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About Anatz

  • Birthday 04/03/1988

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  1. Welcome to the shore club. I specialize in shore fishing and I have youtube channel if you want to check out all the different shore fishing areas. www.youtube.com/wheretofish Also my website is almost ready, wtfontario.ca To answer your question, I would try Canal Lake in Kirkfield,ON. There's a long stretch of road that cuts right through the lake and you have a long stretch of shore line on both sides of the lake that cuts into two. The West side is more choppy waters and it's deeper and the east side is more weedy and calm. Don't forget to subscribe! -Where to fish
  2. I think we should create a facebook group in support of a fishing pier being developed. Who's with me!
  3. The dock I right beside the beach and there are too many kids in the water close to be docks. You dont want to accidentally snag and leave hooks around. The floating dock is very tight when you want to cast out. Sometimes it would sink a bit because there are to many people on it. I think there's a reason why there is such a limited amount of shore access.
  4. I remember 2 years ago, I was fishing off the dock they put out during the late summer. I threw in a mini spinnerbait and caught a bass. I wouldn't recommend fishing at this lake because they use chemicals to get rid of weeds near the beach and shoreline area.
  5. I went there last year for camping at the end of August. Cypress Lake, very very shallow water, can't really cast from shore because theres no fish, mostly clear water and sand. It seemed like a beach designated shore line area. Try walking along the shores around the lake, maybe it gets deeper. I was bummed out because theres no spot that I know of to fish cypress lake from shore since it was my first time. The weather was terrible that weekend! Thunderstorm and wind! I wanted to fish near the grotto, but the water was very violent with waves thrashing along the shore. Apparently 3 people died from drowning that weekend. Anyways, enjoy your trip!
  6. I want crappie !

  7. This poll reminded me of a similar situation except it was a carp on the end of the line. This is a true story. I was at grenadier pond in Toronto and I was using a slip float with a berkley worm on a #12 hook. I casted it out right below me on the barge and all the sudden I see this huge shadow come out of no where and took my worm. I was using an ultralight 4 piece rod on a 6lbs mono test and I was so helpless. Everything happened so quickly and I had no time to cut the line without any scissors in sight. My only option was to fight the fish as the other fishermen watched with laughter because of the gear I had. To end of the story, the carp torpedo away and it took all the line off my spool. Luckily my rod didn't snap but I ended up going home early because I didn't have any extra line. Don't bother fighting the fish or you'll end up with a broken rod.
  8. I was looking at my facebook group pictures for grenadier pond and this fishermen I met the same day caught this " pike" which doesn't have the same coloration of the normal pike. This was last year but I'm still trying to figure out if this is a pike or musky. The picture quality is bad but hopefully someone can figure it out.
  9. how about just using artificial worms. The Berkley trout worms works better than the actual worm it self.
  10. I'm actually going to try the pond today using pieces of shrimp. Hopefully they would start biting by now. I'll let you know how it goes
  11. The ice is out but the fish has not moved in yet. Late April, you would be able to catch sunfish, crappie and perch. I'm developing a website dedicated to this pond since I go fishing there like 4 times a week during the summer. www.grenadierpond.com
  12. Anatz


    I've been to lake wilcox a couple of times. At this time of year, you won't be catching anything yet. There is only one public access to the lake and no motor boats are allowed in there. Map of the area you can fish - If you're shore fishing, you are only limited to this one stand alone public dock. They don't put out the dock until the beginning of June.
  13. Ok let me tell you, don't waste your time at Eglinton Flats. I live in Toronto and I always take the bus to go fishing. I've tried Eglinton Flats about 3 times, and there's hardly any fish in there. I've caught sunfishes in there but I didn't catch as much as I would at Grenadier Pond. Your best place to fish is @ Grenadier Pond. Large Mouth, Pikes, Carps, Crappie, Perch, White Perch, Bullheads, sunfishes are the common fishes caught there. Check out my facebook group for pictures. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=11264048386
  14. If you want to fish from shore in Toronto, go to grenadier pond. You get off at High Park station and make your way down the path to the pond. I have a facebook group for this pond. Just search "High Park" or "Grenadier Pond". Great fishing in this pond, lots of 3.5 +lb bass. Also, you may want to try the Toronto Islands.
  15. It's ironic how I'm totally against hunting with guns,bows and etc. But yet I find nothing wrong with fishing. Well the only difference is, I don't kill what I catch, I release it back..I guess I'm still a hunter.
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