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Posts posted by joonmoon

  1. Hey Big guy, ya I work a continental 12 hour shift. I go in on nites Fri, Sat and Sun. Then I have Mon and Tues off and back in Wed and Thurs nites. I have every other weekend off and I get one long weekend a month. I plan to get out as often during the week as I can to avoid the weekenders and the traffic. B)

  2. Hit the water at 9am and fished hard til 2pm.I started out slow and was trailing by 2 by the time I found the hookset accuracy. I played catch up and managed to tie Inspector Gadget several times but the freshly tied purple bluefox in the all time pike fav colors was too much to surpass.



    He finished the day with 9 Pike, his biggest was a 25". I was close behind with 8 Pike and the biggun of the day was 26 1/2".

    Caught a pike with some nasty tears in its side, either it was lunch that got away and survived or just spawning abuse not sure.



    Wind was wicked and the lake showed her whitecaps several times, burning out both batteries in the "Augustawind".

    Hot action and a hot day, all fish were released to fight another day as usual.

    Thanks for your time. B)

  3. Hey Bro nice job on the pond. Inspector Gadget and I are heading there on Thurs morn for some action, got something new I wanna try, will let u in on the secret if it pays off well. Can't wait for Ski opener. Might get out for some Craps too soon, good luck when ya go.

  4. My wife and I hit the pond again for our second Pikin this week. I landed 13 Pike from the squirt to 26" and she 7 Pike with the biggun of the day just shy of 30".



    In no time we figured out a decent pattern and spent the late morning gettin slimed. Lots of fun today and plenty of hungry fish.



    Met up with my Bro in his yak and shared the secret of the day puttin him onto some decent toothies as well. We left the water @ 1:30 pm so not sure how his final numbers made out but he was well on his way to double digits as well, I'm sure he'll pipe in here with results.




    Gotta luv the Bluefox.


    Once we got home we noticed the bumper on the van was squeakin as we drove upon further investigation... the frame has rusted out and the hitch bar and the bumper is pulling away from the frame when we haul the trailer....so now its time to get a new tow vehicle or the "Augustawind" will be parked, and we just can't have that now can we...lol. B)

  5. It was a great day, 3 boats including ours. There was no way I was going to start the Pike season off without the better half...she usually smokes me on the water but that day the fish gods were smiling upon me. We fish together all the time and my guess is she out fishes me 2-1 on most occasions. Hey Victor I have been known to peek out behind a fish for a photo once in a while...lol. B)

  6. My wife and I finally got out to start the Pike season after what seemed like a long time since the opener only days ago. First fish was the biggest 26" on my fav pink Bluefox second cast after launching.



    She got her first a 22" on a 6" Huskyjerk trolling up the lake from the launch.


    We fished from 2:30-5:30pm hitting some of the many hotspots we know of on the pond. I ended the day with 5 Pike landed, 2 short strikers and a Largie who after breaking water spit the Fox.


    She picked up her second and final fish of the day on the troll back to the launch. A decent start to the season...and I'm ready to go again.

  7. Hey Cliff, my buddy and I are planning to go to Innisfil Beach on Sunday as well. Maybe we'll see you and Beans out there. We are on foot since he's driving and won't drive on the ice, can't say I don't blame him. I don't know how far out we will walk and don't know the depths at all since I've never fished that area before but I just figured we would walk til we drop or look for the old holes and the fishermen and then set up and see what happens. We will be in a black Sub-Zero tent hut so if ya see us stop by and say hello. We will be departing K-W around 5am so should put us there around 7:30-8amish hopefully. Good luck. B)

  8. Yup Kerry is good I highly recommend him to all. We had a blast and ya Bro gotta say that the snaks were better than the superbowl itself, well until the second half anyways...lol. Sorry bout yur Pats, oh well been there before with the Bills so suk it up...lol. Hope this rain freezes up and we get out again for a few more eyes yet this winter. You should join us for a day on the hard water... :whistling:

  9. My wife and I had booked a hut with Kerry (Scugog ice huts) for Sat. After the storm we had Fri wasn't sure if we were gonna make it or not but it finished and blew across Ont with just enuff time to clean it up before we left Sat morn. Got to Scugog and loaded up his sled and taxi'd to our home for the day by 1pm. A warm four-man hut to ourselves...sweet. Within minutes we were icing dink perch with the odd keeper. :clapping:




    Warmin up to the eve bite for walleye.

    When the sun set and the witching hour was upon us we were ready. The eye bite was slow, at one point I noticed my line and minnow twitched differently then it had been, I slowly lifted the rod out of the holder and felt weight, gave it a few seconds more and slammed the hook home. We were fishing in 6-8' right on top of a weedbed so I wanted to get it up quik so as not to wrap in the weeds and lose em as I did earlier with a decent perch. Just as it popped out of the hole the hook let go with a panic and a lightning quik reflex I had my first Scugog Walleye on the ice...Yippeee.


    A couple more hours of nothing and we called it a day. Plan to eat em up yum for snaks later today....yummmmm.


  10. Cool Lew. Had an interesting thing in my backyard today with a Red Tail as well. He came by for a look at the bird feeder and was immediately swarmed by half a dozen Crows. They were squawkin up a storm and ran him right out of the neighbor hood. As I watched the onslaught of attacks he defended himself well and dam near grabbed a crow in mid flight. Seen more birds of prey in the last couple of years in the city forests and neighborhood bushes. Gotta luv it. Too bad for the pidgeon...lol. Survival of the fittest. B)

  11. My wife and I decided to hit Gilford today. There at 1pm, we walked out 1.5 km til we saw a pressure crack, "That's far enuff". We spent 2 hrs looking for aggressive perch finally after running and gunning fishing approx 20 holes, we found them. Ice was solid 5-8" and the perch were hungry. Kept 21 and released at lease that many again. She lost a super huge jumbo right at the hole, had a good look at it and it was by far the largest perch I've seen, around 15". The two fish in my hand are 12" to give ya some perspective as to size. Had a great day out and an interesting drive home, snow squalls, ice marbles, wet snow and finally rain. Hoping to get up there again soon. B)



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