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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. Just make sure the river on your friends property is part of the year round, or extended season exceptions. Otherwise its likely a sanctuary now, until the 4th saturday in April.
  2. We'll do our best to git out next year to a couple of the stretches I frequent. Not gonna guarantee anything, but they are very low traffic areas
  3. Hahaha....this is true. I met him at a clave a couple years back. The book on the other hand doesn't reflect any of that...
  4. Steelhead Dreams, by Matt Supinski. Although its directed more towards the fly angler, over half the book is dedicated to habits, reading water, timing runs, etc. Awesome book by far!
  5. I'll definitely do that man.
  6. Hah! Maybe next spring/summer we can try and hook up for a day out on the water bud. dave
  7. No problem fellas! And don't forget about the Grand River Spey Clave coming up on October 15th. The entire day is free, and there will be tons of casting instructors out as well as lots of gear to play with. Details are in the announcements section.
  8. Thanks folks. Was an awesome weekend indeed. Now the only problem is the 7 month wait to do the resident trout thing. I guess I'll just have to focus on Musky, Rainbows and Browns for now!!!!
  9. Managed to get out to my favourite Grey/Bruce trout stream last friday to close out the trout season. This particular stream had it pretty rough this year with the lack of rain. Luckily in the days leading up to closer last week we got a bunch of rain, which put the river up nicely. This river is a gem to fish, mainly because its full of good sized browns that are usually quite willing to play. The day was cold, overcast and rainy.....perfect for stream trout! We started out with many smaller fish taking wooly buggers and various nymph patterns. The brookies we're in full spawning dress, beautiful! Needless to say, there were lots of those, as well as quite a few little bows to be had. Justin got this colourful rainbow swinging a bugger through a fast run. The top of this stretch, near the access point gets fished pretty heavily, and large fish are scarce. Those willing to hike a ways downstream through a gauntlet of Cedars and other tangles are generally rewarded with some bigger fish. Its tough getting down there, but well worth it. On 4 consecutive casts, I managed 4 browns ranging from 15 to 18 inches. I wasn't complaining!! It was pretty funny actually. Usually when you take a fish over 12 or 13 inches from a pool, anything else in there of any size spooks and won't come out to play....not the case this time though! I figure they were probably starting to pair up for the spawn as I did get a good mix of bucks and hens. We fished till dark, then grabbed a hotel room and some grub, a couple glasses of scotch and some rest. Fished a GB trib for a few hours on saturday in search of steel before heading home. The river was actually up quite a bit, and pretty dirty. Less than 4 inches vis. Saw a few silver flashes, but no solid hookups at all. More Justangles, of course!! Finished out an awesome trout season, on an awesome little stream..... Fall is here, bring on the CHROME!!!!
  10. Being that fall is here, and soon enough the pesky salmon will be done their thing, I though I might share a few videos we put together to help get the newer fly anglers set for the runs of Brown trout and Rainbow trout on the tribs.We put this together about a year ago to help some of the newer fly anglers in their pursuits for great lakes steelhead and brown trout. This collection of videos should help you get started. We’re lucky to have such great spawning runs of migratory trout in this area, and we should all take advantage of the extended seasons we have in the fall, as well as taking advantage of spring time runs of migratory rainbows once the regular trout season has opened. Fly Rod Selection – Selecting the right Fly Fishing Rod for great lakes steelhead, salmon and migratory brown trout. Terminal Tackle – What you should be sure to have in your vest when targeting great lakes steelhead. Everything from strike indicators to split shot are covered here. Indicator Setup for Great Lakes Steelhead – Two highly effective steelhead fly fishing indicator setups. Best Flies for Great Lakes Steelhead- An excellent assortment of flies that should be in every great lakes steelheaders fly box. Egg Fly Materials for Steelhead and Brown Trout – Covering different materials to use when tying up different egg fly patterns for great lakes steelhead and migratory brown trout. If anyone has questions about any of the videos, feel free to ask, I'm all ears! Also, don't forget about the Grand River Spey Clave coming up on October 15th. Details are posted in the Announcements section here
  11. Absolutely CCMT! Whether it be salmon and browns in the fall, or rainbows in the spring, we all need to be aware of where we are walking.
  12. Seeing as its that time of year again, and the fish have definitely started spawning in a few systems, I figured we could take a moment to look at something that is often overlooked by folks, especially those that are new to fishing the tribs for salmon, browns and bows. Many of these migratory species have naturally reproducing populations. The extent of that natural reproduction varies from trib to trib, but none the less, natural reproduction exists. Avoiding trampling spawning redds is one of the key factors in ensuring these natural populations are able to carry on unimpeded. Once you know what you are looking for, its pretty easy to avoid stepping on these. Heres a video that shows exactly what a spawning redd looks like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKVEoxRgrEg Please folks, try to avoid trampling on these areas while you are out on the rivers! Tight lines folks!!
  13. Never heard of an "Ass Fly" before.....maybe thats why it was such a joke for you? Why is it that fly guys take such a beating on this board? I mean really, I frequent quite a few boards, and this one has to be the worst one for fly fishing discussions. It seems that whenever the topic comes up, someone has something negative to say about it. Alot of people love the sport, and likely 99.9% of them are as far from elitist as you can get, much like any other method of fishing. And just for the record....Yes, Fly Fishing is a Joke! FLY FISHING IS A JOKE
  14. Doh! I knew there was a piece to this puzzle I was missing! Those are some smart fish coming all the way over here to spawn!!
  15. I know buddy, yer on top of it
  16. Nice to see the title of the thread was changed.....
  17. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/mnr_e001336.pdf theres the regs..... If coho and chinook salmon aren't pacific salmon, what are they?
  18. Heh.....When rivers get named on open forums, it tells me exactly where NOT to go!!!
  19. Hey Mike, You can pretty much use any of those items the same way you would use roe or any other live bait. Its basically going to be hitting the right depth, as well as fishing the right sections in any given run/pool, etc. You should add some nymphs into that arsenal such as stoneflies, caddis, and mayfly nymphs. When steelhead are young, they spend at least one year in their natal streams. While there, they are feeding on nymphs more than anything else. When they return to spawn, natural instinct takes over and they'll hit nymphs simply out of what they know as food from their juvenile years. Dave
  20. The speed river here in guelph has carp, bass and pike. PM me if you want some spots to hit
  21. Likely due to the drought. Every reservoir in southern Ontario that I've seen in the last couple of weeks has been down at least 2-3 feet if not more.
  22. Jeez.. I could care less personally as I don't fish L O tribs much, but thats exactly whats adds to the crap.
  23. First question you need to answer for yourself is what species you want to target. Different Rods for different species, and different flies as well. You wouldnt want to use a 4wt for steelhead, salmon, pike, etc. And you wouldnt want to use a 8wt for small creek trout fishing. Best advice would be to hit up a fly shop and try out a few rods. Talk to them, tell them what you want to target and they'll get you started with the gear you'll need to do that. Where abouts might you be? I know quite a few fly shops in Ontario, and might be able to point you in the right direction.
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