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About jughead

  • Birthday 12/08/1966

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  • Interests
    Fishing, books, writing, comedy

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  1. Hello all, just curious if anyone has used JB Weld Marine weld to patch a small hole on an aluminum boat. Advice, experiences, good or bad would be appreciated. Thanks all
  2. Sens have about the same identity as the Leafs right now, young hard working team, both surprisingly higher in the standing than people thought they would be. Sens much younger on D but much deeper in prospects there. Kessel and Spezza largely interchangeable although Spezza is better in his own end (now, not always and certainly not when he was Kessel's age) Spezza more consistent in putting up points historically. Both teams have decent goaltending. There really is very little difference in the two teams although the Sens have better prospects coming along. The biggest difference being the Sens are in the first year of a big rebuild and the Leafs are in the 6-7th year of a big rebuild.
  3. I'm a die hard Sens fan living in Toronto but happy the Leafs are doing well and equally happy the Sens are rolling pretty well even though they are in the first year of a massive rebuild and icing 8 rookies some nights. Leafs took way way longer than they should have for a rebuild but seem to be in a good position finally. The battle of Ontario has actually become fun to watch again. Also great to see the Oilers rolling, far and away the most enjoyable team to watch in the league this year.
  4. All good reasons to wear sunglasses when fishing, always. Even when your night fishing, wear clear glasses. I also add a cape so I can pretend I am a super hero.
  5. The ACLU isn't against Christmas or religion. They are against the inclusion of one religion at the expense of others in public policy and institutions. I am sure they will be warmed by the Christmas cards given they have no issue with Christmas, and presents, and hanging shiny things on trees and a magical fat man in a red suit who gets pulled around the world by reindeer, one of whom has an electric nose: just like it happened in the bible.
  6. Are people really surprised by the leaves dropping back? Look at their line up. They have improved on defence (although their d-core is overrated) and have improved in net but their top six is the weakest top six in the NHL. Kessel is a good goal scorer but is a bit of a one-trick pony. Great speed, great release, won't go near a corner and won't plant in front of the net. Which is fine, he is what he is - but did people really expect Macarther to keep the pace he set, or Brent. Outside of Kessel their isn't a single top six player on the Leafs who would make the top six on just about every other team in the league. Their #1 centre is about 50 games into his career and while serviceable, sure as heck isn't a #1 centre in the NHL. They are a bottom 5 team and will finish pretty much where they finished last year, which would be fine for Leaf fans if they were in the process of rebuilding correctly - see Chicago, Pittsburgh, Edmonton who although a work in progress will next year have Eberle, Hall, Paajarvi-Svensson, likely another top five pick this year along with a handful of good third and fourth year players.The difference between the Leafs and the Oilers is that the Oilers have some light at the end of the tunnel they are in.
  7. Not purely a Habs fan ( I follow the Sens) but grew up in a house full of them and am still surrounded by them so I follow the team pretty closely by proxy and all I will say is this, win or lose tonight, it is going to be a long season for the Habs and they won't be anywhere near the playoffs. Beyond that, it will be a miracle if price finishes the season there.
  8. Over the course of the 8 years I have owned my cottage I have found around 10 lures - one snagged on the swimming ladder attached to the dock, most snagged on the rocks in the shallow swimming area, a husky jerk snagged on the water line when I was taking it out for the winter, a tube jig inside the boat caught on the tow rope we use for skiing and tubing. I have heard my boat hit a couple of times from errant casts. Last weekend I actually watched a guy hit my kicker motor on my fishing boat with a spinner. I have been on my dock with my family and watched a guy trolling by about 15 feet in front of the dock and flick a cigarette into the water. I have also found various pop cans, beer bottles, etc, floating around but this is as much an issue with pleasure boaters than it is with fishermen (probably more. Although I have watched Styrofoam worm containers fly out of boats and the people just ignoring them and leaving them in the water. I have seen my neighbors 5 year old being carted off to the hospital with a barbed hook deep in her foot. My friend across the lake whose property is a weedy bay that no one but a fisherman would ever be in actually came up one weekend to find someone had come ashore and taken a crap near his dock. Now, having said all of this, I fish a ton. I rarely fish docks since, at least on the handful of lakes I regularly fish, I find them less productive. I realize most fishermen are conscientious and respectful. I don't feel I have more right to the water than those who are boating there. I do however have a different view of etiquette based on experience. Look at it this way, you don't own the street in front of your house and it is perfectly legal for people to park there. However, if they park there and start throwing a baseball which occasionally hits your car, start chucking cigarette butts on the ground, relieve themselves on the edge of your driveway,(yes I have seen a guy take a leak a few feet away from my dock) and toss litter onto your lawn, you are probably going to be upset and would prefer people didn't do that, in fact, just didn't park there at all, even though it is their right.
  9. Have spent the last 20 years writing comedy and making TV shows. Wouldn't trade it for anything.
  10. Meh, after 25 years of marriage I'm more comfortable on thin ice.
  11. Then you should probably not type racist comments to avoid the confusion.
  12. The thing is Roy, he did go there and rather than sugar coating it why not just say the board doesn't tolerate racists.
  13. I would just like to add that I am a moron. I hope that helps.
  14. Normally, looking past spelling and grammatical errors on forums is the norm given most are typographical errors; and most often don't hamper the opinion being stated. However, when the gist of that opinion is a statement meant to highlight the supremacy of one persons education then it does seem relevant. In short, if you are going to pen a long winded diatribe making fun of and dismissing the academic achievements of other people while glorifying your own, a passing attention to detail is needed. Sincerely, An uneducated, inbred, small town hick. 7 years for a 2 year college diploma that anyone over the age of 21 can walk into without a highschool diploma? Impressive...Lol did you have to do a read and write test,..or just count to ten on your fingers? or (Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter.) 9 ? toes? As for me,..I got (This correct word would be received or earned. The word “got” implies it was granted without work or effort.) an actual honors (Spelling) degree in Environmental Science majoring in earth and atmoshpheric (This is not how you spell the word.) and water science. You wouldnt (An apostrophe is needed in order to create a conjunction joining the words would and not.) understand (Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter. This is also a sentence fragment.) the level we go into. Many grads from your program tried to get into mine and got exempted from like (If you are going to use slang, and you shouldn’t {conjunction!}, it needs to be separated by a comma to be grammatically correct) 2 courses out of 40,...lol. the whole fisheries/wildlife part was kindof (This is not a word.) the bird course aspect...where we went to the tanks for the breeding and saw how they added extra dye to the fish to make them more colurful (This is not how you spell the word) ...for commercial operations. kindof (This is not a word.) like cosmetics...is that what you do? but seriously(Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter.) ,...Environmentally as a whole...the science of the soil, water and air and how we manage that for the ecosphere and human health is very complex...the fish part is relatively easy...hence the bird courses. for (Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter.) a guy working at Mcdonalds,..it may seem difficult or uadmiable (This is not a word.)...and dont (An apostrophe is needed in order to create a conjunction.) get me wrong...Im (An apostrophe is needed in order to create a conjunction.) glad you guys do what you do...although I have read many many (If you are going to double up on the word “many” to sell your point there needs to be a comma between them otherwise it reads as a redundancy.) studies and they are very flawed both scientifaically (This is not how you spell the word.) and from a self serving (“Self-serving” should be hyphenated in this instance.) job preservation point of view. Im(An apostrophe is needed in order to create a conjunction.) not even going to explain the higher level science,..becasue (This is not how you spell the word.) i ( “I” in the singular needs to be capitalized.) dont (An apostrophe is needed in order to create a conjunction.) think you will understnad. (This is not how you spell the word.) Ecology and fishery biology are not hard...you just have conflicting interests to deal with and have to choose when to sell out and when not to. I work in the alternative green energy development sector...new to North america (America should be capitalized.)...but gaining huge strides..Europe is doing well and Ontario is now the next leader in north america (North America should be capitalized.). Please just keep stocking my fish...so I can have fun...thank (s) bud!!! by the way (Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter.) ..Lose the chinooks, keep up the coho, steelhead, browns and atlantics I guess. so (Grammatically incorrect. A sentence needs to begin with a capital letter.) before making judgments,..either think or ask...
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