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Posts posted by joonmoon

  1. Ya I was home in time to watch the Juniors too, nice officiating eh!

    Lake "X" was pretty bumpy, some of it was skatable near the weedbed that sticks out of the water. I only fished for just under 2 hrs, so ya caught everything cept a Crappie and a Bluey, only drilled a few holes too. B)

  2. My better half decided she wanted to get out and do some Boxing Day shopping...not for me only had a couple of hours so decided to try Lake "X" a local pond (as BBR would say). Drilled thru 6-8" of hard black ice and set up the fishfinder...14'. Big dead minnow and a jigging I will go. Not even 4 jigs up and down and bang first Pike of the day about 20".


    Reset and within minutes another, then another then the best fight of the day was this largie brute. Thumped the minnow and dogged for the bottom leaving my drag a singing, once up to the hole had some trouble getting him thru. A sloid 3 lber, awesome fight on 4lbs test. Ended the day with another small pike and a perch. All fishies were released in good health. Good start to this season.

  3. Tim Thomas for sure. That guy faces 25-35 shots average a nite and he pulls off some wicked saves. Thats why he's hurt right now trying to make a big save...Watched him the other nite...looked like a pulled groin....owww might be a few games off. Savard ain't no slouch either wicked assist man. B)

  4. Him and the Gecko have a side deal goin on right now that involves shipments from South America. Once the mob finds out there will be a hit out on them both. Maybe a witness protection program is needed here. Pokey...? Last I heard he was down from Brokeback Mountain and in a rehab center along with Lindsay Lohan and Britney. Could he be reformed back to a heterosexual...? Wait and see. :whistling:

  5. I wear RAY-BAN. got em from Sears for bout $250.00 when I ordered my safety glasses for work and my everyday glasses for home they gave me a discount...can't remember how much I saved but ended up with three new pairs for less than $400.00. I luv the Ray-Bans they wrap around blocking light from the sides too. Check out what Sears has. B)

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