motorcycle" meaning they would never think of running into a burning building no matter what the reason is. All of the bikes that my brother and I have are restored back to life and maintained  by us. Many of these are bikes that we wanted to own from the 70s and 80s and couldn't afford them at the time but now we are able to have the toys we want. We ride them when we want to and go to local shows just so we can share them with others who remember their past rides.


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  9. Some of you don't understand the out to kill you statement so here is what it means. One day you are going to be either hit or forced off the road by a car. This is the statistically supported. To be fair one day you will have a car on car  accident as well. The really bad news is you do not get to pick the place or the time of when the car is going to get you. There will not be a sign or any feature on the car that says I am the one that will take you out. The good news is  if you pay attention to all of the cars around you they will give you a hint before you have an accident with them. With this in mind watch  them as though they want to kill you.  The other killer is yourself but you have the ability to control him for the most part and he will give you a warning that you are going to do something stupid. Just resist the urge to do it.

    I love speed on a bike  the acceleration the wind and the noise is very tempting so I went to the track for awhile to get that bug out of my system.  I wore full racing gear and had other trained riders around me who knew what the limits of their skill and machine where and would dive in a turn a foot away from you that scared me less than the stunts I have seen on the road. With this said be aware, be careful  and enjoy the bike. 


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