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Everything posted by addy79

  1. thanks guys, I've never heard of them, there really light and the do look good. I'll probably pass on em...
  2. nice! thanks Roy...
  3. on sale for $140. Is this a good deal? does it cover a lot of lakes in ontario?
  4. In the US right now and thinking of grabbing one, anyone have any experience with these rods? input? thanks!
  5. OMG AWESOME RIDE WAYNE MOPAR MUSCLE 426??? looks like its in mint shape, did you restore it? im jealous...
  6. you drive a superbird???! what year? my dad's got a roadrunner. nice ride!
  7. aren't there bigger fish to fry on our "Mean" streets than a couple kids smokin a johnny?? honestly...
  8. bahahahahahaa
  9. hahhaha...its funny you say that, i swear i was gonna throw a leaf crack in there but chose not to.
  10. The age of the players really showed in teh third, NO WAY professionals would fold up like a wet rag in the third no matter what pressure they faced, good learning experience for them down the road though. the ruskies played great, they deserve to celebrate however they see fit. obviously there gonna go competely bonkers after that win, 5 un answered goals in the third against the worlds hockey power house... dont hate!
  11. there hockey players, bud...
  12. I say Cowfish. Caught one in Cuba too
  13. and isnt he a toronto boy??
  14. Red wings all the way!! Tony Lima was my best coach, EVERRRRRR
  15. gotta say it again, Versteeg played a great game. maybe im biased because hes my sleeper pick in all my pools! He seems to be most comfortable playing deeper lines, but man, he tears it up on the PP!! Not sure why Wilson doesnt put him n kessel on the same line more often... I know its not so easy with the cap, but we should trade kabbie for Brad Richards im just sayin...
  16. thanks
  17. can you expand on that?
  18. ahhhh, i see... I was expecting an ingenious way of using a potato to gauge ice thickness LOL good to know
  19. I've gone a few times, but no idea what a "spud" is... please advise
  20. thanks everyone, ended up finding a set of steelies for only $100 on Kijiji. GOOD CALL! got em just in time!
  21. huh???
  22. anyone know of a good place to buy steel rims in the GTA?
  23. I fished Ocho Rios a few years back, had a blast. I passed on the chartered tours as the cost was pretty hefty. I ended up approaching one of the fishermen in his boat along the shore and asked if he would be willing to take me along for a small amount, I gave him $50 which he was very appreciative of. We ended up fishing the reef directly in front of where Dunns river falls flows into the ocean. caught a tonne of snapper, barracuda, etc. great times, only a fraction of the cost too... there are soo many fish in that water i really dont think it would matter what bait/lures you used. you should also go snorkling along the massive reef. THOUSANDS of fish to be seen!! great time
  24. my bad, its the 383C http://store.humminbird.com/products/307019?product_id=dcdf75323265a8b70f105c52071c5dcd
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