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Posts posted by joonmoon

  1. Yes well said Nautifish.


    And a happy B-Day to Rich. 21 Eh!


    Hey Bro ya gotta try it with us some day it's a blast with some good guys and humour to keep you warm. Some times after fishin with the boyz I have had a sore gut from all the laughing and horsin around.


    Where would the net be without all the joy these guys bring us. Hey Sleded sorry to bring it up again but gotta do it.


    Now where's that link.....? Ah here it is.



  2. Hey Rich, glad to see you were out and have decent ice there on lake X. I know you guys had fun and as far as a mess? I have fished with these fine young gentlemen in the past several times and when they leave so does all the garbage, so those of you who are bored and don't have anything to do but jump all over everyone while you sit on your butt at a computer....well you know where to ... :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: . And besides what mess are you refering to I don't see any???

    Hey Sleded what were you guys using for bait? And what portable hut did yas get?


    As far as the shoreline thats a natural shoreline and the branches lying around fall from the trees and ......well nevermind if you ever left your computer desk maybe you would know what nature looks like. I'm sorry if I sound irritated but I have had enough of the armchair bosses on here. Thats not what this board is for. GET A GRIP> :w00t::w00t:

  3. Well one things for sure.....the Polar Bear Club will be happy now.


    Ice......Concrete......I think theres a similarity......hmmmm.......cement.....and head come to mind as well.

    I wonder about some peoples children. What a bafoon. We should all get together and head up there and when we get there we could all laugh and cheer, clapping our hands and chanting obsenities at the fool. Too bad he didn't get hurt, the dumbdonkey.

  4. I bought all my rods and reel combos from Tall Tales in Cambridge and Walmart. I found CTC stuff is junk, spend a few bucks and get good quality rod and reel combos. Lures tipped with a minnow is good, jigs and berkley baits tipped with a minnow is good and sometimes just a simple drop line with a hook and minnow are needed. I do suggest you buy the best quality you can afford cause it sux losing a decent fish because your equipment is less than standard, such as the first photo and even the qualitity of the second one...I dunno...something about a company called Sub-Zero....naaa no good. Good luck.

  5. I bought a cheap kids sled from CTC and then strapped cut pvc pipes into the corners of an old milk crate as rod holders. Inside the milk crate I can fit wire rod holders, 2 ice scoops, and the propane Blackcat heater. The sled gets all the gear piled on and I pull it with one hand and carry a pail with a minnow bucket inside with the other hand. The following year I bought an Eskimo Quik Flip II portable sled and all the gear fits in it even better.

  6. Depends on what species I'm targeting. I used to have an 8" auger but after Feb it's more difficult so I switched to a 6" and find its much better for me for the entire season, since I usually target panfish anyway. I don't think the amount of light shining thru the hole really affects it but when I'm using a large bait for pike I like to clear away the snow so that fish can see the minnow. Deadstickin or live either way for Pike thats what works for me anyway.

  7. Funny how Raycroft he's so good and we luv him and really glad we finally got a goaltender and he's awesome....when they beat the Bruins there not so long ago, even though the bruins have beaten them more this season....even the other nite they beat the Panthers and oh Raycroft is so good bla bla :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1: and now he has a bad game...as a matter of fact the whole team has a really bad game and now we gotta get rid of Raycroft :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1::dunno: ......my my my just like a bandwagon Leaf fan....figures.

  8. Good news Chuck, I'm recovering from a spinal injury too. I have been 1 1/2 years out of work and will be returning in a week or so. Take your time to heal even if you feel really good it could be a false sence of security and you can reinjure weak tissue quite easily so take your time. Fresh air, and fishin should really help. Physio and stretching will take time but will help. Good luck and I too would like to be added to the free guide list. I'll be in touch when its good.

  9. To have an opinion is good thats how we communicate and debate topics of such discussion. If you are ripped for your opinion then thats not the intent of this web board. I myself feel bad for the bait dealers but Fishmaster has an entire tackle and charter business he runs and to lose a small portion of his business to save the future of the fisheries as per the MNR then to me thats a small price to pay. I think what the MNR is doin is whats best right now. The problem can only get worse if bait is transferred from one body of water to another. Besides if anyone needs bait go catch your own, I know in the Grand River in Dunnville its quite easy to scoop minnows with a dip net. Bait is everywhere go get your own. :P:sleeping_02:

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