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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. 30 minutes ago, misfish said:

    Wow ,all that effort put forth by members posting pics and all, and you deleted it all ? Not cool Art. . I get the Junkie thing, you don't like him.  But many here do. I didn't see anything wrong with his post.

    Sorry it is not recoverable it auto deletes when a member is banned. I don't know why you think I didn't like him I had no feelings either way. If he wants to accuse me of something publicly and then lay into me privately then anyones ass is gone.  Even a member who has been here since the beginning does not get that ticket. For everyones information I am pro weed and hope that someday the USA allows it. 



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  2. Sorry folks this thread got deleted when  Cannabis Junky was banned  from OFC . I felt that it was such a good thread I am restarting it. 


    Roy due to health issues retired from OFC. I will never be able to fill his shoes completely but I will continue to try. Thank you to Roy for all of the time he freely gave to the members here and for the friendship that I have enjoyed with him for all of those years. 


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  3. I own both a glass Ranger and an aluminum Xpress. They have different rides as pointed out with the glass boat being a smoother better ride due to the weight as well as the way the pad is designed.  The down side of glass is if you leave it in the water you have a better chance of it getting damaged from wakes on the dock and if you do get a ding in the glass it will absorb water so make sure you stay ahead of any rash below the waterline.  The  water noise in a glass is quieter and  being heavier will also run cleaner in the water when it gets snotty.  You also need to watchout for having water entering the boat while you store it many of them are damaged because the owner lets water stand in the livewells and the bilge area. I have always keep mine indoors and to date the 1989 Ranger is solid and  still beautiful. The aluminum boat I have is more of a tank than the glass and both have their uses. The aluminum is a jetdrive outboard for running thin rivers due to it being lighter and a much larger pad to plane on. This is not because it is aluminum but rather the way it is shaped. The other Aluminum boat I have is a 28ft Marinette which has twin 318 and lives in a marina. This is where  aluminum makes a big difference. This boat lives in the water and has not gained an oz of weight from water absorption which can add 20 % to a glass boat that has dings in it.  I have also taken a few good shots from debris in the river I run and where glass boats get holes I have a few slight bruises to the hull. Enjoy the glass you will be very happy with it and take care of it and it will give you many years of fun I have 30 plus years and still going strong. 


  4. You can check the oil level to see if it needs more if it does it means you have a leak if it is low. The pump itself may be damaged but first verify the fluid levels since it is cheaper/ easier. If it is the pump then it can be replaced on a scale of 1-10 it is a 6 for most people. You should consult a manuel to see if it is something you are comfortable doing. 


  5. It was a good try however it got ugly with members tuning against each other and feelings hurt. I had 9 reports on the thread. I consider it a fail the no religious and no Political posts are still not allowed and will be cut off quickly. If we had a room full of people who could respect that opinions are allowed and that not everything is black and white we could breach these subjects. 


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  6. John check your tv for a HDMI cable port. This is how the apple tv  unit feeds information to the tv. If you have that then look at the apple tv gen 4th . While this unit is more expensive it has the ability to be controlled by a remote as well as any ipad or iphone you have with a simple app. You can control it using your voice to a certain extent which is really nice.  So far I have hulu to get all of my local channels and stuff. I found  PLUTO tv to be very entertaining (free) and use my amazon plus to view a whole range of movies and shows. So far we went from 120.00 a month to 55.00 for hulu. You can try most all of the paid services for free for a month.  


  7. A fire extinguisher is one of the most important items on a boat when it is on fire. I have a unit that has a gauge as well as a size that is larger than required on all of my boats. Every six months it should be checked for the charge level as well as turned upside down and tapped and agitated to make sure the powder has not clumped up in the bottom. I replace them every 4 years and then take the old unit and store it in the garage next to my current one in case one is not enough. 


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  8. aviation gas sometimes also know as race gas is gas used in an airplane that still has lead in it. It is illegal to use on road . Most times it has an octane rating  over 100 which is good in the high performance high compression motors.  It will destroy a catalytic  converter and in modern day motors damage them due to the lead and the confusion they cause in the computers.  It is different than JP5 which is also an aviation gas but is a kerosene based closer to diesel than petroleum. 




    The running of a 4 stroke dry has no effect on the lubrication of the mechanical parts this only applies to two strokes. I personally run my two stroke to the point where it first sputters with intermittent shots of fogging oil and then choke it out using full spray of the fogging oil. This puts a nice coating on the mechanical parts as well as allowing some to back feed into the float bowl and coating the carb. Four strokes can be done the same way except you do not need to intermittently spray the carb as it uses the last bit of fuel but then gag it when it sputters. 


  10. Dave a 12 volt 500 gallon per hour pump pulls 2 amps per hour. If it is only to get rid of rain water meaning the boat does not leak much you should not need a charger if you are visiting it weekly.  Now if we get one heck of a rainstorm season then you might need to check on it. I have a 28ft that lives in the water covered and it has two pumps 2000 gallons an hour that are hooked to a bank of two house batteries . I haves been off shore power for a week at a time  with no charging except for the motors being run without any issues. 


  11. Never run a two stroke dry it will remove any lubrication till it stalls as well as heating up the rings and cylinder thus drying any lubrication it would have had. Carb seals and gaskets dry and crack when left dry. Better to keep the tank full using the correct oil mix and use marine staybil in the tank. Using Seafoam and allowing it to stay in the fuel tank all winter is not a good idea it is a solvent in the tank which will dissolve all of the varnish and gook  and then it will be sent into the carburetor in the spring. 

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  12. You can ignore maintenance for as long as you want however you can be sure that it will catch up to you eventually.  I prefer to do maintenance and put the odds of failure in the worst time or place at a minimum. One of the reasons to change the oil is to see if you have metal shavings, water, or other contaminants  which will tell you before a catastrophic failure. 


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  13. We need to control the name calling or group labeling. If you have facts just present them. We all will have opinions and if they are right or wrong you need to respect them or I will lock this. I think it is more important for us to be friends than any discussion we have over the internet that divides this group. 


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  14. You can also do well using a popping cork rig. The bait shop will set you up with the rig and some live shrimp. The lady fish in itself is also a bait fish cut into hunks and strips. A silver and blue rattle trap and the same color in a zara spook for dusk should round out the fun. if you get into the surf don't always assume that the further you cast the bigger or more fish you catch. Look at the waves breaking and cast out at 2 o clock behind where the waves break and reel in fast the rattle trap for some fun action. enjoy the saltwater you will find lb for lb some really hard fighting fish. 


  15. 23 hours ago, Mister G said:

    I really believe you love to exercise that power to close threads. Let this discussion continue and please hold back those powers of censorship.  

    I decided to answer this in the forum just incase anyone else  thinks that I enjoy ending threads for as you say "power." I am a 57 year old owner of this board, member number 77 from when it started.  I helped write the rules which many have either forgotten or never read. In real life I own and run a plumbing company, manage a farm and have a family life. This does not allow me a lot of time to babysit threads that are breaking the rules or people who choose to break the rules. When a thread goes wrong I try to correct it by editing or warning and if not it gets locked down. I am sure in some eyes that I lock them down to quickly but since you are my guest in this internet home it is my privilege to censor as I deem necessary.  Ending a thread so far early has caused no one any pain except myself when I get P.M. ed on and asked why I locked a thread when the reason is obvious it was offending people or was causing people to argue and turn on each other. For those counting I have locked 13 threads this year to date 7 of them are requests by the original posters. 

    Hope this helps answer the question. 


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