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Posts posted by joonmoon

  1. Like Rich said, great for some small pannies(Bluegils mostly) and small hammerhandle to medium pikies. Haven't seen any crappies there. You can catch the occassional bass and one pond was stocked awhile ago with trout. Good for takin the kids out or if ya just wanna wet a line but I would suggest LPB after it freezes up. Better numbers and size there too. B)

  2. Any time you burn anything it will emit gases, CO2 usually is the biggest emission. Isn't CO2 the greatest factor in global warming...? Correct me if I'm wrong but a windmill doesn't have any emissions or nasty bi-products. Just pure energy, free and ready for human usage. Who cares how they look...eye-sore shmeye-sore. If the production of hydro electricity out weighs the consequenses of costs...even if it takes a decade or two to pay for it, doesn't it seem just right and ethically, morally and environmentally the thing to do. In my opinion build the windmills everywhere theres a fairly consistent breeze. They are huge and look a lot nicer than breathing in lousy polluted air from burning fossel fuels or garbage or anything for that matter. I say do just do it. :thumbsup_anim:

  3. A number of years ago I caught a 24" Smallie up near Parry Sound weighed 6.5 lbs, photo is on paper somewhere can't find it. Heres my biggest since then, 5.5lbs...



    Pike I have two both same length 40" caught at the West Arm of Nip in consecutive years...




    Walleyes I have never really caught any bigguns but here's my latest...




    Rainbows, well I don't target them normally and this one also recently caught was about 10 lbs...


  4. Joonmoon, you like the ice cube? I keep debating purchasing one, but hear mixed reviews.

    Hey Rich It sets up in seconds and keeps you out of the wind. I like it because it folds up into a dufflebag with shoulder straps about 3'long, doesn't take up near the room a hut with a sled does.

    My only issue with it is it's lack of portability. Everytime you wanna move you have to completely knock it down and re assemble, whereas the flip style huts are way more user friendly for moving around a lot. The cube anchors to the ice with large screws and straps with tension adjusters on it. Its not very rain proof so better suited for clear days or snowy days. Its a good buy for money you'll spend. Way cheaper than the flip huts. I would recommend it. B)

  5. Unions battle corporate big shots for their earned piece of the pie. The more the company raises the prices the more the penny should be divied up and spread out, not just lining the pockets of the CEO's and such. If the unions didn't fight for more then they wouldn't get more. On the same note the more the unions get the higher the price passed on to the consumer will be. Ultimately this has come to a head and now consumers can't afford to pay what the going price is because of job loss and lack of raises and inflation driving the market so far out of wack that....well here we are crapping out and no work and no money. How are we supposed to survive if something doesn't give. Giving the big handouts to corporations is not the way to fix the mess we got ourselves into. Nor is bailing out the consumers high credit cards, mortgages and debt. Why don't they stop some of the exports of oil and keep our own economy in check. Look after our own country for a change. In my opinion lowering rates and keeping gas prices a lot lower then they are might help us to recover from the mess we are in. B)

  6. Launched at the dockless Port Maitland ramp on the Grand River at Lake Eries' doorstep, needed to burn some gas so my better half and I trolled upstream to the dam. Once into the "S" bend we noticed a boat waving red flags in distress. Reeled up and headed to see what help we could provide. As we approached the two gentlemen I noticed the depthfinder rising drastically and found what their problem was. Stuck in the mud and stuck good too. Several failed attempts to tow them from the ooze and we decided to abandon their craft and give them a ride back to Fishmasters marina where they launched from. Given some advice from Steve and they were on their way. We on the other hand had come to fish and after picking up a doz minnows did just that.

    Headed to the dam set up and lost the first three good bites we had but my wife started the ball rolling and landed the biggun of the day. :clapping:


    I followed with my largest of the two I hooked and landed.




    So an hour or so in at the dam and we had lost several good fish, landed some real beauties and we are now down to the last minnow. I offered it to her hook and opted for a 3" green yum grub. First cast and half way back to the boat a huge thump, I set the hook and at the same time a very large fish swirls at boatside. It jumps straight up spits my grub and lands in the back of the boat flopping around on the floor. It freaked the two of us out and with hysterical laughing I grab it and release it into the livewell.



    What a blast, you don't have to beleive it and I know it sounds awefully far fetched but my wife and had thought it was karma paying us back for helping the gentlemen who had run their craft into a mudbar and were stranded for who knows how long if it weren't for us coming along.



    What a day and a great way to end the boating season as we winterize and store the "AUGUSTAWINDAGIN" this week. Now we can only walk and wade the river and dream of what 09 will bring. B)

    Dinner for two...


  7. Looks like bad news on the horizon for you guys but those rubber lips look awesome, never caught one that big. The river looks calm and inviting too. Might have to get out there next week. Prolly put the boat in in the lower for one last stab at some eyes and then be on foot til freeze up. Yas sure picked a beauty day to go, not many of those days left eh! :thumbsup_anim:

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